HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 5-21-1928 - COMMISSIONER (2) 43 MINUTE - BOIOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W.WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W.A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS COPY OF RESOLUTION RESOLUTION of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington and State of Pennsylvania, relative to the' issue by the said County of one hundred seventy-five (175) Road improvement Bonds of the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each. At a meeting of the said Board of County Commissioners of the county of Washington, in the State of Pennsylvania, duly called and held at the office of the said Board of County Commissionersat the Court House of the said County of Washington, in the City of Washington, Pennsylvania* on the 21st day of May, 1928,- all, of the members of said Board, to-wit: J. W. Walker, J. E. Johnston and W. A. Barnes , being present, the following Resolution was , on motion duly made and seconded, and adopted by the affirmative vote of all of said members of said Board, to-wit: WHEREAS, by proceedings had in the Court of quarter Sessions of said Washington County, Pennsylvania, in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the llth day of Mayp 1911, Pamphlet Laws page 244, and the 31st day of May# 1911, Pamphlet laws page 468, and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto, the improvement and construction of certain sections of the main public road* in said County has been authorized, ordered and decreed. WHEREAS, the said Board of County Commissioners of said County propose to proceed, during the year 1928, to improve and construct the said roads so authorized and directed to be improved and constructed as aforemaidl anti in order to provide for the funds to pay the cost of the said improvement and con- struction of said roads* it is necessary to borrow upon bonds to be issued by the said County the sum of One Hundred Seventy-File Thousand ($175*000*00) Dollars* the funds now in the treasury of the said County, and these to come in during the said year, from sources other than such borrowing, not being sufficient to defray said cost* NOW, THEREKRX) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioner* of the said County of Washington, and State of Pennsylvania* that for the purlp pose of providing funds to pay the cost of the improvement and construction of the public roads and highways new constructed or to be constructed by said County, so as aforesaid authorized, ordered and decreed, the said County do borrow the sum of one Hundred Seventy-five Thousand ($175,000,00) Dollars , and increase its indebtedness by the issue of one hundred seventy five (175) bonds in the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, to be numbered from one to one hundred seventy-five (1 to 175)t both inclusive, to bear date the lst day of June, 1928, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one- fourth (4) per cent, per annum, from their date, payable semi-annually on the 44 MLNUTE B,, o, O,, K WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA BOARD QF COUNTY COMMISSIONFERS, JAMES W.WALKER, J-,ELMF;R J014NWRMj, W�A!,BARNM COMMMStCattR6 lst days of June and December in each year, both principal and interest being payable, free of any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (except succession and inheritance taxes ) , the said County expressly agreeing and assuming to pay the same. The principal of the said bonds to mature as follows , to-wit : Bonds numbered Date of Maturit Aggregate Amount 1 to both inclusive June 1. 1943 $5*000.00 6 to 10, both inclusive June 11 1944 5,000.00 11 to 15, both inclusive June 1, 1945 5*000.00 16 to 20, both inclusive ilb2ael, 1946 5*000.00 21 to 25, both inclusive June 1, 1947 5'900..00 .96�to_N, obbtLh'Analufbive June 1, 1948 5,000.00 31 to 35, both inclusive June 1, 1949 5,000.00 36 to 40, both inclusive June lt 1951 5,000.00 41 to 55 both inclusive June 1, 1952 15,000.00 56 to 70, both inclusive June ls 1953 15,000.00 71 to 85, both inclusive June lt 1954 15,000.00 86 to 100, both inclusive June 1, 1955 15,000.00 101 to 115, both inclusive June lt 1956 15,400.00 116 to 145, both inclusive June lt 1957 30,000-00 146 to 175, both inclusive June 1, 1958 30t000-0O The said bonds and the coupons annexed thereto to be in the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ROAD IMPROVEMENT BOND 1928. . No. Ut000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the County of Washington, in the State of Pennsylvania, for value received, acknowledges itself to be in- debted and promises to pay to bearer, or if registered, to the registered holder hereof, the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.0d ) Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, on the first day of June, lg_, with interest thereon at the rate of four and one-fourth per cent, per annum, payable semi- annually on the first days of June and December in each year, bothprincipal and interest being payable, free of any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania WIN UT *E - BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W.,WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W. A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS (except succession and inheritance taxes ) ; said County hereby expressly agreeing and assuming to pay the same; the principal thereof being payable at the office of the County Treasurer in the City of Washington, Washington County, Pennsyl- vania, and the interest at the same places upon presentation and surrender of the coupons annexed, as they severally become due. This bond may be registered as to principal only upon the bond registry book to be kept at the office of the County Commissioners of Washington Oounty, and by endorsement upon the back hereof by the Clerk for the time being for the County Commissioners , after which no transfer of this bond shall be made except by the registered holder or holders in person, or by their duly authorized attorney) and such transfer shall be noted upon the bond registry book kept at the office of the Commissioners of Washington County, and tLpon the back hereof, provided, how- ever, that this bond may be transferred to bearer, and negotiability thereby re- stored, and shall continue subject to registrations or transfers to bearer, but no such registration of principal shall affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto annexed, which shall continue to be transferable by delivery only. This bond may also be registered both as to principal and interest, in which event the coupons hereto attached shall be detached and immediately canO celled by the Clerk for the time being for the County Commissioners of Washington County, and such registration shall be noted upon the registry book kept at the office of the County Commissioners aforesaid, and upon the back hereof, and there- after the semi-annual interest shall be paid to the holder or holders hereof by check or warkant drawn to the order of the registered holder or holders hereof, and mailed to his , her, or their address, as the same appears of record upon said bond registry book. This bond is one of a series od one hundred seventy-five (175) bonds , of like date, terser and effect, differing only as to maturity, amounting in the aggregate to One Hundred Seventy-five Thousand 4 175,000.00) Dollars , issued for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of the cost of improving and con- structing the public roads and highways in said County, pursuant to the authority conferred by the Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pems.*lvania, approved, May 11, 1911, Pamphlet Laws page 244, approved May 31, 1911, Pamphlet Laws page 468, and approved April 20, 1874, Pamphlet Laws page 65, and the Acts of the said General Assembly amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, and by virtue of a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, adopted at a meeting thereof duly called and held, and entered upon the minutes. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts , conditions and things necessary to the validity of this bond, exist, have happened and have been done; that every requirement of law affecting the validity hereof has been duly complied with; that this bond is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the constitution and laws of the States and that prior to the issuance t1areof an annual tax has been levied in a sum sufficient to pay the prineipal and interest of this series of bonds, The faith, credit and property of said County of A9 MINUTE BOOrIBC MOARD OF COUNTY COMMSSIONERS WASHINGTON. COUNTY, PENNSYLVAMA JAMES.W. WALKER, -L,ELMER JOHNgalMi WwA_BARNES, Cc mmfswaNtfas Vashington are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the prin- cipal and interest of this bond in accordance with its terms . IN WITNESS �MREOF, the County Commissioners of the County of Washington have duly caused this bond to be issued and executed by them in the name of the said County, and the corporate seal of the said County to be hereunto affixed, attested by the Commissioners' Clerk; and the Coupons hereto annexed to be executed by the fac-simile signatures of the said County Commissioners as of the first day of June, 1928. ATTEST: J. W. Walker JOHN G. HALL, J. E. Johnston Commissioners ' Clerk. W. A. BARNES County Commissioners . FORM OF COUPON No. $21.25 The County of Washington, in the State of Pennsylvania, will pay to bearer Twenty-one and 25/100 dollars , free of any tax imposed under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (except succession and inheritance taxes ) , on the first day of 19 at the office of the County Treasurer, Washington, Pennsylvania, being six months ' -interest that day due on its Road Improvement bond 1928 No. dated June 1, 1928. No. dated June 1, 1928. J. W. WAIXER 'J. E. JOHNSTON W. A. BARNES County Commissioners. FORM OF REGISTRATION Date of Name of Clerk of Registration Registered Owner County Commissioners. CS 6 ------------ MD BE IT RESOLVED,, that an annual tax, beginning with the year 1929, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon the proper subjects of tax- ation within said County, to be spplied solely to t* payment of the principal A7 M- FN UT E -- B4O, 0 K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W. A. BARNES, CommissioNERs of said bonds at maturity and the interest and State taxes thereon as the same shall become payable , (said annual tax is sufficient for the payment of the interest and State taxes thereon and of the principal of said debt within a period not exceeding thirty years , to-wit,within thirty (30) years from the date of increasing said debt) * to be collected, for the following years and in the following amounts , td-wit : Year Amount 1929 $ 8,137.50 1930 8, 137.50 1931 8,137.50 1932 8*137-50 1923 8*137-50 1934 8,137.50 1935 8,137.50 1936 8,137.50 1937 8,137.50 1938 8,137.50 1939 8,,137-50 1940 8,137.50 1941 8,*,137-50 1942 8,137-50 1943 . 13 ,137-50 1944 13 #905-00 1945 12 .672.50 1946 12$440.00 1947 12 *207-50 1948 11,975.00 1949 11o742.50 1950 6,510.00 1951 110510.00 1952 21,277-50 1953 20s580.00 1954 19o883-50 1955 19,185.00 1966 18,487-50 1957 32*790-00 1958 31,395-00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pending the collection of the tax hereinabove levied there is hereby appropriated from the current revenues of the County of Washington the sum of $4418-75 to meet the interest an said bonds, | ��� � � | c��� MINUTE BOOK