HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 374 - 10-11-1943 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, ROSS R. CUMMINS, JOHN N. O'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS 1 9 I- I Motion duly made and seconded that the proposal of T. M. Bedillion, R. D. #4, Washington Pennsylvania, be accepted at the price of $299.00 submitted by him to the Board on this date for the delivery of the ballots, ballot boxes and election supplies for use at the Municipal Election to be held November 2, 1943. Notion carried. Minutes No. 371 and 372 were read and approved by the Board. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. October 11, 1943 ATTEST: ' NO. 374 office of the County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., October 11, 1943. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Messrs..Berryman, Cummins and O'Neil. Motion by Mrs Cummins that the following Resolution be adopted by the Board to -wit:_ TM WHEREAS, Our country is now engaged in a great conflict, involving millions of men and women; and WHEREAS, As much as may deplore the fact, many casualties can reasonably be expected to occur, some of them invralying residents of Washington 0ounty; and WHEREAS, The Washington County Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that the Federal Government should be responsible for the burial of all service men and women who die while in active military service but, unfortunately, the Federal Gov t has failed to pr%wrly pro- vide for all the expenses of such burials in some cases, and application has been made to the Board of Commissioners to contribute toward the funeral expenses of such deceased service per- sons where the Federal Government has failed to provide for the full amount thereof; and 1GIEREAS, The Board of Commissioners recognizes their moral and legal duty to contribute in all -such cases where the Federal Government has failed to provide for the fall amount thereof; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington County Board of Commissioners hereby autbov*zes a Con- tribution, not to exceed the sum of $75,00 toward the funeral expenses of each.deceased serviq$ person dying or killed in active military service, where proper application has been wade - for, where the total expense of the funeral does not exceed 1400.00, and the Federhk Government has failed to provide for all such funeral expenses, and where the deceased service person at the time of his or her death, had his or her residence in the county; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, _"that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to every A04rican Legion Post and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Washington County, Chattman Berryman called for remarks on the foregoing resolution and Commissioner O'Neil offered the followings MR. 01NEIL: I do not feel that any such resolution is necessary for the reason that direc- tive provisions for such payment have been and are made in the Acts of Assembly governing such cases. The same situation exists now as in the past. This matter was called to the attention of the Board in September, 1942, when application was aside for the burial of Lt. Andrew Kulik at which time the payment was refused and, to the best of my knowledge, any subsequent applica- tions have been similarly disapproved. The provisions of the law in effect at that time were clear enough in their intent and are more so now since the amendments passed in the recent Session of the Legislature became effective May 31, 1943. If this resolution contained the provision whereby the full services of the Veterans' Graves Registrar would be rendered as pro- vided by law, and as it applies to veterans of previous wars as well as to the men and women and their families of the present war. I might feel inclined to approve it. I do approve, how- ever, of the provision $or a copy of this resolution going to each American Legion Post and MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, ROSS R. CUMMINS, JOHN N. O'NEIL. COMMISSIONERS 12 S9 WARD PRINTING (O 72323_ ,_ ^_` Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Washington County, and would further suggest that inhere applioa- i dons have been refused, some notice lae given to the families and to the funeral directors in- volved. I regret that this action was not taken to approve such claims as they were presented i since it is a matter of personal interest to those affected, and should have been taken care of at the proper time. Question called for: Voting "Aye", Messrs. Berryman and Cummins, Mr. O'Neil not voting for the reasons set forth in the foregoing remarks. This being a majority, the -.motion was declared carried. j Motion duly made and seconded that the County Treasurer be authorized to cancel the Treasurer's Tax Sale of May 24, 1942, in the name of Bertha Sandor, lst Ward, Canonsburg Borough, covering tames i ? for the year 1936 on property descilbed as Lot No. 30, 2nd Street, McNary Plan, No. 2, in the sold' borough, such sale being in error in view of the fact that the said assessment was in duplication with that of Andy Rostyo who holds tax receipts for the payment of the tax in question. Motion j carried. Minute No. 373 was read and approved by the Board. I There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. November 5, 1943 ATTEST:. \ NO, 375 Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., November 5, 1943. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Messrs. Berryman, Cummins and O'Neil. Motion duly made and seconded that approval be given to the payment of the sure of $500.00 in favor of Denesand Susie Toth, representing the damages to their property in East Pike Run Township, located on the road between California and West Brownsville from Station 77*75 to Stations 89*10, for which judgment was entered at No. 198 May Term, 1943, Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that approval be given to the payment of the sure of 5.65 in favor of John F. honey, representing the costs in the proceeding of Denes and Susie Toth against the County of Washington at No. 198 May Term, 1943, for which judgment was entered in favor of the plaintiff for #500.009 Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the following Resolution be adopted, to wits BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Commissioners of Washington County that the plans submitted by the Department of Highways for the changing of State Highway Route 62110, Blaine Township, between stations 133t92 and 114*50, have been examined and the County Commissioners agree that'the County will not assume liability for any property damages resulting from the construction of the highway as contemplated by these plans, or any damages arising out of any changes or alteration of drainage) resulting from the construction or maintenance of the highways, or any damages resulting to any property or holdings of any Public Utility Oompany; or any and all damage resulting to any coal or other minerals in and underlying the property affected by this improvement* Motion carried. 1 F�