HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 10-28-1924 - COMMISSIONERf 356 i N UTBOOK f BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER. W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Office of the County commissioners Washington, Pa., Oct. 28, 1924. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker and -Barnes; Mr. Johnston having notice of meeting, but absent. Joint meeting at 11:15 A. M. of County Commissioners and County .ontroller to open bids for delivery of ballots and election supplies to proper election officers of the County for the general election of iNovember 4, 1924; present for county Commissioners, Messrs. Walker and 13arnes; for county 'Controller, -&iss killcr, second deputy in office of Controller; bids from following persons opened in presence of County Commissioners, each bid accompanied by check for $100, as required. Eugene Sloan, 3380.00 White Brothers. 00.00 Galley & Thompson 45.00 Motion by M.r . Walker-,; after due consideration of importance of delivery of ballots properly and on time, that contract be awarded to Messrs. Galley & Thompson, who have had experience in this line of work, -tX who snow well the location of election officers in every district of the county and who have ample facilities to properly handle the ballots and supplies, the former being of greater bulk this year than before, and that checks be returned to unsuccessful bidders. I-otion carried. DOTE --Investigation the following day revealed the fact that Mr. Sloan had failed to appear at time of opening or within 24 hours thereafter and efforts made by Controller's office and Clerk of County Commissioners to locate him had failed; that Messrs. 1,rhite Brothers had not sufficient equipment to insure such delivery of ballots and supplies as would be satisfactory to commissioners or controller. Oct. 28, 1924. The following resolution was duly presented by Mr. Walker and seconded by Mr. Barnes. 14MREAS, By virtue and in pursuance of a special election held ir� in the ounty of Washington on the 17th day of June, 1919, the assent of the electors was obtained for the purpose of increasing the bonded indebtedness of the said County in and by the amount of One Million (1,000,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for perma- nently improving, repairing and maintaining the public roads and highways in said County as provided by the Acts of Assembly of Lay 11, 1911, P,L, _ 244, and May 31, 1911, P. L. 468, and the amendments thereof and sup - elements thereto, and WHEREAS, it p�eop,ose�l to issue ^wo Hundred (200) Road Improvement Bonds of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars($1,000.00), MINUTE BOOK EcrARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. EGME�JOHNSTON, JAMES W. WALKER. W. H. ECKER, n.. COM MISSIONERS each, for the purpose of providing funds for permanently improving, repair* A and maintaining the public roads and highways in said County as provided by i the .Actw, pf Aasembly of May 11, 1911, P. L. 244, and May 31, 1911s P. L. 4$6, and the ndments thereof and supplements thereto, and as assented to b the FP y C electors of Washington County by virtue and in pursuance of a special eleetten held ih said County on the 17th day of June, 1919, for their approval or dis- a.Ppr,4va1,. AM BE Z-T FURTHER RESOLVED That said proposed issue of -Road Improvevent i Bonds be submitted to the Court of Quarter Sessions on Monday, November 10,1924, at 4000 e�Glock A. M., for its approval or disapproval. Presented and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of..Countyy, CRq 4ouse:: , Commisatoners of Washington County held at their office Is the ,- �tti,l dshi o��r. �s�rly� a�gin, ttie 28th,;day ; of Oc,tober,. 1924, and duly recorded in the minutes of said Hoard., There being no further business, the Board adjourned. SIGNED COUNTY COMMISaIONERS . I 4 � +F , , _ , s Office of County Commissioners Nov. 11, 192#' Washington, Pa. A RESOLUTION, authorizing the issuance of Two Hundred Thousand ! -(t200;000'1O0)Dollars of bonds of the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, for theppurposet of providing funds for permanently improving, repairing and maintain- M ing certain public reads and highways in the County of Washington, as prow- - , vided by Acts of Assembly of May 11, 1911, P. L. 244, and May 31, 1911, P. L. 468, a,n4e.the amendments thereof and supplements thereto; to approve the ` g +R ry fog of i0ad; and to provide for the assessment, levy and collection of a tax ` to pay the interest and taxes covenanted to be paid thereon and the princifal t-hereof'at-maturity. WHREM1S, by resolution duly adopted May 15, 1919, the voun,ty Cb - missioners of tie county '0i Washington; Penns:�ivahia; did signify their de4i sire to increase the bonded indebtedness of said county in the sum of One 10illion ($1,000,000) Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for permanently improving, repairingR,4d maintaining public roads and highways in the County of Washington, as p"vi.de4 by Acts of Assembly of May 11, 1911, P. L. 244, and May 31, 1911, w