HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 15 - 2-18-1944 - COMMISSIONER14 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ROSS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, JOHN N. ❑'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS Motion carried, with County Controller Stuart present when this action was taken and instructed to return the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders. i There being no further business before the meeting, it was adjourned. ; THE FOREGOING MMTE READ AND APPROVED Feb. 180 1✓99". ' ATTEST: / / i ! N0. 14 Office of the County Commissioners i Washington, Pa., February 16, 1944. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, specially called, those present being Messrs. Cummins, Pettit and O'Neil. Motion regularly moved and seconded, that the County Controller be authorised to advertise j for bids for the printing of 10,000 copies of the County Controller's Annual Report books for the year 1943; such bids to be received in the Office of the County Controller until 11 a.m., EVTT, I I Monday, February 28, 1944, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commi.ssionei�s; i fproposal blanks and copy may be obtained in the Office of the County Controller; certified check in the amount of W.00 must accompany each bid and the right is reserved by the County to reject amy or all bids. Motion carried. There being no further business before the meeting, it was adjourned. THE FOREGOLNG MINUTE 1 READ AM APPROVED: Feb. 18, 1944. ATTEST: NO. 15 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., February 18, 1944 r Board of County Comni.ssioners in regular session, those present being Messrs. Cummins, 4 Pettit and O'Neil. Minutes Nos. 12, 13 and 14 read and approved. Motion by Mre Pettit, seconded by Mr. O'Neil, that the Chief Clerk be authorized to renew j the lease between Washington County Fire Insurance Comap=W and Washington County Commissioners, ! for office rooms known as Nos. 4, 5, 6 and % on the second floor of Washington County Fire Insurance Building, No. 55 South Main St., Washington, Pa., occupied by the Agricultural Conservation Association, for a period of one year from the first day of May, 1944, for the yearly rent or sum of $720oOO, payable at the rate of $60.00 per month. Motion curried. C Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Ire O'Neil that the joint contract of Washington and n Westmoreland Counties with West Penn Power Company for lighting of the County Bridge spanning the 4 MINUTE B®OK 15 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA R❑SS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J❑HN N. ❑'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS 1 C Monongahela River between Donora (Washington County) and Webster (Westmoreland County), be re- newed., cost of service to be shared by the two counties in equal proportions. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that Mrs. Rose Hayes be employed as a Cleaner in the Court House, to replace Mrs. Anna Fisher, resigned, effective February 16, 1944, and covering the period from that date until the first Monday in January, 1945, with the proviso that she may be dismissed upon thirty days* notice; and that Charles Maze be employed as Assistant Building Engineer, to replace George Cottle, resigned, effective February 16, 1944, and covering the period from that date until the first Monday in January, 1945, with the proviso that he may be dismissed upon thirty days* notice. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the Building Superintendent be instructed to obtain proposals for furnishing and placing three coats of paint, in accordance and adjoining Parole and Probation Office with Pa. Dept. of Highways Specifications, in the Clerk of Courts' Office/; also,to obtain proposal i for furnishing and placing suitable floor covering in the adjoining enclosed office occupied by the'Probation and Parole Department, said floor covering to be linoleum of the same weight and pattern as that in the Clerk of Courts* Office; also, that he be instructed to remove and replace I j such equipment as is necessary to be moved to accomplish above work, at such times and in such I manner as required to facilitate completion of same. Motion carried. ( Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the Chief Clerk be authorized to f approve for payment invoices dated January % 1944 and January 21, 1944, in the amounts of a $1OO.32 and 618.11, respectively, presented by the District Attorney for floor covering and window shades in his office; also, that he be instructed to inform the District Attorney by letter of the disapproval of the Board of Commissioners as to the procedure in obtaining said I items. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned. • • • a. i pArl i ...• ar 3 Feb. 260 1944 i j ATTEST:�' NO. 16 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., February 21, 1944. Joint meeting of the County Commissioners and County Controller called for the purpose of opening bids in accordance with the advertisement of the County Controller for the printing i ! and delivering of the necessary ballots for the conduct of the Primary Election on Tuesday, April 25, 1944, and also for furnishing and delivering the necessary election supplies for use at the said Primary. Present for the County Commissioners was Francis E. Pettit. County Controller Stuart also present.