HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-1-1931 - COMMISSIONER TE" B 0 b it Bc)ARE5 6� CbUN-h( commis_i5l6i�g wA'§'kiNdTo-f� c-ouN`ry, PE'NN8YLVANIA JA i�; W. A: BARN C6 SS ER�� �4ES W. WA^ LKER", J.- k�4Ek J8P"NS"+"b'­ 16�' June 1, 1931, RESOLUTION* MMREAS, it is necessary for the COUNTY OF WASHINGTON# Pennsylvania., to borrow money in the sum of One hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($125,000) for the purpose of paying the current expenses of the said County pending the Collection of taxes which have been levied and assessed for said purpose in the year 1931; and WHEREAS the said loan will not increase the indebtedness of the County for the reason that it can be paid out of the current revenues thereof for the year 1931; and WHEREAS, the Mellon National Bank of Pittsburgh has offered to loan to said County said sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars($125,000) upon the issuance and delivery to it of an obligation of the County In form herein- after not forth, NOW, THEREFOREp be it resolved as follows: k ! Section 1, That the County of Washington borrow from the Mellon national Bank of Pittsburgh the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($125p000) for the purpose aforesaid and issue and deliver to said Bank-a note o the County in the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($125,,000) un- der its corporate seal, dated and bearing interest from the 5th -day of June,, 1933 , at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, and maturing August 1, 1931. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the Mellon National Bank of Pitts- burgh. The note shall be in substantially the following forms $125,9000 June 5, 19310 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Pennsylvania., a municipal corporation existing by and under the laws of said State, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the MELLON NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGA; 02 OEM ON August 1. 1931, the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars,, ($1250000), with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five per cent (5%) per antrum, payable at maturity, Both principal and interest shall be payable at the Mellon National Bank of Pittsburgh. IN WITNESS WHFMOF,q the COUNTY OF WASHINIMON; Pennsylvania, pursuant to a resolution duly enacted on June 1 , 1931, has caused this note to be signed by its Commissioners and its common and corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by the Commissionerst Clerk, an of date the 5th day of June, 1931, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON By Attest: �Uommlsslonersl Clerk Commissioners. T E A3 00 ' WWM Vit wALINW. J. ELIMER JWNWOOK �Iti.l:,PJAt�t Section 2. There is hereby appropriated from the tuxes levied by Vze, County of Washington for the year 1931 a sum sufficient to,,pal 'ihe interest on said note and the principal thereof at maturity* Section 3. All resolutions and parts of resoluttais not in accord with this resolution area hereby repealed in so far as they are not in ,accord herewith. f . 4 S,T TFi 1511tIll 11 1 VLWT11 l_ __________ 'F Tbs Mellon rational Bank of Pittsburgh. w We, the undersigned Commissioners of the County of Washington, stato pf Pennsylvania, in connection with the temporary loam of One Hvndred r Twen •five Thousand Dollars ($125,000) made by your to-Ahe said Oomty, P fi evtdoneed by note of the County bearing date the bth day of June, 1931, sad Maturing on August 19, 193 , do hereby certify as follows: 1. The amount of the last preceding assessed �� valuation of taxable property within .4 the said County is 61,655,037.00 2. The present actual bonded indebtedness of said County created with the consent of 900,00 .00 the electors is Use k sinking fund (Provided for at issuance of Bonds, by Resolutions) 3. The present actual bonded indebtedness of said County created without the consent 3$ 91 i..00 : of the electors is Less I sinking fund (provided for by Resolution at .issuanae of Bonds. ) 4. Mxe total floating and other indebtedness h rexclusivo of b indebtedness not Including mbond"oney he tofore borrowed in the present yeas* in anticipation 1590,147.75 of tax collection& is The total present indebtedness of all kinds is 4 450 147.78 , '. d'. The amount of tames assessed and due for 3,7550490.17 the year 1931 is 7. The amount of money borrowed during the 3900000.00 present year in anticipation of tax collections is # S+ t 8. The estimated current expenses for the 1,755,490.17 year 1931 are excess of taxes assessed VUMWq&W fft 1931 ear estimated F i .ryl to p}pp 4f` yy J an Wk ` 77 MINUTE BOOK 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYUVANIA JAMES W. WALKER, J. ELMER JOHNSTON. W.A. BARNES, Commi"10NERS � 5.15 WARD P19INTING Cash on hand 10. Road fundio-t%- 43 130.09 General Fund 63,P.T8 i E IN WITNESS W EREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of said County, this lot day of June, 19310 E f E€ I a a There btAng no further business before the Board, it was adjourn " SIGNED E � 4 County o s s 5-5Wr-t7 . I ' � I I I • ti I i r I l t e .c 4 •'�YJ f k 4 v� f ea -,s-n..v-Hw,=xb' e` �.a.a.rs+�.�., .sew.. du. p a,k.. a w • ......_d.....�. -.�.a...�-...,.._...__f.,-..._�....__..,..�.....__ _.....,..,d___.J...a�.�...a..a...a..,.u1.'w�.a....,,.x�_u,sa..�u.t�....s.�-�- „a��a�vh:� �a..�n m..'..�..._' '.u�.�a e-�z �- - a`�"�-F" •;�`bCc:4..�__.._.t_..-.. ,�.... �..s _a.