HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-14-1938 - COMMISSIONER (2) 429 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL B. AMOS, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., June 14, 1938. Joint meeting of the County Commissioners and County Controller in the Office of the County Commissioners for the purpose of opening bids for bituminous surface course and surface treatment of various sections of road in Washington County; those present being County Commissioners Berryman, Amos and OtNeil$ and County Controller Smith. Bids were opened and read in the presence of the County Commissioners as follows: BEALLSVIJJA:-ZOLLARSVILLE R,QAD, #2, From Station 4510 to Station 97+50 and being in length about 5250 feet JOHN A. McNEIL, Woodville, Pa.: QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICE ANOUNI LIMESTONE 10775 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course as .49 $279.75 per specifications 400 tons Wedge Course - in place 6 .50 2600.00 SLAG 10775 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, .41 4417.75 as per specifications 400 tons Wedge Course - in place 6 .50 2600.00 (Stone) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 7879.75 i (Slag) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 7017.75 -------------------------- i CO., HULL RESURFACING Butler, Pa. . I LIMESTONE i 10775 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, .65 7003.75 as per, specifications 400 tons Wedge Course - in place 5.00 2000.00 SLAG 10775 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, .55 5926 .25 as per specifications 400 tons Wedge Course - in place 4.50 1800.00 (Stone) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 9003.75 ($lag) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 7726 .25 22 9 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL B. AMOS, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS R HOUSTON-MgCONNELLS MILLS ROAD From Station 0t00 to Station 75+00 and being in length about 7500 feet JOHN A. AtbWEIL, Woodville, Pa. : ! QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICES A)JOUNT LIMESTONE 17220 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, as .49 8437.80 per specifications 600 tons Wedge Course - in place 6 .50 3900.00 SLAG 17220 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, as per specifications .41 7060.20 600 tons Wedge Course - in place = 6 .50 3900.00 (Stone) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 12,337.80 (Slag) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 10,96 0.20 .r--_.---p.------------- HULL RESURFACING CO., Butler, Pa. : � LIMESTONE 17220 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, as .65 11;193.00 per sp*difications 600 tons Wedge Course - in place 5.00 3,000:00 i SLAG 17220 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, as -55 9,471.00 per specifications 600 tons Wedge Course - i1a place 4.50 2,9700.00 i (Stoney TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID- 140193.00 (Slag� TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 12,171.00 SURFACE- TBEMENT ON VARIOUS COMM ROAM A. IL, WoodvIlle, Pa.,,: I Tam 83300 Gallons as - ^'j , H-2, per s#ecificatioa 0.1125 9351.25 Applied as specified i ALTERNATE BID QN CHIPS r 1900 Tons Limestone Chips - in place 3.20 6080.00 Pa.Dept.of Highways-Spec.l-B Agg, 850 Tons Limestone Chips - in place 3.25 2762.50 1/8" to 3/8" as spec. 1840 Tons Slagg Chips r in place - Pa.Dept-.of Highways Spec. 1-B Agg. 2.75 5060.00 t 660 Tons Slag Chips - in place 2.75 1815.00 1/8" to 3/8P as spec. (Stone) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 18193.75 `(-Slag) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 16226 .25 -------------------------- HULL RESURFACING CO..$ Butler, Pa.. : t . - 83300 Gal. Tar, H-2, as per specification .104 8663.20 f Applied as specified ALTERNATE BID ON CHIPS MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL B. AMOS, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS 1900 Tons Limestone Chips - in place $3.50 6650.00 Pa.Dept. of Highways Spec. 1-B Agg. 850 Tons Limestone Chips - in place 3.50 2975.00 1/8" to 3/8" as spec. 1840 Tons Slag Chips in place Pa. Dept. of Highways Spec. 1-B Agg. 2.70 4968.00 660 Tons Slag Chips in place 1/8" to 3/8" as spec. 2.70 1782.00 (Stone) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 18288.20 (Slag) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 15413.20 ------------------------------------------- CLAYSVILLE-BURNSVILLE ROAD From Station 0+00 to Station 2f75 and being in length 275 feet, HULL RESURFACING CO. , Butler, Pa. : QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICES AMO T LIMESTONE 335 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, .90 301.50 as per specifications 50 Tons Wedge Course - in place 6 .00 300.001 SLAG 335 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface course, .70 234.50 as per specifications 50 tons hedge Course - in place 5.50 275.00 (Stone) TOTAL MOUNT OF, BID. 6 0I.50 (Slag) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 509.50 --- ---------------------.r-------.----------- ' BITUMINQUS SURFACE COURSE - GRANVILLE &C Rf -APPROACHES PIKE RAT ROAD QgANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICES �U,�TT LIMESTONE 1000 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, .80 800.00 as per specifications 100 tons Wedge Course - in place 6 .00 600.00 SLAG 1000 sq. yds. Bituminous Surface Course, .65 650.00 as per specifications 100 tons Wedge Course - in place 5.00 500.00 (Stone) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 1400.00 (Slag) TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 1150.00 MINUTE Boo I K 23i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JOHN D. BERRYMAN, EARL B. AMOS, JOHN N. O'NEIL COMMISSIONERS Motion duly made and seconded that the awarding of the contract- for fore- going road improvements be deferred until all bids have been tabulated. Motion carried, There being no further business before the joint meeting, it was adjourned. 40 ,, (SIGNED) OA "o. op COUNTY C61—MISSIONERS. Office of the County Commissioners,, Washington, Pa., June 15, 1938. County Commissioners in regular - session, those present being Messrs. Berry- man* Amos and O'Neil. Motion by Mr. , OtNe,1-1-, seconded by Mr. A*os,,_Ahat,, the ,contracts for road improvements be awarded to the Hull Rosurfacing,,CompaAy, Butleri Pa.., . as follows.- Resurfacing various munty, toads as specified by the CoUnty Road $15o413r20 Application of the Bituminous Surface Course on the Granville -, And Crouch Bridge Approaches, Pike Run Road, two sections totaling about 500 feet-.in length. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . $1150-00 Application of the Bituminous Surface Course on the Claysville -Burnsville Road, from Station 0+00 to Station 2+75, about 275 ft- in $509-50 Slag aggregate to be used-'in all of, the above road improvement; The awarding of the contract for the---B-eallsville-Zollarsvilie Road #2 and the Houston-McConnells Mills Road to be 'deferred and taken up at a later date for consideration. Motion carried. There being no further business before the -meeting, it was -adjourned. (SIGNED) _4)5�A "ks� CORTY COMRIBBIONER.