HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 3-1-1928 - COMMISSIONER lV� N U T E 0. 0K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY,-PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W.A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS i 1 , j I 1 I � � I Office of the County Commissioners , Washington, Pa, March 10 1928. The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of Prothonotary, met in the office of the County Commissioners, at the call of the Prothonotary, on Thursday, Ma.rhh 1, 1928, at 2:g0 P. I. , members present being County Commissioners Walker and Barnes* County Controller Underwood and Prothonotary McNary; motion by Mr. McNary, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that Helen Pollock, employed heretofore as an extra clerk in said office be regu- larly employed therein and that her salary be fixed at $110 per month: Mo- tion carried. There being no further business before the Board, it was ad- journed. ---------------- The Salary Board having to do with salaries in and for the office of the County Commissioners , County Controller and others coming under the jur- isdiction of the County Commissioners , met in the office of the County Com- missioners on Thursday, March 1, 1928, at 2 :30 P.M. , members present being v County Commissioners Walker and Barnes and County Controller Underwood; motion by Mr. Barnes,, seconded b Mr. Walker$ that the action taken by the Y � Salary Board at its meeting held on January 31, 1928, affecting payment of extra employees in the various county offices be rAinded and that payment I of such extra employees be the same as during last year. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Underwood that the salary of Meyer Goldfarb, solicitor to the County Controller, be fixed at $150 per month, effective January 1, 1928; motion amended by Mr. Walker (Mr. Barnes in the chair ) , that the` salary of XgVer Goldfarb, solicitor to the County Controller, be fined at 1 , 24 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON_ W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS $150 per month, this action but carrying out, or putting into operation, the action of the Board at its meeting held on March 9, 1927, when the sal- ary of Mr. Goldfarb was fixed at $150 per month, it being the intent of the present amendment that the said salary of $150 per month should be effective from the date of the former action and payment of the sum due on that basis be made for the intervening period and that the said salary o,f $150 per month continue from January 1, 1928; motion seconded by Mr. Underwood and carried* lation by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Underwood (Mr. Barnes in chair ) # that the salary of Samuel Workman, employed by County Commissioners on spec- ial task of checking up judgment and mortgage records to the end that full and complete returns of mongy at interest might be made by residents of the County, be fixed at $125 per month, effective February 16s 1928* Motion car- ried. Motion by Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Walker (Mr. Barnes in chair) $ that the salary of Margaret Spriggs , employed in the office of County Engi- neer, be fixed at #125 per month, effective January 1, 1928, the said sal- ary having previously been $110 per month. Motion carried* Motion by Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Walker, that the Board adjourn* Motion carried and Board stood adjourned* ($IGRKD) _4&C TY COUgISSIONERSt Office of the County Commissioners , Washington, Pa. * March 2, 1928. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs* Walker, And-.Barnes ; Mr. Johnston having notice of meeting, but absent. Motion by Mr. Barnes , seconded by Mr. Walker, that County Treasurer be directed to transfer, with approval of County Controller, the sum of One Hun- dred Thousand ($100#000) Dollars from the Road Fund of the County of Washing- ton to the General Fund of said County, for the purpose of meeting current ex- penses ,of the County, the said sum to be returned to Road Fund from taxes to be received and which have been levied. Question called for; voting "Aye" Messrs . Barnes and Walker. Motion carried. Approved: (SIGNED) T. J. Underwood.Ilf Of OTJXTI Colduss IONS .