HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 29 - 3-29-1944 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA R❑SS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J❑HN N. ❑INEIL, COMMISSIONERS MGNONGAHELA PUSLISHING CG. i 190. 28 I Office of the County Commissioners i Washington, Pa., March 27, 1944. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummins, Mr. Pettit and Mr. O'Neil. i Minutes Nos. 26 and 27 read and approved. Motion duly made and seconded that the County Treasurer be authorized to abate penalty ! li and interest on delinquent 1958 County Tax assessed in Cross Creek Township on property owned by 'M Joe Mambu in the Knox Plan, Avella, Pa. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: i March 50, 1944. I ATTEST: i NO. 29 I Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 29, 1944. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, specially called, those present being i Mr. Cummins, Mr. Pettit and Mr. O'Neil. Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that Dr. Thomas M. Gilland, of California, I j Pa., be appointed a member of Washington County Council of Defense to replace H. We Linville, 4 1 resigned. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the County of Washington has outstanding bonds in the amount of approximately 2,537,000.00 which were issued many years ago for road construction; and WHEREAS, by the terms of the said bond issue, bonds in the approximate amount of $160,000.00 mature yearly and will do so for a period of approximately sixteen years when all the said bonds will have been retired; and WHEREAS, in order to better provide for the redemption of the said bonds, the County Commissioners dean it to be an advantage to the County and the taxpayers thereof that a sinking fund commission be created under and by virtue I of Article IV of the Act of May 2, 1929, P. L. 1278; j NO17, THEREMRE, BE IT RESOLVED that a sinking fund commission be created in and for Washington County under Article IV of the Act of May 2, 1929, P. L. 1278, to be composed of the County Commissioners, the County Controller and the County Treasurer, for the purpose of extinguishing the present county debt represented by the County Bonds now outstanding and unpaid; all moneys applied to the sinking fund to be under the charge of the said commission, in accordance with the Act of Assembly aforesaid. j Motion carried. I Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the following resolution be adopted: 6 WHEREAS, the County of Washington has created a Sinking Fund Commission under the Act of May 2, 1929, P. L. 1278, for the purpose of extinguishing the county debt represented by bonds of Washington County now outstanding and unpaid; and 1 MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA R❑SS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J❑HN N. ❑'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS MONON3AHELA PI]Hif9H1NO CO. 27 L7� WHEREAS, there is at present a balance in the general fund of 200,000.00 that can and may be applied to the sinking fund on August 5, 1944, until which time the said balance must be made available for county purposes in order to make unnecessary the borrowing of current funds by the said county until county taxes for the year 1944 will be paid in a sufficient amount to provide for said expenses; NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that from the balance in the general ' fund the County of Washington apply and pay into the sinking fund of the 1 County the sum of 200,000.00, to be applied and paid into the said ! fund on August 5, 1944. i i Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: March 30,, 1994jr4, ATTEST: 1'ap ,-�- NO. 30 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., Mar. 30, 1944. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, triose present being Mr. Cummins, Mr. Pettit and Mr. O'Neil. Minutes Nos. 28 and 29 read and approved. Lotion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the County Controller be authorized to advertise for unit bids on books requested by the present Judge of the Orphans' Court, required by law to be furnished upon application for use of the Orphans' Court; such bids to be received in the Office of the County Controller until 11 a.m., EffT, Friday, iApril 21, 1944, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners; proposal blanks may be obtained in the Office of the Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners; certified check in the amount of $100.00 must accompany each bid, and the right is reserved by the County to reject any or all bids. Motion carried. There being no further business to cane before the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned. April 10,, 19�4-49 ATTEST: / �' /► ��%l-.