HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 34 - 4-14-1944 - COMMISSIONER30 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ROSS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTtT, JOHN N. O'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS MONONGAHELA PUBLISHING CO. (Copy. of Note) $50,000.00 April 14, 1944. f On August 5, 1944, with interest from date, at rate of one per cent. (1%) per annum, THE I j COUNTY OF WASHINGTON promises to pay to the order of the WASHINGTON UNION TRUST COMPANY, Washington,I ( I Pa., at the Office of the Washington Union Trust Company, Washington, Pa., FIFTY THOUSAND ($50,000.0Q) r DOLLARS, without defalcation, for value received. The presentment for payment, protest, notice of 1 protest and non-payment of this Note is waived. This Note is issued free of all taxes levied by thel i i Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which said taxes the County of Washington assumes and agrees to pay. This Note is issued by virtue and in pursuance of a Resolution of the County Commissioners' y of said County, adopted at a meeting thereof, duly called and held, certified copy of which is hereto attached. i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The County Commissioners of the County of Washington, having duly caused this note to be issued and executed by them in the name of said county and the Corporate Seal'of said county to be hereto affixed, attested by the Clerk of the County Commissioners and countersigned ° by the County Controller. i THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON (SEAL) By ROSS R. CUMMINS FRANCIS E. PETTIT ATTEST: JOHN N. O'NEIL W. W. CRONER County Commissioners Clerk of County Commissioners COUNTERSIGNED: HARVEY STUART _ County Controller (SEAL) i e f j NO. 34 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., Apr. 14, 1944. j I Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummins, i , j Mr. Pettit and Mr. O'Neil. Minute No. 32 read and approved. j Motion duly made and seconded that the following Resolution be adopted: I "Be It Resolved by the County Commissioners of Washington County that the plans submitted by the Department of Highways for the changing of State Highway Route 62102, I Bridge #1 Morris & .Amwell Townships between Stations 205 50 and 211�71.12 and Stette Highway Route 62128, Amwell Township between Stations 788 and 87/50, have been I examined and the County Commissioners agree that the County will not assume liability I for any property damages resulting from the construction of the highway as contemplated j by these plans, or any damages arising out of any changes or alteration of drainage i resulting from the construction or maintenance of the highways, or any damages resulting to any property or holdings of any Public Utility Company; or any and all damage resulting I to any coal or other minerals in and underlying the property effected by this improvement." j j Motion carried. i I i I I MtNIr..iTE BOOK 3.1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ROSS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, JOHN N.OINEIL, COMMISSIONERS .0NONGAHELA PUMUSHiNG 00. E 1 Motion duly made and seconded that the following Resolution be adopted: "Be It Resolved by the County Commissioners of Washington County that the plans submitted by the Department of Highways of the changing of State Highway Route 62104,- Bridge !T1, Donegal & Independence Townships, between stations 4/50 and 18/00, have been examined and the County Commissioners agree that the County will not assume liability for any property damages resulting from the construction of the highway as contemplated by these plans, or any damages arising out of any changes or alteration of drainage resulting from the construction or maintenance of the highways, or any damages resulting to any property or holdings of any Public Utility Company; or any and all damage resulting i to any coal or other minerals in and underlying the property affected by this improvement." i Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the Polling Place in the second Precinct of the Fifth Ward of Washington be designated as "Air Raid Post 16, 542 Rural Ave., also facing on Springfield Ave.", petition for said change having been duly presented to the Board prior to j ten days before election and notices of contemplated change posted as required by law. The i j rental for above polling place is hereby fixed at $15.00 for each Primary and each Election. i Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that approval be given to the recommendation of the Chief Clerk that the rental of the Polling Place in the First Precinct of Donora, designated as "Room at 90 Castner Ave. owned by Mrs. Woodburn", be changed to $15.00 for each Primary and each Election. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned. 1 THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPR011FD: APRIL 21, 1944. 1 ATTEST: I NO. 35 Office of the County Commissioners i Washington, Pa., April 17, 1944. Board of County Cot�missioners in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummilns, Mir. Pettit and Mr. O * Neil. Minute No. 33 read and approved. Motion by 11r. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the resignation of Ralph W. . Robison as Tax Collector in Fallowfield Township be accepted, and that Eva C. Sphar be appointed to serve as Tax Collector of Fallowfield Township for the unexpired term of office of the said } Ralph W. Robison, to -wit to the first Monday of January, 1946, in accordance with the Act of 1 May 1, 1933, P. L. 103, Section 423. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the Polling Place in the Second Precinct of the Second Ward of Canonsburg be designated as "Canonsburg Armory, 2 West College Street"; that the I 1 - . polling place in the Third Precinct of the Second Ward of Washington be designated as "Room in Bradford Residence,'122 Church Street"; and that the Polling Place in the Second Precinct of the Borough of Donora be designated as "Vacant Storeroom at Corner of Chestnut and Brokaw 1 1