HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 313 - 9-25-1942 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, ROSS R. CUMMINS, JOHN N. O'NEIL. COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON COMPANY, Pittsburgh, Pao 186 Boxes General Election Supplies 1942 with names of eounty-wide candidates printed on return sheets, tally papers; the necessary computing books with manes of Bounty -wide candidates printed therein; and each box to contain a revised edition of "`the Voter's Guide"; for the sum of 05.fi2 Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. O'Neil, that the contract for the aforementioned electiot supplies for the General Election to be held November 3, 1942, be awarded to the William G. Johnston Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., at their bid of 805.62. Motion carried. In connection with the delivery of the ballot boxes, ballots and election supplies for the coming General Election, the following bid was presented% T. M. BEDILLION, R. D. #4, Washington, Pa. Delivery of ballot boxes, ballots and election supplies to Judges of Elections in 184 voting precincts $275000 Motion duly made and seconded that the Chief Clerk be instructed to contact T. M. Bedillion, advising him of the creation of a new voting precinct in Washington County, thereby making the total number of voting districts 185, rather than 1S4, as specified in the bid covering the delivery of the election supplies. Action in the matter of the awarding of the contract for the delivery of the aforementioned election supplies to be deferred until the bid of T. M* Bedillion is corrected so as to cover delivery to the full number of voting districts now existing in Washington County. Motion carried. r, There being no further business before the joint meeting, it was adjourned. ,J e R , w..,� f September 25, 1942 ATTEST: NO. 313 Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., September 25, 1942, Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Messrs. Berryman, Cummins and O'Neil. Motiog duly made and seconded that the action taken by the Board in Minute No. 304, under date of June 22, 1942, with reference to the satisfaction of the liens improperly entered against the Piedmont Coal Company and/or The Berkshire Coal Company, be amdended to the end that either the County Solicitor or Irene Merlin, Clerk in the County Commissioners' Office, be authorised to execute the necessary satisfaction of the said liens entered improperly in the Prothonotary's Office, Lotion carried. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. O'Neil, that the following Resolution be adopted, to -wits I WHEREAS, it has been made to appear to the County Commissioners of Washington County, Pennsyl- vania, that all taxes levied and assessed against the respective interests of Piedmont Coal Company in and to the tracts of coal described in the Tax Deeds set forth on the attached list (For attached list, see Deed Book No. 660, Page 477, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds) were paid prior to any tame sales; and MINUTE BOOK 25 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, ROSS R. CUMMINS, JOHN N. O'NEIL. COMMISSIONERS VMREAS, by inadvertence said Tax Deeds were so made that it would appear on the face of same that they included also interests of Piedmont Coal Company, while it was the intention of said deeds to include only certain respective interests who or which held title in common with Piedmont Coal Company, and it was not intended to include the respective interests of Piedmont Coal Company; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Pennsylvania, by reason of the above, disclaim, and said Board hereby disclaims to the Berkshire Coal Company, its successors and assigns, on behalf of and on account of the County of Washington, Pennsylvwi.- ia, any and all right, title and interest of, in and to the respective interests of Piedmont Coal Company in the tracts of coal and land situate in Amwell, Morris, North Franklin, South Franklin, and South Strabane Townships, Washington County, Pennsylvania, which might have ao- crugd or could accrue to the said County of Washington by reason of said Tax Deeds, a list of which is attached hereto (for attached list, see Deed Book No. 660, Page 477,E in Recorder of Deeds" Office) and which, by reason of the manner in which said deeds were worded, might be construed as conveying the interests of Piedmont Coal Company, when the true intent of said Deeds was not to convey said interests, the Berkshire Coal Company being the successor in title of Piedmont Coal Company. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that approval be given to the preparation of a voucher in favor of We R. Dennison, attorney for John W. Neason and Elsie Neason, in the amount of $482,96, representing the compromise settlement of $400.00 agreed to, plus the court costs of 82.96. This compromise is in connection with the suit brought at No. 62 November Term, 1941, A.D., for damages to the Ne4son property which they claimed to be due to the w,j;er backing up on June 4, 1941, under the bridge at Grandville, known as East Pike Run No. 5. Chairman Berryman called for remarks in connection with the foregoing motion and Commis - sinner O'Neil offered the following: "It is my opinion that in view of the outcome of the trial of the case and the questionable verdict rendered, the case should be continued to a final conclusion by the court and the jury as a guide for future cases of a similar nature% Question was called for on the motion, and the motion was carried. Motion duly made and seconded that approval be given to the execution of the agreement between Washington County and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, dated August 21, 1942, coverift the privilege to construct, use, maintain, renew and remove a reinforced concrete storm surer pipe line across the property of the said railroad company not in operating use in Fast Bethle - hem Township, opposite a point on the Ellsworth Branch, 260 feet south of Marianna Station, and that approval also be given to the payment of $20.00 in favor of the said railroad company, representing the fee for cost of preparation of plan and agreement in connection with the afore- mentioned agreement. Motion carried. The Board confirmed the receipt of the resignation of (the resignation of)Mrs. Rox nnA W. Taylor, Assessor in the 6th Ward of the City of Washington on September 11, 1942, action in the, matter of the acceptance of the said resignation being deferred until a later date. 241 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, ROSS R. CUMMINS, JOHN N. O'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS The reading and approval of Minutes No. 310-311 on September 11, 1942, was confirmed by the Board, and Minute No. 312 was also read and approved. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned until 3 F.M., the Board to meet at that time in joint session with the County Controller for the purpose of awarding the contract for the necessary ballots for use at the General Election to be held November S. 1942. I i THE FOREGOING MINUTES I REAR AND APPROVED: October 5, 1942 ATTEST: I ---------- NO. 314 Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., September 25, 1942. R Board of County Commissioners in joint session with,t,the County Controller for the purpose of awarding the contract for the necessary ballots for use at the General Eledtion to be held November j3, 1942; present for the County Commissioners, Messrs. Berryman, Cummins and al Neil; County Controller Stuart present* Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. O'Neil, that the contract for the aforementioned ballots be awarded to the Monongahela Publishing Company and the Ward Printing Company at their joint bid of 1500.00 for 105,000 regular Official Ballots, more or less, 25,000 regular Official Specimen Ballots, more or less, and the necessary specimen ballots for use of the County Chairman of each i political party as required by Section 1008(c) of the Election Code (Act No. 320 - 1937), for the reason that it appears that the said joint bid of the Monongahela Publishing Company* and the Ward Printing Company is the lowest and best bid submitted in view of the fact that it appears that a lesser number of ballots will be required than specified in the advertisement of the County Con- troller, and for the further son that the credit allowance for the number of ballots actually irequired, as compared to the number of ballots specified in the aforementioned advertisement, is I greater than any credit allowance in any other bid submitted, and for the further additional reason that the said bid, as compared tD the other bids submitted, is low for any re -runs necessary because of any error on the part of the county. Motion carried, with the County Controller present when j this action was taken by the Board, he being hereby duly authorised to return the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders. Motion by Mr, Curv4ssl, seconded by Mr, 0=Neil, that the contract for the delivery of the ballot,;, ballot boxes and necessary election supplies for use of the election officers at the General Electiox to be held November 3, 1942, be awarded to T. M. Bedillion, R. D. #4, Washington, Pa,, for the sum of 275.00 for the delivery of the said ballots, ballot boxes and election supplies to the election j officers of the 185 voting districts now comprising Washington County. Motion carried. jThere being no further business before the joint meeting, it was adjourned. ! THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: October 5, 1942. ATTEST:.,