HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 12-13-1937 - COMMISSIONER 164 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL B. AMOS,, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., December 13, 1937. Commissioners in ,regular session., those present being -Messrs. Berryman'. Amos and O'Neil. Motion by Mr. O'Neil, seconded by Mr. Amosl that the following- resolution be adotped: RESOLU_T_ ION On motion of Mr. Amos, seconded by Mr. O'Neil, and carried unanimously, It was RESOLVED that the County vacate as a County road and ,turn back to the following townships the following roads, viz: "Route 62082 Beginning at a point on Route 109 about 0.4 of a mile southeast of Route 62112 thence easterly through Morris., Amwell and West Bethlehem Townships via Ten Mile• to road intersection about one-quarter mile southeast of Frank- lin Schoolhouse in Nest Bethlehem Township in Washington County, a distance of approximately 1 mile." "Route 62128 Beginning at Hackney thence northwesterly along the railroad through Amwell, South Franklin and North Franklin Townships via-- Van Kirk to a point on Route 109, about 0.5 of a mile south of Gabby Heights in Washington County, a distance of about 0.73 of a mile." "Route 62004 Beginning .,at an intersection with Applica- tion 5763 -near Montour, thence northeasterly, to the Allegheny County line, thence -southipasterly tbrough Robinson Township to the north borough line of McDonald thence from a point on the south borough,line of McDonald southeasterly through Cecil Township to the northern terminus of Application 27 at Gladden Heights in, ,Xash- Ington County., a ,distance of approximately 1.3 miles." And it was further -RESOLVED that the' Solicitor- be directed to petition' the Court of Quarter Sessions under the ,provisions ,of the, Act of, Assembly' of 1929, P.L. 1278 Section 931, to have the said vacation and transfer- confirmed and approved. Motion carried. There being no further business before the meeting,, it was adjourned. (SIGNED) comm,oto—MMISS-IONERS. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL B. AMOS, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS WARD PRINTING CO 65137 Office of the County Commissioners, Washington.,, Pa., December 20, 1937. Commissioners in regular session., those present being Messrs. Berryman,, Amos and OtNeil. The following Resolution was presented, seconded and adopted as follows: hASOkZION On motion of Mt. Amos, seconded by Mr. O'Neil, and carried unanizouslyX it was RESOLVED that the County vacate as a .County road and turn back to the following Boroughs, the following roads, viz: BEAkLSVIL _ DQRQUG Route 62176 Extending Route 62176 Beginning at a point on the Deemston-Beallsville Borough line thence north- westerly over a borough street to a point on Route 62018 at Maiden Street., in the borough of Beallsville, Washington County., a distance of about 0.3 of a mile. BURG OWN_WT4T _BOROUGH Route 62180 Extending Route 62180 Beginning at a point on the Smith Township-Burgvttstown Borough line thence in a southwesterly direction on -Center Avenue to an intersection wit4 Route 115 at Center. AVenue and NAt-n Street in the borough of Burgettstown., Washington County., a distance of about 0.63 of a mile. Route 62182 Extending Route 62182 Beginning at a point on the Smith township-Burgettstown Borough line, thence in a north- easterly direction on Race Street to Market Street, thence In an easterly direction on Market Street to an intersection with Route ,115 at Market and Main Streets in the borough of Burgetts- town, Washington County, a distance of about 0.14 of a mile. CANONSPURG BOROUGH Route 62163 Extending Route 62163 Beginning at a point on the North Strabane Township-Canonsburg Borough line, thence over Chartiers and Strabane Avenues to a point on Route 802 at Strabane Avenue and Pike Street in the borough of Canonsburg�, ,Washingtox County,, a distance of about 0.24 of a mile. Route 62181 Extending Route 62181 Beginning at a point on the Cecil Township-Canonsburg Borough line, thence in a southeasterly direction on First Street to Euclid Avenue, thence in a southwest- erly and southeasterly direction on Euclid Avenue to Adams Avenue, thence in a southwesterly direction on Adams Avenue to an inter- section with Route 108 at Adams Avenue and East Pike Street in the Borough of Canonsburg, Washington County, a distance of about 0.75 of a mile. _10ENTERVILLN-ftROUG Route 62178 Extending Route 62178 Beginning at a point on the northeastern East Pike RuA Township-Centerville Borough line, thence In a southwesterly direction over Malden Road to an inter- section with Route 113 in the borough of Centerville, Washington County., a distance of about 0.5 of a mile. DEEMSTOff #"R UG Route 62176 Extending Route 621716 Begiundag at a point on the East Bethlehem Township-Deemston Borough line, thence north- westerlyover a borough street to the Beallsville Borough line in the rough of Deemston, Washington County, a distance of about 3.0 miles. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL 8, AMOS, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS DONORA BOROUGH Route 62145 Extending Route 621,45 Beginning at- a point ,on the Carroll Township-Donora Borough line, thence southwest- erly on Castner. Avenue to Sixth -Street and-continuing- in an easterly direction on Sixth Street to an intersection with Route 247 Spur at Sixth Street and Meldon A-venue--in -the borough of Donoral Washington County, a distance- ofl- about 0.54 of a mile. FINLEYVILLE ,BOROTJGH Route 62034 Extending Route 62034 Beginning at a point on the Union Township"Finleyville Borough line, thence easterly over Washington Avenue to a point on Route 247 at Washington and Brownsville Avenues ,IA ,the borough of Finleyville., Wash- ington County, a distance of about 0-3 ,,of, -a mile. Route 62174 Extending Route 62174 � Beginning at a� point on the Union Township-Finleyville Borough line, thence westerly over Washington Avenue to a point on Route 247 at Washington and Sheridan Avenues in the borough of Finleyville, WasRfijton County, a distance of about - 0-35 ,of a mile. - McDONALD BOROUGH Route 62180 9xtending Route 62180 Beginning at, a paint on the Cecil Township-McDonald Borough line, thence in a northeasterly direction on West .Lincoln Avenue to an interseeti-on 'with Route 62004 at Lincoln Avenue, South Main. ,Street and North McDonald Avenue in the borough of McDonaldj, Washington--Coun*.,, a-7distance of about 0.5 of a mile. Route 62004 Extending Route 62004 Beginning at a point on the Robinson Township-McDonald Borough line, thence in a southwest- erly direction on Valley Street to North ,MeDonald Avenuei thence in a southerly direction on North McDonald Avenue to South Main Street in a southerly direction on South Main Street to a point on the McDonald Borough-Cecil Township line in the borough of McDonald, Washington ,County, .a distance of about 0.75 of a mile. -MIDWAY BOROUGH Route 62180 Extending Route 62180 Beginning at a point- on -the Western Robinson Township-Midway Borough line, thence in an easterly direction on Dickson Street to John Street;, thence in a northeasterly direction on John Street to Railroad Street; thence in a southeasterly direction on Railroad Street"to a point on the Eastern McDonald Borough-Robinson Township line in the Borough of Midway, Washington County.,, a- d1stant-e -of about 0.62 of ,a-mile. WEST -AklLXANDER, BOROUGH Route 62111Extending Route 62111 Beginning at a point on the northern Donegal Township-West Alexander-Borough line., thence in a southerly direction on Liberty Street-to An­lntersection with Route 114 at Liberty and Main Streets in the borough- of West Alexander, Washington County, a distance ,of about' 0.1 of a mile. Route 62184 Extending Route 62184 Beginning at a point on the southern Donegal Township-West Alexander-BoroWh line; thence in a northerly direction on, Maple Avenue to an intersection with Route 114 at Maple Avenue and EastMain Street In,the borough of West Alexander, Washington County, a distance of about 0.3 of a mile. WEST BROWNSVILLE BOROUG Route 62179 Extending,Route 62179 Beginning at a point � on'the West Brownsville Boroij-h-East, Pike Run, Townsh1p,-line., thence in a southwesterly direction on Second Street to Matt Ztreetj 'thence in a southeasterly direction, on Watt Streat, to. Railroad Street., thence in a southwesterly-direction on Railroad Street to- an intersection with Route 268 at Railroad Street and Pittsburgh Road in the borough of West Brownsville, Washington Couzlty�i a distance of about 0.41 of a mile. MINUTE BOOK 1.67 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL'B, AMOS, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS And it was further RESOLVED that the Solioitor be directed to ,petition ,the Court of Quarter' Sessions under the provisions of the -Act of' Assmebly -of1929, P.L. 1278, Section 931, to have the said 'vacation and transfer confllnwd and approved. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. (SIGNED J COUNTY COMMISSI-0-HER—S. Office of the County Commissionersp Washington., Pa.., December 20., 1937. County Commissioners in regular session., those present being Messrs. Berryman., Amos and O'Neil. Motion by Mr. OtNeil, seconded ,by Mr. Amos-,- that appropriations be -made to the following military organizationt for Arfflstic4- Day Celebrationsz American Legion Post #253, C4nonsburgr-Pa. . James Adamson, Commander $200.00 Veterans Foreign Wars No. 977, Donora, Pa. Andrew Sasko, Commander -50-00 There being no further business before the meeting., it- was adjourned. (SIGNED) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.