HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 12-12-1932 - COMMISSIONER 65 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOHN N. O'NEIL, W.A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS i- WARD PRINTING CO. Office of the County ,Commissioners* Washington* Pa.* December 12$ 1932. RESOLUTION of the Board of County, Commissioners of the County of Washington and State of Pennsylvania* relative tv the issue by the said County of two 6ndred 1 fifty (250) Funding Bonds of the denomination of One Thousand ($1$400.04) _Dollars { each.' At a meeting of the said Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington# in the State of Pennsylvania* duly called and held at the office of the said Board of County Commissioners at the Court House of the said County of Washington# in the City of Washington* Pennsylvania# on the 12th day of December# 1932s all of the members of said Boards to-wit: J. E. Johnston: John N. O'Neil and W. A. Barnes* being presents the following Resolution was# on motion duly I made and seconded# and adopted by the affirmative vote of all of said members of the said Boards to-wit: WHEREA3s the floating debt of said County is as follows: Amount due the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the construction and reoonstructi.cra of State Highways# 65#147016; amount of, Township aid in the reconstruction of roads* $14*642918; amount due in the construction and reconstruction of County roads* $22#334.61; amount due for land damages in the construction and recon- struction of roads* $350000,00; amount due for offietersf and witnesses ' costs in eases in the Court of Quarter Sessions$ $2*232.50; amount of money borrowed and outstanding in notes for accounts due and approved$ $110#000000; and amount of bills now payable* approved for payment but not yet paid, $37#7600290 making the total sum of $287$116.72. -WHEREAS# said County Commissioners of the said County of Washington desire 11 and deem it necessary to fund a part of the said floating debt of said County by I i s suing bonds in the amount of Two Hu ndrvd Fifty Thousand ($284 s404.0O0) D*llars# the financial condition of said County of Washington* owing to the existing finan- cial depression* being sucks- that it is necessary to provide funds for the payment I of the same: 1 I NOW# THEREFORE# BE IT RESOLVED: ,action 1. THAT* for the purpose of funding the floating debt of said County* as aforesaid$ the County Commissioners of said County of Washington do { hereby authorize and direct the issuing of coupon bonds in the form* as herein- ! i after set forth$ in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250#000.00) Dollars I to be known as Vunding Bonds# 1932. Section 2. The said bonds to be numbered from 1 to 250s both inclusive$ I dated the first day of Decemberp 1932$ both principal and interest to be free of any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under , i any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvani.4s (except succession and inheritance fx 4 66 INUT1= B 0 0 K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMECR JOHNSTON, JOHN N. O'NXIL, W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONRR6 t 1-32 WARD PRINTING taxes) # the said County to assume and pay the same* and to bear the rate of in- i terest# payable aemiannuallys and, to mature* as hereinafter set forth. ,Section 3e The rate of interest on said bonds is to be four (4%) per cents per annum from their date# payable semiannually on the first days of Decem- ber and June in each year. i Section 4e The principal of the said bonds are to mature as follows: i to-wit: i Bonds numbered Date of Maturity ASgregate Amount i ��r■I r - r.rr��,� r�rr NhN�r1� I 1 to 50* both inclusive December 1# 1930 50*000*00 51 to 100s both inclusive December 1* 1939 50#000000 101 to 150* both inclusive December 1# 1940 50#000*00 151 to 200s both inclusive December 1s 1941 500000*00 201 to 250s both inclusive December 1# 1942 50*000900 Section 5,0 The said bonds and the coupons annexed thereto to be in the following form: FORM. OF BOND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF 'WASHINGTON FUNDING BOND 1932 Noe ... $1*000*00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS* That the County of Washington# in the State of Pennsylvania# for value received# acknowledges itself to be indebted and promises to pay to bearers or if registered# to the registered holder hereof# the sum of One Thousand ( 1s000e00) Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America# on the first day of Decembers 19�s with interest thereon at the rate of four per cents per annums payable semiannually on the first days of June and December in each years both principal and interest being payable# free of f any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under i j any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (except succession and inheritance taxes) ; said County hereby expressly agreeing and assuming to pay the same; the principal thereof being payable at the office of the County Treasurer in the City of Washington* Washington County* Pennsylvania, and the interest at the same plat upon presentation and surrender of the coupons annexeds as they severally become i due. This bond may be registered as to principal uply upon the bond registry book to be kept at the office of the County Commissioners of Washington County* and by endorsement upon the back hereof by the Clerk for the time being for the I County Commissioners, after which nd transfer of this bond shall be made except i r I 67 MINUTE BOOK BOAR® OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOHN N. O'NEIL. W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS 1-8Z WARD RRINTING CO. i 1 by the registered holder or holders in persons or by their duly authorized attorney, and such transfer shall be noted upon the bond registry book kept at the office of the Commissioners of Washington County, and upon the back hereof, provided, however# that this bond may be transferred to bearers and negotiability thereby restored, and shall continue subject to registrations or transfers to bearers but no such registration of principal shall affect the negitiability of the coupons hereto annexed# which shall continue to be transferable by delivery only, This bond may also be registered both as to principal and interest* in which event the coupons hereto attached shall be detached and immediately cancelled by the Clerk for the time being for the County Commissioners of Washington County# i and such registration shall be noted upon the registry book kept at the Office of the County Comgissloners aforesaid, and upon the back hereof, and thereafter the semi-annual interest shall be paid to the holder or holders hereof by check or warrant drawn to the order of the registered holder or holders hereof* and mailed to his# her# or their address, as the same appears of record upon said bond regis- try book. This bond is one of a series of two hundred fifty (250) bonds# of like dates tenor and effect# differing only as to maturity* amounting in the aggregate to Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250#000,00) Dollars* issued for the purpose of pro- viding funds for the payment of the floating debt of said County# pursuant Aso the authority conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvanias approved April 20s 1874s Pamphlet Lags page 650 and the Acts of the said General Assembly amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto* and by virtue of a Resolution of the Board .of County Commissioners of said County# adopted at a meeting thereof duly called and held# and entered upon the minutes, It is hereby certified and recited that all acts# conditions and things necessary to the validity of this, bonds exists have happened and have been done; that every requirement of law affecting the validity hereof has been duly complied with; that this bond is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the eon• stitution and laws of the States and that prior to the issuance thereof an annual tax has been levied in a sum sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this series of bonds, The faiths credit* and property of said County of Washington are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and ix- i terest of this bond in accordance with its terms, I IN 1I TNESS WMMEOFs the County Commissioners of the County of Washington have duly caused this bond to be issued and executed by them in the name of the said County# and the corporate seal of the said County to be hereunto affi ds attested by the Commissionerof Clerk; and the coupons hereto annexed to be ex- ecuted by the facsimile signatures of the said County Commissioners as of the first day of Decembers 1932, 68 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOHN hi. O'NRIL, W. A. BARNES, COMMtSM0119RO 1-92 WARD?RINSING CO 88802 i I ATTEST: J. E. JOHNSTON E JOHN G. HALL JOHN N. O'NEIL I Commissioners Clerk. W. A, BARNES County Commissioners* FORM OF COUPON j No, ..._...... $20.00 The County of Washington* in the State of Pennsylvania, will pay to bearer Twenty Dollars s free of any tax imposed under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (except succession and inheritance taxes) s on the first day of s 19 __.* at the office of the County Treasurer* Wash- ingtons Pennsylvania# being six months ' interest that day due on its Funding Bond 1932 No. s dated December 1s 1932. J. E. JOHNSTON JOHN No O'NEIL W9 A, BARNES County Commissioners. FORM OF REGISTRATION at i - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the request of the holder of the within bond for its conversion into a bond registered as to both principal and interests I have this day out off and cancelled coupons attached thereto, numbered from to inclusive, for Dollars ( } each* amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Dollars ( } * and that the within bond is hereby converted into a registered bond with the principal thereof and semi-annual interest thereon payable to assignee or legal representative. Dated s 19 Mrk of 03u'ntyo ss oners. k 69 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOHN N. O'NEIL, W.A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS 1-32 WARD PRINTING CO 56502 Date of Name of Clerk of Registration . Registered Owner ' County Commissioners* a Section 6. That an annual tax# commencing with the year 1933, the first � I fiscal year after the date of said bonds, be and the same is hereby levied and {' assessed upon the proper subjects of taxation within said County #to be applied solely to the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity and the interest thereon at the rate of four (4%) per cent per annum and State taxes thereon as the same shall become payable, (saidannual tax is .sufficient for the payment of the interest and State taxes thereon and of the principal of said debt within a period not exceeding thirty gears, to-wits within ten (10) years from the date of said bonds) # to be collectedt for the following years and in the following j I j amounts, to-wit: Year Amount 1933 110000*00 1934 118000000 1 1935 110000000 1936 118000*00 1937- 11#000.00 1938 61#O00*00 1939 5800.00 1940 560600000 j 1941 54#400s00 1942 528200.00 Section 7. That the money collected from the taxes levied in the fore- gbiag rmsblution authorising the issue of the said bonds, shall,, as collected# be paid to the County Treasurer, into a special sinking fund# to be kept separate from the other funds, and shall be applied by him to the payment of the principal I of said bonds at the maturity thereof and the interest and State taxes thereon as the same become due and payables Section 8s That before any of said bonds shall be issued, a Statement shall be prepared, executed and filed In' the office of the Clerk of the Court ,of Quarter Sessions of Washington County# as required by the second section, of the � V i aforesaid Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,, approved op the 20th day of April* 1874# P,Ls 65# and the Acts amendatory thereof and sup- plemental theretos I 70 {ter i MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLV'ANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOMN N. O'NEIL, W.A. BARNES, COMMISSIONess 1.32 WARD PRINTING CO i Section 9, That the notice be given by advertisement for the sale of said bonds in accordance with�ovisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 6th -d.ay of July, 1917, P.L. 747, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, and that the same be sold to the highest responsible bidder after due public notice as required by said Act, provided that no bid for said bonds at less than their par value shall be accepted. Section 10. That said Two hundred Fifty Thousand ($250,000*00) Dollars of bonds, when duly prepared, signed and sealed in the form above set forth* shall be delivered to the purchasers thereof, as hereinabbve provided, on payment of the purchase price thereof, and the receipt of the Treasurer of the said County i shall be to the purchaser a full acquittance for the said purchase price, and the said purchaser shall not be bound to see to the application of the proceeds thereof. M. I � II i I i Cf f { E i I i I