HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 3-21-1924 - COMMISSIONER 323'i i MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. %k!%WJMWON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, VCXXXX-M COMMISSIONERS opportunity may be presented to investigate standing, etc, , of lowest bidder. Motion unanimously carried, There being no further business before the joint meeting, ,it was adjourned. There being no further business, the Board ad" -rnod. SI GNED) COUNTY COVVISSIOMMS. Office of founty Oommissioners, Washington, Pa. , March 19 ,, 1924, Commissioners in regular 3session, members present being Messrs. Johnston, Walker and Barnes. Motion by, Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that contract for printing and delivery of approximately 70,000 official ballots and 14,000 specimen ballots for Spring primary of 1924 be let to the Derrick Publishing Company, of Oil City, Pa. , at its bid presented on March 18, 1924, of $959 .25, plus the sum if $35-00, because of requirements in specifications not fully set forth at time same were submitted to said Company and a contract was diftected to be drawn up between the County of Washington and the said Derrick blishing Co. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the -Board adjaur;P Ve SI GNED) P COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Office of County Commissioner, Washingt9n, Pa. , March 21 , 1924, COPY OF RESOLUTION. Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Waptingtons relative to the issue by the said County of One hundred sixty-five ('165) Read Improvement Bonds of the denomination of One Thousand ( $1000,00) Dollars each„ At a meeting of the Board of Bounty Commissioners of the County of Washington in the State of Pennsylvania, duly called and h4ow &t the office of said Board of County Commissioners at the Court House of obit feaid County of Washington, in the Borough of Washington, Pennsylvania, on the 21st day of March, 1924, all of the members of said Board, to wit , J. Z. Johnston, Wo Walker, and i324 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS wYVAk�5WFff-eT6)N COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAME'S W WALKER, V71XXXX= COMMISSIONERS W. A. Barnes, being present , the following Resolution was, an motion duly made and seconded, unanimously adopted by said Board, to wit: WHEREAS, by proceedings had in the Court of Quarter Sessions -of Washington County , Pa. , in accordance with the provisions of the Act of the Goner Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved on the llth day of May, 1911 ( Pamphlet Laws , page 244) and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto , the improvement, construction and maintenance under the said Act of divers sec- tions of the main public roads in said county has been authorized and ordered and decreed to be done; and -MRBAS, the County Commissioners of the said County propose to proceed, during the year, 1924, to build, repair, maintain and otherwise perma- nently improve a part of the roads, the improvement , construction and maintenance of which has been authorized and directed as aforesaid, and in order to provide for the cost of the building, repairing, maintaining, and otherwise permanently improving the same, it is necessary to borrow upon bonds to be issued by the said county the sum of One Hundred Sixty-five Thousand ( $165,000,00) Dollars, the funds now in the treasury of the said County, and those to come in during the said year ( from sources other than such borrowing) not being sufficient to defray such cost. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of the said County of Washington, that for the purpose of providing for the cost of the building, repairing, maintaining and permanently improving the public roads and highways now constructed or to be constructed by said county, so as aforesaid authorized and ordered and decreed to be done, the said County do borrow the sum of One Hundred Sixty-five Thousand ( $165,000.00) Dollars and increase its indebt- edness by the issue of One Hundred Sixty-five bonds in the denomination of One Thousand ( $1000.00) Dollars each, to be numbered from one to one hundred sixty- five ( l to 165) , both inclusive, to bear date the first day of July, 1924, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half ( 4jj per cent. per annum from their date, payable semi -annually on the first days of November and May in each year, both principal and interest being payable, free of any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Common- waalth of Pennpylvania, said county expressly agreeing and assuming to pay the same. The principal of said bonds to mature as follows: Bonds numbered Aggregate amount Date of Maturity. 1 to 5 Inc. $ 5000 May I , 1939 6 to lo $ 5000 May 1 , 1940 11 to 20 $ 10000 May 1 ,, 1941 21 to 30 $ 10000 May 1 , 1942 31 to 40 $ 10000 May 1 , 1943 41 to 65 $ 25000 May 1 , 1944 66 to 75 $ 10000 May 1 , 1945 76 to loo $ 25000 May 10 1946 3 � i MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS �WkS fflGTON COUNTY, P"ENNSYLVANIA nee J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, COMMISSIONERS 101 'to 130 Inc 30000 Nay 1. 1947 a 131 to 150 $20000 May 1, 1948 151 to 165 15000 May 10 1949 Said bonds and the coupons annexed thereto to be in the following fermi . I j UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA j COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ROAD IMPROVEMM BOND. 1000 00 KNOW ALL MRN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the County of Washington,- in the State of Pennsylvania, for value received, acknowledges itself to be indebted 3 and promises to pay to bearer, or if registered, to the registered holder hereof, I the sum of One Thousand Dollars ( 1000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America, on the first d of May, 1 , with interest thereon at the rate of � four and ones-half ( 4*) per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first dVo of N'et±ember and May in each year, both principal and interest being payable, free of any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; said County hereby ex- presely agreeing and assuming to -pay the same; the principal thereof being payable at the Office of the County Treasurer in the Borough of Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and the interest at the same place, upon presentation and surrender of the coupons annexed, as they severally become due. This band may be registered as to principal only upon the bond registrar bask to be kept at *he office of the County Commissioners of Washington County, and by endorsement upon the back hereof by the Clerk for the time being for the County Commissioners, after whtch no transfer of this bond shall be made except by the registered holder or holders in person, or by their duly authorised attorney and such transfer shall be noted upon the band registry book kept at the office of the Commissioners of Washington County, and upon the back hereof, provided, however, that this bond may be transferred to bearer, and negotiability thereby restored, and shall continue subject to registrations or transfers to bearer, but no such registration of principal shall effect the negotiability of the coupons I hereto annexed, which shall continue to be transferable by delivery only. This bond may also be registered both as to principal and interest, in i whihh event the coupons hereto attached shall be detached and immediately cancelled by the Clerk for the time being for the County Commissioners of Washington County, the bond registry beak kept at the `effice ��► such registration shall be noted upon h on eg ry p of the County Cemuissienere aforesaid, and upon the back hereof, and thereafter f the semi-annual interest shall be paid to the holder or holders hereof by check i or warrant drawn to the order of the registered holder or holders hereof, and mailed to his, her or their address, as the same appears of record upon said bond registry book, 326 MINUTE BOOK BOARD 'OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS &kS N COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMr_s w WALKER, COMMISSIONERS This bond is one of a series of one hundred and sixty-five ( 165) bonds, of like date, tenor and effect, amounting in the aggregate to One Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Dollars ( $165,000.00) , issued for the purpose of providing for the cost of the building, repairing, maintaining and otherwise permanently improving the public roads and highways now constructed or to be constructed by said county, pursuant to the authority conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved the llth day of May, 1911 (Pamphlet Laws, Page 244) and the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved the 20th day of April , 1874,0 ( Pamphlet Laws , Page 54) , and Acts amenda- tory thereof and supplemental thereto, and by virtue of a Resolution of the County Commissioners of said County, adopted at a meeting thereof duly called and held. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things necessary to the validity of this bond, exist, have happened and have been done; that every requirement of law affecting the validity hereof has veen duly complied with; that this bond is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the constitution and laws of the State, and that prior to the issuance thereof an annual tax has been levied in a sut suffibient to pay the principal and interest of this series of bonds. The faith, credit and property of said County of Washington are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and in- terest of this bond in accordance with its terms, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The County Commissioners of the County of Washington have duly caused this bond to be issued and executed by them in ,the name of the said Cqunty, and the corporate seal of the said County to be hereunto affixed, attested by the Commissioners' Clerk; and the coupons hereto annexed to be executed by the fac-simile signatures of the said County Commissioners an of the first day of May, 1924. 4 SM6 VP ATTEST: U County CommissioRers.7 Coninfissionirs' Clef= FORM OF COUPON No. $22.50 The County of Washington will pay to bearer Twenty-two and 501100 dollars , free of any tax imposed under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the first day of 19 at the office of the County Treasurer, Wash- ington, Pennsylvania, being six monthst interest that day due on its Road Improve- ment Bond No. dated May 1 , 1924, 327 MINUTE BOOK I a BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ;TON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JKMES W WALKER, COMMISSIONERS I FORM OF RLGI STR.AT I ON 1 Dat! of Name of C1ork of itgstflt# Registered Owner County Cemmissioners. j i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an annual tax, beginning with the year, 1924, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon the proper sub- jects of taxation within said county , to be applied s0lely to the payment of the prinoip l -of said bonds at maturity and the interest and State taxti thereon as the same shall become payable, ( said annual tax is sufficient for the payment of the interest and State taxes thereon and of the principal of said debt within a period not exceeding thirty years, to-wit, within twenty-six gears from the date of increasing said debt) , to be collected as follows; ' 2n the year 1924 $;7425,60 1925 7425.00 " 1926 $ 7425.00 " 1927 $ 7425,00 " 1928 7425,00 " 19297425.00 " 1930 # 7425.00 " 1931 $ 7425,00 " 19)2 $ 7425.00 " . 1933 $ 7425,00 " 1934 $ 7425.60 " 1935 # 7425.00 " 1936 $ 7426.00 " 1937 $ 7425.00' " 1938 $ 7425,00 " 1939 $12500.00 " 1940 $12250,00 " 1941 $17004.00 1942 $16700.00 " 1943 $16200.00 a 3 " 1944 $30500.00 " 1945 `1$14725.00 " 1946 $28600.00 " 1947 $33000.00 i " 1948 •$21600.Oo " 1949 15675.00 I 328 | MINUTE BOOK