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COMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-2-1929 - COMMISSIONER
r„ 77, ' —,7 JAPMES VA WALKER. J. ELMER JOHNSTON. W..A.'BARNWo.COUNA AWWOU ' - Office of COttriV Commissioners�,. I Washington, Pa. Jan. 21 1929 F RESOLUTION of the 861Yd of County Commissioners of tAte Coun of Washington and State of Penns lvania, relative to the issue by the Said � ty of one hundred seventy-five (l7F Road Improvement Bonds of the r $ion V One Thousand 41.,000.00) Dollars Each. y _ . At a meeting of the said Board of County Commissi s of the' ty- of Washington, in the Mate of Pennsylvania, _dnlr called and Reid at. the office of the said Board of County Commissioners at the Court Rouse, of the said'County of Walton, in the City of Washington., Pennsylvania on the day-of Jam. 19299 all. of the members of said Board, to-wit: J. V. Val r! J, JR , � 6�a8 and 1. A. Bar + , being present, the following Resolution was on mot,16 my fade and # E atcbndel ' ,nd adopted by the affirmative vote of all of ,said bees of d Board, k W1W1ftSt ,,by proceedings-had in the Court of Quailster .5essione .of said Wash�ri "CouQty, Pennsylvanis4 in accordance with the provisions of the "Arta- • L pro �e Ce x 41 Assembly of the Commonweal �ef Pe neylvenia, ap the ll+A _ off 1911. Pamphlet bawl,page 244, and the ;1st day of t, �„ Pimblet P;ge U6, the amendments thereof and supplements thereto,A the:-,�aerprovo meat and construction of certain sections of the min .public ro an-ia 40", �41 =ty t been authorized, ordered and decreed. � 4 EfiEAS, the said Board of County Commissioners of asi d-,;:6unty propo w , to proceed, during the year 1929, to improve and construct the Sd# so author-' is6d and directed to be improved and constructed- an a6res&"1d, girder to pro- vide for the f nds to per the ,cost of the said improvem'n't,-,and• ction of saJA roads, it necessary to borrow 'upon bonds to be issued'b 'the County tbe a.: � sum, of One 'Hundred Seventy-five Thousand 7,5�$� ,DQ0.4�►)� _ � the funds now , the treasury of the said County, and those- to' come ; tie said year, from , sources other than such 'borrowing, not being snffi.t '= ;� �. a *#id coat. I NM T "C7y BE RESQL by they Boa *f Ccissioners cX ; mod-Contsty of Washing n, and State of Pengs�► that, _ f� t� {/►n�} L ��r tr%u pf the pubj ° s and highway ' constructed or-to be Noma sE so droresai.d author dd, order and decreed tba sails tateify, do boy tie sum of On* hundred Se ty»five Thousand ($175 060.00) , l ` its. i eb nose by the is ty 75) bo s of" one hundre8 seven five 1 i t#.an of F' O Th6t�� ($1. 000 00) "Dol�ae each, to be �re�d ; oAk,o*, fty o �► r+� 41", j se'venty�-five (1 to lj5)t, both inclusive, to bear date ,the 't of 'e�� 1$ and to bear interest at'b le rate of four and, one-fourth ( per ,mot$ r from. their date, payable semi-annually on the 1st"-days of e $ _ each Years both principal and interest being payable, free of any s required , , to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under "sowliew of the k, monmealth of Penntsyjvania, (except succession and inheritance ), :the said I County expressly agreeing and assuming to p$3' the same. The principal of the said bonds. to mature as follows, to-wit: Bonds- nui Datj 0ri� 1 to I. , both elusive' February 1 ` 9' i • v 16 to 2., bath inclusive February 1; l 14,)000:w 2�6 to � � bates inelusi�e February 19, 1" lot 600''A* 36 to . both inclusive Petauary I,, 1942 5 1000140 41-to 4 , both i c lus ive Februa ky 1, 1943 5*000. 4.6 to 5Q> bath. inclusive February 1 1944 = 5 `to bo h inclusive February S 00.E , :fir' � ary 1., 1945 ��00140 6 to 66,, bet. inclusive Febr 1946 1 to 6.5, � both inclusive Febru 1, 194 000.44 666 to ,? both inclusive February 1, 1,94b 5,=*0071 t both inclusive February 4 3 5,- „Q 6 to 4 both inclusive February 1, 1951 �,000 ." r- _ 1 to $?lt both inclusive February- 1, 1952 5,000.00 � 86 to 90, both inclusive February 1953 52 006.00 9 to 95 both inclusive February 19 1954 5�000.00 '9 to 1i%both inclusive �Fe"bruary I, 195 = �,t3o�.4� 141 to 1 5,bc-tb inclusive February 1, 195 0.00 • 106 to -1.45 be(tJt'_inclusive February. 1, i95 44,0t,#.00 y 14 ..:o- '•1 both firrcltsive ' ` ebruary 1, 19 34,0t3f .44 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PEt4NSYLVANIA � JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W.A. BARNES, COMMISstONBRs A 8-11 ARD - I The said bonds and the Coupons annexed thereto to be in the following form:- F UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF PENNSFLVANIA - I COUNTY OF WASSHINGTON I i ROAD INPROVETI ENT BOND 1929. No, $19000.00 I KNOW ALL M BY TTEN,25E. PR�S�'PS� That. the County of Washivo_ Mate of Pennsylvania,, for value received,, acknowledges itself to be j promises to pay to bearers or if registered to the registered holder hi�rkif ° t , _ sum of One Thousand ($1,,000.00) Dollars in lawful money of the .tewd' St4 Arica. on the first day of February! 19. o�., with interest thereon at rate of four and one-fourth (4j) per cent,, per an=4 - payable semi-annually.�. Firs ., days of February and August in each year both principal and interest - ble, free of any taxes required to be'paid or which 'many be hereafter regU' ire [_ � r_'b paid under any lam of the Commonbeal.th of Pennsylvania (except succession ash w inheritance taxes) ; said County hereby expressly agreeing and assuming to,,pe ? same: the principal thereof being payable at the office of the County Trdasur . in the City of Washington, Washington County,,- Pennsylvania, and the interest a c same place,, upon presentation and surrender of the coupons, annexed, as they sev- erally become due. This bond may be registered as to principal only upon the btlad rag-, `@ istry book--to be keept at the office of the County Commissioners of WaAhington County, and by endorsement upon the back hereof by the clerk for the tisesee_ be io- for the County Commtissioner&* after whixh no transfer of this bond aball be madie except by the registered holder or holders in person,, o r by their duly author *d attorney,, and such transfer shall be noted, upon the bo f registry 'bank kept' at the office of the (;ommissionago of Washington County,, Od upon the k hereof provided, however,, that this y be transferred to,bearer,, am ;: 3�ty s thereby regteredpdaiad shall cq► inuezubjec't to registrations or tx nsa bearer,, but no such registration of principal' shall a ct the--negotiabil ty of t �¢ he coupons hereto annexed,, which shall ixtti>nue to b eforab by de1:1V - � only. �t This bond may also be registered both as to principal and interest,,. in which. event the coupons hereto attached shall be detached and immediately cancelled by the Clerk for the time being for the County Commissioners of Washing- ton County,, and such registration shall be noted upon the registry book kept at the office of the County Commissioners aforesaid, and upon the back hereof*,, and,- thereafter the semi-annual interest shall, be 'paid to the holder or holdeiss 'hereof by check or warrant drawn to the order of- the registered holder or holders-hereof, and mailed to his,, her ' or their address,,,, as the same appears of record "n { said bond registry bock. This bond is one of a series of one hundred seventy-five (175) bonda- of like date,, tenor and effect., differing only as to maturity amounting in :the aggregate to One Hundred :eVen fuse Tk A j 00) hol�srs- issued for r the purpose of providing funds for the payment of th, cost of improving and- eon- atructing the public roads and highxays in said County,, pursuant to the authorir conferred by the Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved-May 11,, 1911, Pamphlet -Lava Page 244,, approved May 319 1.911, PBAP. et Laval page 468, and approved April 20, 1874, Pamphlet Lars page 65,,, and the Acts of the said General Assembly adendatory thereof and supplemental thereto,,d and`=b� a virtue of a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of saLd Count,, adopted at a meeting thereof duly-called and held, and entered upon the minutes_. { It is hereby certified and recited that all acts conditions andE things necessary to the valididity of this bond,, exist,, have lappened and have been done; that revery requirement of Ism affecting the validity hereof has been. -- .�;, duly complied with; %bat this bond is within everyy' ebt and other limit prescribed" by the constitution and laws of the State,, and, that prior to the is a thereof an annual tax. has been le-iied in a sum sufficient to pay the principal ., inter.-,,, . a eat of this series of bonds. The f.tth, credit and property of said Co of —� . Washington are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the prrincipal, and interest of this bond in accordance with its terms. IN MTNESS OF the County Commissioners of the Comet Washington have duly caused this bond to be Issued and executed by ,the* name of the said County, and the corporate seal of the said County to beet to affixed,, attested by the Commissioners' Clerk; and the coupons hereto annew ;; be executed by 'the facsimile signatures of the said County assoionerr- the first day of February, 1929, ! „ r_FA y�I 'x ” r - `"'•'pkq, ,.r OW ,ems■ t■ T E 0,10 K' aAMIES, nr.,WALKRR. J. 6LMER.JQHNS"f'UM. . M.A,8AR ATTSSri" ' Al IF. 14111ter- 4 J G. U.,L ,. X. oh a ; Commissiobers t Clerk. w. A„, Bames 3 6unty Commissioners, FORM or COMM w W Tilt Comtr,er,Washington, In the State of - enty-oae and 251100 dolla kv$ �e of any tax d erg- IM- x n UO a3 th of Pennsylvanian (wept. succes on and izh S.tanee ' s s . CM tha first of 19 at the offies of - +e. County Treasurer, W"higO4- ennsylvania. being six meathe inzavest that day 4h*_ <<� " Fr-overizA Bond 192} No � dated Feb aryv 1, 1929.. t J. 9. I.r 'y n. J, Z, � ran Cr REGISTRATUN . . . Name of of � trati©n Registarod Omer Osioneria 3 31a I T.T FMTOM F=L,VXD� that an art3uwl1 , Ux - " year 19309 be and the same is hereby Levied and asees d. :� within said dcunty,,, to 'fie applied solely to the ��6 ,.. g s t maturityand the interest and t sa�ae tare State taxes re the sball a payable, (said annual tax is sufficient for the ar# of the interea and *6 6taxesthe eorc and _of the principal of said drebt wi ,4 period not e�c �y yearns to -wit, within thirty (30) years from the Ate ,of inerea►s ime _ csa $1r � be collected, for the foilowing years " 'isa. thatr,te►3 e"1_ unts mo , 1030 $ $,137+50 1931 8 2-37 5093-2 n„ 134 8, Ml 5 _. m . . 193i 1936 8,�1x. 193 ,1 -< r 1939 . 7 19 2a 1940 . 1941 1 ,7 , s . 19421943 1944 10, ._ 41. a` 194 10 45 42 °: � 1947 10 222.84 1948 91 9 •41 - 1949 19514 x . i 7' MINUTE s. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON,COUNTY, P4*14V JAMES W.WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON, W.A. BARNES, COMMISSIONERS .-28 ]LANE MIEM CO. 31905 195 8, 595.42 19,56 89,362.92 . 42 �i 333 195M 309, 7.50 AND HS IT ETHER R'WL that and, the collection of this�di� hereinabove levied there is hereby appropriated from the cutrent revanvo ofz4' the County of Washington the sum of $4060.42 to meet the interest on s . bonds '. failing due on August 19 1929, and the State Tax for the year 1929, whit sum shall be repaid out of the taxes hereinlbefore levied when and as the be collected. AND HE IT FURTHER FZSM that the mo ye-collt cted from levied in the foregoing resolution authoarzing the issue =of the said \ shall., as collected, be paid t4 the County urer,- into a special si j w ° fund, to be kept separate from the other mfid� a:44 shawl. 'be applied 'by- „ t4k the payment of the principal of said bonds,at the ziLtiu'riity'thereofands, interest and State taxes thereon as the same become 4ie -and payable, F ` AND BE IT MTHER RESOLY134 that before any of said bonds :w- issued, a Statement shall be prepared, executed and Piled in the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Wqshington County, was requireda lav �h second section of the aforesaid .Act of the General Assembly of the C +bal#�i � � a��=; °�• ` of Pennsylvania# approved on the 20th day of April, 1874, and the Act* tory thereof and supplemental thereto.` j 1 EE IT FURTHER FZSOLVEZr that the notice be given by advertisfmqnt for the sale of said bonds in accordance with the provisions of the Act + -'the an { General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvia approved the* 6th, ,-*r ; July, 1917, P. L. 747, and the Acts amendatory thereof and supplement,-- e, }^w and that the same be sold to the highest responsible bidder after 'due g notice as required by said Act, provided that no°461* for acid 'bonds at lest-1" , their par value shall be accepted. '" °, �• r AND RE IT FMTHER FMSOLVZI� that said One ndred Seventy- Thousand ($175, 00,00) Dollars of bond* when dml in the form above set- forth shall be delivered to the��"Oft ' hereinabove provided, on payment of the purchase price ereof, and M `-> of the Treasurer of the said County shall be to the purchaser a full ce for the said purchase price, and the said purchasers shall not be bo oe to the application of the proceeds thereof, = MUNTY E F.i -