HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-31-1928 - COMMISSIONER MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONEIts office of the County Commissioners* Washington, Pa. * January 31s 1928. The Salary Board having to do with the matter I of salaries for the em- ployees of the County of Washington$ met in the office of the County Com- missionerst -at the call of the Chairman, on Tuesday, January 31s 19280 at 1;45 P.M., the following members being present; County Commissioners Walk- er, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood* Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that the salaries of the following employees of the County Engineer's Department be fixed as fol- lows : Mr. Crumrine $7*25 per diem, Mr. Doak, $6.60 per diem; Mr. Farrar, 46.00 per diem; Mr. Brady, $5-50 per diem; Mr. Courain, $5,00 per diem, Mr* *50. GrOD10, $5.00 per diem, Mr. Rine, $5-00 per them and Mr. Westwater, 4$ per diem, in addition to which they are to each be allowed the sum of fifty cents per diem, for expenses , while engaged in duties outside the office; Miss Spriggs , $110.00 per month, Mr. Lynch* #200 per month, John Plants , $135 per month, Harry Wolf, $165 per month, Joe Plants , $125 per month, John 'Wilson, $125 per month* Motion carried, Motion by 4r. Underwood, that the salary of the County Engineer, George S. Chaney, be fixed at the same figure as heretofore* No second to this motion and the Chair declared it lost* Motion by Mr. 'Walker, who called Mr. Underwood to the Chair# that the salary of the County Engineer, George S. Chaney, be fixed at $6000 per annum, this sum to include the salary to which Mr* Chaney is entitled as County Sur- veyor, to-wit: $300 per annum; motion seconded by Mr. Johnston; the Chair called for an Aye and Nay vote, which resulted as follows -. voting ,",Aye", Messrs . Walker, Johnston and Barnes ; voting "Nab" Mr. Underwood. Motion car- ried*. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Barnes ,, that Mrs. Hair be retain- ed as Matron of the Detention Home for the ensuing year at the salary she has been receiving heretofore* Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Barnes * seconded by Mr. Johnston* that Mrs* Thompson and Mrs. Alexander each be pain $3-90 additional per month for required morning work performed in connection with the cleaning of offices , eta* , about the . court house* Motion carried* Motion by Mr. Underwood the extra persons employed in the various county offices be p6.id at rate of $3-50 per them for time actually employed. There being no second to this motion, the chdir declared it lost* Motion by Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that extra persons employed in the various county offices be paid at rate of $4 per them for time actually given to their tasks and that Saturday be considered ,a half day, an the building O-fficially closes at noon, a* that such extra ,,," ;Loyees bo -14 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W.A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS , only for the half day of eartice they might give on Saturdays. Motion carried Mr. Barnes not voting* -------------------------------- The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of the Register of Wills , convened, members present being Register Coulson, County Commissioners Talker, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood* Motion by Mr. Coulson, seconded by Mr.' Johnston, that George I. Bloom, Esq. .* be paid a salary of $400 per annum as attorney for the office of Register of Mills. Motion carried** ----------------------- The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the Office of P2othonotary, convened, members present, being Prothonotary McNaryt County C"- missioners Walker, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood; motion by Mr. McNary* seconded- by Mr, Johnston, that George, I,. Bloo*, Esq. ,- be paid a salary of $400 per annum as attorney for the office of the Prothonotary. Motion carried. --------------------;------------- The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of Clerk of Courts , convened, members present being Clerk of Courts McGregor, County Commissioners Talker, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Under- wood; motion by Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mrs Barnes, that George I. Bloom, Esq. , be paid a salary of $400 per annum as attorney for the office of Clerk of Courts. Motion carried. ---------------------------- The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of Coroner, convened, members present being Coroner Baker* County Commissioners Walker* Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood; motion by Mrs Baker, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that George I. Bloom, Esq. , be paid a salary CFpPp of $300 per annum as attorney for the office of Coroner. Motion carried*' ----------------------- The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of County Treasurer* convened, members presentbeing Cotmty;rTreasurer O'Neil# County Commissioners Walkers Johnston and Barnes and County' Controller Un- derwood, motion by Mrs O'Neil# seconded by Mr. ' Johnston* that Idaac W*Baujh$ Esq. , be employed as attorney for the office of County Treasurer and that his salary be fixed at $400 per annum. Motion carried* There being no other business before the Board, motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Barnes * that it adjourn. Motion carried and Board stood ad- journed.