HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 3-2-1932 - COMMISSIONER 20 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOHN N. O-NRIL, W. A. MARN&G, CommiosioNmRs 1-92 WARD PRINTING CO 56502 Office of the County Commissioners* Washington# Pa** March 20 .1932* Board of County Commissioners in regular sessions each member having had personal notice of meetings members present being Messrs. Johnston, O'Neil and Barnes. The following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington was presenteds duly seconded and unanimously adopted by said Board: WHEREAS,q The County of Washington desires to make an appropriation of Two Thousand ( +2000.00) Dollars to the Washington Hospitals of Washington# Pa. * for use of said Hospitals and we hereby authorize said appropriation of Two Thousand ($2000*00) Dollars to be made from the funds of the County of Wadhingtons and WHEREAS*, There are not ajiffidi6lit fuhda Th the Treasury of the County of Washington to make payment of said appropriations or obligations at this times but for which taxes have been levied but not yet paid into the County Treasury* now$ therefore BE IT RESOLVED* That the County of Washington issue a Notes payable to THE WASHINGTON HOSPITAL* for the sum of Two Thousand ($2000.00) Dollars due August 5* 1932s without interests and that the proper officers of said County of Washington be$ and they are# hereby authorized to prepare and sign said Notes for the County of Washington* in payment of said appropriation* or obli. gations above recited. (SIGNED) C-OnTy COMMIEST5MM, 2t MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOHN N. O'NEIL, W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS $2.900_�00,0_0 COURT HOUSE, WASHINGTON s PA. March 2a1932 i For value received# the County of Washingtob.s Commonwealth of Pennsylvanian I i i acknowledges itself indebteds and promises to pay to THE WASHINGTON HOSPITALS of ' Washington* Pennsylvanias the sum of TWO THOUSAND (j2s000.00) DOLLARS# on August 5s 1932s without interest. This Note has been duly authorized by Resolution of the County Commissioners of the County of Washington# duly adopted on, the 2nd day of' Xarohp 1932# and is issued in anticipation, of and payable out of tastes to be assessed$ levied and collected during the year 1932. IN WITLESS WHERsop. tbLe cami` y of Wkshif gtdhs has caused this Note to be executed by its Comissioherss with the seal of the Cot&ty hereunto affixed# duly attested by the Commissioners' Clerks this 2nd day of Mareho 1932. COUNTY OF WASHINGTONs BY ATTEST: COUNTY • omm ss o ern er . I 1 i I I 1