HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-2-1928 - COMMISSIONER (2) MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS Office of the County Commissioners Washington,Pa. , January2, 1928. Adjourned meeting of County Commissioners at 1:30 P.M. , members present being Messrs . Walker, Johnston and Barnes. 1( Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that Norman E. Clark be elected county solicitor. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Johnston, that Adolph Zeman be retained as special counsel to the County Commissioners . There being no second io * this motion, it was losti. In conformity with 'a petition presented to the County Comr4issioners from the Clerk of Courts , Prothonotary, Coroners Register of Wills and ex-officio Clerk of the Orphan's C6urt, Treasurer and Recorders which said petition is to be made a part of the minutes of this meeting, asking that an attorney be em- ployed by the County Commissioners for the above named offices and by verbal request from the Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts , 'Coroner, Register of Wills and ex-officio Clerk of the Orphan' s Court, which said officials constitute a maj- ority of the signets of the above mentioned .petition, that George I. Bloom be appointed to the positions motion made by Mrs Walkers seconded by Mrs Barnes , that George Is Bloom be appointed *solicitor for the above named offices . Question called i'or: vdting "Aye"s Messrs. Walker and Barnes ; Mr. Johnston not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Barnes , seconde'd by Mr. Johnston, that Board adjourn until Tuesday, January 3 , 1928, at 1:30 P.M. Motion carried and Board stood ad- journed. To the County Commissioners , Washington County, Pennsylvania. Gentlemen: The undersigned, public officers of Washington County, PenAsylvania, respectfully represent: That, commen,;ing with the first Monday of January, 1924, the offices held by the undersigned were assigned by your body, a lawyer to act as counsel for the offices referred to, said lawyer being paid monthly by the county, and the proportionate part of the salary so paid was charged against the offices held respectively by the undersigned. That, after consideration of the effect of said services of counsel, so designated by your body, the undersigned have come to the conclusion to request the County Commissioners to again employ some lawyer, of whose abil- ity they leave the Commissioners to be the judge, at a salary to be fixed by the salary board, whose term of office is to run concurrently with the terms of the^ undersigned: to-wit: 'geginning the first Monday of January, 19280 -and continuing ior a period of four years , 31i MINUTE B o'. OK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W. A. BARNES, COMMISSICMERS That the salary thus paid to such lawyer shall be apportioned and charged to the respective offices in such proportion as the salary board may deem equi- table; such salary so paid shall be in lieu of all other fees to be received by said attorney for any service he may be called upon to perform for any of the undersigned officers. Respectfully submitted, John N. O'Neil County Treasurer# R. J. Coulson, ------------------------------- Register of Wills and Clerk O .C. L-Frank Baker, ---------- ----------- Recorder of Deeds. E. G. McGregor, ------------------------------ Clerk of Court -of quarter Sessions. Etnest T* McNary.' ----------W------------------- Prothonotary. William B. Baker, ------------------------ Coroner* Washington, Pa, Dec. 23, 19270' (SIGNED)_ pow 0 Co IONERS .