HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 11-11-1924 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK EcrARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J. EGME�JOHNSTON, JAMES W. WALKER. W. H. ECKER, n.. COM MISSIONERS each, for the purpose of providing funds for permanently improving, repair* A and maintaining the public roads and highways in said County as provided by i the .Actw, pf Aasembly of May 11, 1911, P. L. 244, and May 31, 1911s P. L. 4$6, and the ndments thereof and supplements thereto, and as assented to b the FP y C electors of Washington County by virtue and in pursuance of a special eleetten held ih said County on the 17th day of June, 1919, for their approval or dis- a.Ppr,4va1,. AM BE Z-T FURTHER RESOLVED That said proposed issue of -Road Improvevent i Bonds be submitted to the Court of Quarter Sessions on Monday, November 10,1924, at 4000 e�Glock A. M., for its approval or disapproval. Presented and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of..Countyy, CRq 4ouse:: , Commisatoners of Washington County held at their office Is the ,- �tti,l dshi o��r. �s�rly� a�gin, ttie 28th,;day ; of Oc,tober,. 1924, and duly recorded in the minutes of said Hoard., There being no further business, the Board adjourned. SIGNED COUNTY COMMISaIONERS . I 4 � +F , , _ , s Office of County Commissioners Nov. 11, 192#' Washington, Pa. A RESOLUTION, authorizing the issuance of Two Hundred Thousand ! -(t200;000'1O0)Dollars of bonds of the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, for theppurposet of providing funds for permanently improving, repairing and maintain- M ing certain public reads and highways in the County of Washington, as prow- - , vided by Acts of Assembly of May 11, 1911, P. L. 244, and May 31, 1911, P. L. 468, a,n4e.the amendments thereof and supplements thereto; to approve the ` g +R ry fog of i0ad; and to provide for the assessment, levy and collection of a tax ` to pay the interest and taxes covenanted to be paid thereon and the princifal t-hereof'at-maturity. WHREM1S, by resolution duly adopted May 15, 1919, the voun,ty Cb - missioners of tie county '0i Washington; Penns:�ivahia; did signify their de4i sire to increase the bonded indebtedness of said county in the sum of One 10illion ($1,000,000) Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for permanently improving, repairingR,4d maintaining public roads and highways in the County of Washington, as p"vi.de4 by Acts of Assembly of May 11, 1911, P. L. 244, and May 31, 1911, w MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSY€ vA-NIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS P. L. 468, and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto, and wnwusAS, by separate resolution duly adopted the same date-, said Board of County Commissioners fixed dune 17, 1919, as the date for holdimg's public election upon said increase of the bonded indebted-ness of said voonty, and ISAS, said election, after being advertised, was held and a` majority of the qualified electors voting at said selection assented to the,ian- ` crease of said indebtedness of said county in,the sum of One Million 'r3 ($10000,000,00) Dollars as aforesaid, as appears by the return of the Clerk of quarter Sessions, a certified copy of which has bpea furntished to the Board of County �-oamnissioaners and placed of 'record "ong thou minutes, and wr w-M ,, said G*=Ay of wash toa 'lnlwe ::entered into certain oont* , tracts -with the State lisko r-ftortomt fit aka _peat improvement, at o$ r taint highways as State and Stat maid M, the Act of Xay 31, 19i1, P. L. 468, and the erect and supplements thereto, and VEMBAS, by proper proceedings in the Court of quarter Son4t bo,_ for said county, authority has been given for the permanent improving ofcertain roads as county roads under the provisions of the Act of May 11, 19110- F.-L.-,. 244, and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto and the Grand Jua �.V# said Court of quarter Sessions sleeting during November Term of 1924, has duly certified its approval of the issuance of bonds up to the sum of Two dated Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars for the permanent improving of said ag ty rods and state roads or any of them and a decree of the Court to the same effoO, has been duly entered aovember 10, 1924, pursuant to sold consent of the Grand Jury. NOV, therefore, be it/ resol"di Section 1: That for the puuunpmee of priding, funds for per mently improving, repairing and naintaining.cert&in public roads and highways in tb* County of Washington, as provided by Acts of Assembly of May 11, 1911, ?.,L. 244, and May,31, 1911, P. L. 468, and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto, the County Commissioners of Washington County do hereby authorise the incurring of a debt by said county in.the sum of Two Hundred Tho ($200,000.00) Dollars and direct the issuance of aaaMpiowbonds therefor In, the form and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, to be kntova as "Washington Uounty Road Bonds, Series A. 1925". Section 2: Said bonds shall be Issued in the denominatioo,of One Thousand ($l,000.00) Dollars each; numbered respectively from one to Two hundred, inclusive, maturing as follows: Bone Numbers 1 - 22, inolusivm, January 1, 1941 Bonds Numbers 23- 42, inclusive, January 1, 1942 Bonds Numbers 43. 47, inclusive, January 1, 1941 Bonds Numbers 48- 52, inclusive, January 1, 1946 e Bonds aumtbsare 53- 62, inclusive, January i, 1948 9 1 1 C M, MINUTE BOO BOARD OF' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PE,NNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, J ...... _. ..,.....,. AMES W..WALK..RW H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS .. ..., ., ............. ... ......r., .. ....,..,,.,..., ...........,.., ,... ......._ Bonds Numbers 3 63-112, Inclusive,• January 11, 1949 i Bonds Numbers 113-162, inclusive, January 101950 Bonds numbers 163-200, inclusive, January 1,1951 Section 3: Said bonds shall be dated Jam 4 19250 and shall bear interest at the rate of four and oa f -pw t "rawm s, Faymble semi-annually, on the first day of July and the first day of Jetucry in eaoh year until the same shall mature; said interest to be r rpreohited by i detachable coupons in a form hereinafter a set forth. Section 4: Said bonds shall be free from any tax or tax**# a except succession and inheritance taxes, which are now or may hereinarOr be levied or assessed by or under the authority of the Commonwhalth.of Penn- ! sylvanio, upon the interest or principal thereof, all. of which said taxes. I said.Lzounty of Washington hereby covenants and agrees to pay* � Section 5: Be it further resolved that au annual ta: tfting I with the year 1925 be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon to proper subjects of taxation within said county, to be applied solely.to the payment of•the principal of said bonds at maturity and the interest and taxes covenanted to be paid thereon, as the same shall become payable, to be collected as follows: In the year 1925 4 98000.00 { In the year 1926 -- .91800.00 In the year 1927 -- 9,800,00 'I In the year 1920 -- 908001.00 � E In the year 1929 -- 9,800.00 In the year 1930 -- 9,800.00 C I In the year 1931 -- 9.800.4Q In the year 1932 -- 90800.00 t in the year 1933 -- 9,800.00 i In the year 1934 -- 9,800,00 In the year 1935 -- 90800.00 4n the year-1936 - - 98800.00 ' In the year 1937 •- 9,800.00 In the year 1938 -- 90800.00 In the year 1939 -- 90800.00 a In the year 1940 -- 9,800.00 In the year 1941 -• 31,800.00 In the year 1942 -- '28.?50.00 j In the year 1943 -- 12.750-00 In tho jr-1944 -- 7.504.00 In the year 1945 -- 7*500,00 In the year 19-" •- 12,50040 j In the year 1947 -- 7o250,00 i MINUTE BOOK BOAR® OF COUNTY COI M'ISSIONERS WASHINGT0N COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS In the-eer 1946 -- 17, 250. 00 In the year 1949 -- 57,000.00 In the year 1950_ -- 54,30040 In the year 1951 -- 39►$60.00 a i Section 6: All bonds issued by -virtue of this resolution shall be and become a part of the funded debt of the County of Washington and for the payment of the principal -of said bonds and the taxes and annual interest accruing thereon, the faith, -honor, credit and property of said County of Washington are hereby_�and shall continue pledged. Section 7: Said bonds shall be executed in the name of the County of Washington by the County Commissioners and said Commissioners shall cause the seal of said -county to be duly affixed thereto, attested by the Clerk, and the interest coupons annexed to said bonds shall.be authenticated by the facsimile signatures of the county Commissioners. No. Said bonds and coupons shall be substantially in the following form: STATS OF PZNNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ROAD BONDS SBRISS ♦, 1925 $1,000.00 THS County of 'Washington, State of Pennsylvania, for -value received, -hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted and promisee to pay to� the bearer, or in case of -registration as hereinafter provided, then to the - registered owner hereof, the sum of One Thousand-($1,000,00) Dollars, lawful money of the united States of America, on the first day of January, .19., , presentation and surrender hereof, together with interest thereon from the first .day of January, 1925, Payable semi-annually, upon presentation and sur- render of the ooupons hereunder attacbsd as they severally mature.at then rate of 4f per cent per anam on the' -first day of July and January in each and eye" year. Both principal and interest of this bond are parable at the office of the Treasurer of the County,of Washington, Washington, Pennsylvania, free of any tam or taxes,, except succession and inheritance tax, which are now or may hereafter be levied and assessed by or under the authority of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania upon the interest or principal hereof, all of which taxes the County of -Wanhingtgn covenants and agrees to pay. This bond iS one of at series of two hundred bonds of like datew amount and tear, differing only as to the maturity thereof, numbered con- t 1 1 secutively from one to twor hundred, both inclusive, said bond being issued by the County of 'Washington for the purpose of providing funds for perveAt ently 36111 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNT COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W. WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS .S improving# repairing and maintaining certain public reads and highWeeys in the County -of Washington, as provided by Acts of Assembly_of gay ll, 1911, P. L.,244, and lI$ay 31, 1911, P, L. 468, and the amendmints thereof and supple- ments thereto, and under and in pursuance of the Act of Assembly of the Common - Wealth of Pennsylvania, approved April 20, 1874, and the supplements thereto and amendments thereof, and pursuant to resolutions of the County Commissioners of VashingtM county, duly adopted, and the authority granted by the electors in an election duly held June 17, 1919 . It is hereby covenanteld.::Sa& agreed that all acts and conditions precedent- to or in the issuing of this bond have been done and VgxAN md, as required r law, and that the total indebtedness of the County of Vashington, including this issue of bonds, is not in excess of any statutory or consti- tittioAx1limitation and that an annual tax sufficient for the nt of the intireet and taxes agreed to be paid, and the principal of said bonds, as the some become due, has been duly levied .and assessed. This bond shall pass,�,by delivery or may be regieteered •as to principal only upon the bond registry book of the County of Washington, to be kept at the office of the County Commissioners of said County of Washington, at Washington, Pennsylvania, and by endorsement upon the back hereof by the Cleric for the time being for the County Uommissioners, after which no transfer shall be made except by the registered holder or holders in person or by his or their duly authorized attorney,, and such transfer shall be noted upon said bond registry book and upon the back hereof, provided, however, that this band msy -be Usawferred to bearer and negotiability thereby restored, mad shall _donkirlue subject to suc- cessive registrations or transfers to bearer, at`the option of the holder or holders for, the: time being, --but no such registration of the principal Shill affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto annexed, which shall continue to`tie transfISTAble by delivery merely. W j IN WITWBSS *n A&01. the County -Commissioners of the County of Washington have amused this bond to be issued in the name of paid `aunty, signed by them and,oaasod the seal of said County of Washington to be hersuntQ affixed, attested i W US Connissionersr-' 4erk as of the first day of Januaryc 1925, and have caused the ,et*wL&taohed to be signed by the engraved facsim_i, of the si Sna turom , of said County Commissioners, ilk it, Commissioners of Washington County Clerk- for Commissioners. (FORK Of COt3'B'ONS ) . x Upon the first day. of � ,�,.• :1�., ,,� - the C0gn ,y of �0- MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W. WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Washington, Pennsylvania,_ will pay to bearer Twenty -Two and 501100 ( t*10) Do7.Lars,_ Dollars, free of taxes, at the office of the Treasurer, Washington. P*A"ylvani�, being" sic months' interest on bond No........ of the County of wishingtcft lid" Bonds, Series A, 1925, dated January-1. 1925. b � a Commissioners of Washington County. (INDORT) $1,000.00 UNITED STATES OF A)WICA STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ROAD BONDS, SERIES A. 1925 Bond No . 4*% Dated January 1, 1925 Principal due January 1. 19� Interest payable semi-annually duly 1 and January 1 Principal and interest payable at the office of the Treasurer of'Washingt" County, Pennsylvania." Section 8: The proper officers of the County of Washington are authorized and directed to make oath to the statement required by"tbo Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved April 20, 187*1, and its supplememts and amendments and file the same in the office of $)w Clerk of the Cibii~ of quarter Sessions of Washington County. AND be it further resolved: - That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in so far-S& they are inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. DULY Fhesented and unanimously approved at a regular Imeotii*'�of the Board of Uounty Commissioners of Washington County: Pennsylvania, held November 11, 19240 at which all members of the Board, to -wit: Yesorsj"Johlsst; Walker and Barnes, were present. 1-7,,r /T n ATTEST: 1 I'' 1 Clerk for Commissioners. Commirasionero of Washiww 9A, county"