HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 12-12-1932 - COMMISSIONER (2) 71 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. ELMER JOHNSTON, JOHN N. O'NEIL. W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS 1.32 WARD?RIMING CO 6502 - , I office of -the Count' Comissioners# Washington* Pass Deaersber 12,r-1"2* Co=issioners in regular sessions members present being Messrs. Johnstons O'Neil and Barnes. At 11:15 A*M* bids opened for sale of $250*000 Funding Bonds of the County of Washington* dated December 1# 1932s at indeterminate interest; bids from the I following were opened and reads each bid accompanied by certified check in the sum of $2500s as requireds Bids at four (4) per cent. 1 i H, H* Rollins & Sons# Inc** As C* Woods Jr. & Coot R* M* Snyder & Co* Pars Acc*Int* $ MOO Prom Brown Bvos* Harriman & Coot w +� $2807950 _ Yarnall & Co** I Grahams Parsons & Coos " s' s $1452*50 Halsey# Stuart & Co*# a $1589000 Bids at Four and one-fourth (4 1/4) Per Cent. Guaranty Company of New Yorks Pars Ace. Into $3774*75 Preffi I Leach Brothers# Philadelphia# # " $2000000 Singer# Deane & Scribner# Inc*# Glover & MacGregor# George Applegate* all of Pittsburghs " $3276000 a Motion by Mr* Barnes# seconded by Mr. O'Neil: that the issue of $250#000 Funding Bonds of the County of Washington be awarded to Brown Brothers Harrimen & Co.# and Yarnall & Coop Philadelphia# Pa*s at their bid# on basis of 4% interests I of pars accrued interest and .grsmium`of $2807*500 and that certified checks be { returned to the unsuccessful bidders* Motion parried* j i j oua o ss oners, i i if R