HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-31-1928 - COMMISSIONER MINUTE BOOK
office of the County Commissioners*
Washington, Pa. * January 31s 1928.
The Salary Board having to do with the matter I of salaries for the em-
ployees of the County of Washington$ met in the office of the County Com-
missionerst -at the call of the Chairman, on Tuesday, January 31s 19280 at
1;45 P.M., the following members being present; County Commissioners Walk-
er, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood*
Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that the salaries of
the following employees of the County Engineer's Department be fixed as fol-
lows : Mr. Crumrine $7*25 per diem, Mr. Doak, $6.60 per diem; Mr. Farrar,
46.00 per diem; Mr. Brady, $5-50 per diem; Mr. Courain, $5,00 per diem, Mr*
GrOD10, $5.00 per diem, Mr. Rine, $5-00 per them and Mr. Westwater, 4$ per
diem, in addition to which they are to each be allowed the sum of fifty cents
per diem, for expenses , while engaged in duties outside the office; Miss
Spriggs , $110.00 per month, Mr. Lynch* #200 per month, John Plants , $135
per month, Harry Wolf, $165 per month, Joe Plants , $125 per month, John
'Wilson, $125 per month* Motion carried,
Motion by 4r. Underwood, that the salary of the County Engineer, George
S. Chaney, be fixed at the same figure as heretofore* No second to this motion
and the Chair declared it lost*
Motion by Mr. 'Walker, who called Mr. Underwood to the Chair# that the
salary of the County Engineer, George S. Chaney, be fixed at $6000 per annum,
this sum to include the salary to which Mr* Chaney is entitled as County Sur-
veyor, to-wit: $300 per annum; motion seconded by Mr. Johnston; the Chair
called for an Aye and Nay vote, which resulted as follows -. voting ,",Aye",
Messrs . Walker, Johnston and Barnes ; voting "Nab" Mr. Underwood. Motion car-
Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Barnes ,, that Mrs. Hair be retain-
ed as Matron of the Detention Home for the ensuing year at the salary she has
been receiving heretofore* Motion carried.
Motion by Mr. Barnes * seconded by Mr. Johnston* that Mrs* Thompson and
Mrs. Alexander each be pain $3-90 additional per month for required morning
work performed in connection with the cleaning of offices , eta* , about the .
court house* Motion carried*
Motion by Mr. Underwood the extra persons employed in the various county
offices be p6.id at rate of $3-50 per them for time actually employed. There
being no second to this motion, the chdir declared it lost*
Motion by Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that extra persons
employed in the various county offices be paid at rate of $4 per them for time
actually given to their tasks and that Saturday be considered ,a half day, an
the building O-fficially closes at noon, a* that such extra ,,," ;Loyees bo
, only for the half day of eartice they might give on Saturdays. Motion carried
Mr. Barnes not voting*
The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of the
Register of Wills , convened, members present being Register Coulson, County
Commissioners Talker, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood*
Motion by Mr. Coulson, seconded by Mr.' Johnston, that George I. Bloom, Esq. .*
be paid a salary of $400 per annum as attorney for the office of Register of
Mills. Motion carried**
The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the Office of
P2othonotary, convened, members present, being Prothonotary McNaryt County C"-
missioners Walker, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood; motion
by Mr. McNary* seconded- by Mr, Johnston, that George, I,. Bloo*, Esq. ,- be paid
a salary of $400 per annum as attorney for the office of the Prothonotary.
Motion carried.
The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of
Clerk of Courts , convened, members present being Clerk of Courts McGregor,
County Commissioners Talker, Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Under-
wood; motion by Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mrs Barnes, that George I. Bloom,
Esq. , be paid a salary of $400 per annum as attorney for the office of Clerk
of Courts. Motion carried.
The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of
Coroner, convened, members present being Coroner Baker* County Commissioners
Walker* Johnston and Barnes and County Controller Underwood; motion by Mrs
Baker, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that George I. Bloom, Esq. , be paid a salary
CFpPp of $300 per annum as attorney for the office of Coroner. Motion carried*'
The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of
County Treasurer* convened, members presentbeing Cotmty;rTreasurer O'Neil#
County Commissioners Walkers Johnston and Barnes and County' Controller Un-
derwood, motion by Mrs O'Neil# seconded by Mr. ' Johnston* that Idaac W*Baujh$
Esq. , be employed as attorney for the office of County Treasurer and that
his salary be fixed at $400 per annum. Motion carried*
There being no other business before the Board, motion by Mr. Johnston,
seconded by Mr. Barnes * that it adjourn. Motion carried and Board stood ad-