HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-7-1924 - SALARY'3 6 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS �7WAS INGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, DAMES W WALKER, 1h5Yf'jjj' �aCO��ne9seioNERS 1kotion unanimously carried. Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that Leo Malmsy be nominated for position of warrant clerk in office of County Commissioners, Motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Walker, that Earl Amos be nominated for pimil position. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that nominations close. Fete taken by Secretary calling the roll resulted as follows; voting for Leo Maloney, Messrs. Walker and Johnston; voting for Marl Amos, Mr. Barnes. Mr. Maloney declared elected. Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr.'Johnston, that Jahn P Curran be nominated for position of Sealer of Weights and Measures, notion by Xt. Sarnes, seconded by Mr. Walker, that Paul Clark be nominated for same position. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that nominations close, Vote taken by Secretary gulling the roll resulted as follows; voting for John F. Curran, Messrs. Walker aril Johnston; voting for Paul Clark, Mr. Barnes. Mr. Curran declared elected. Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that Chaney Snginseriag Company be elected County Engineer. Question called for; voting "Aye" Messrs. Walker, Barnes and Johnston, Motion carried and Chaney Engineering CompAmy deals elected. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the Board adjourned to meet with, various County Officials as members of Salary Boards having to do with eaid,-Iofficials and their offices. -------- ©000-------- The SALARY BOAR, having to do with salaries for the office of Clerk of Courts, met in the office of the County Commissioners on Monday, January 7, 1924, at 4 P. M., following members being present; --County Commissioners Johnston, Talker and Barnes, County Controller Underwood and Clerk of Courts, E. G. McGr+ege'r, Beard organised by electing Mr. J.-E. Johnston Chairman and John G. Hall, Secretary,,_ Motion by Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mr. Walker, that Ellen Sfr. eel°be appointed Chief Clerk in the office of Clerk of Courts, with power to act as B�pttt�►' Clerk of Courts. Motion unanimously curried. Motion by Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mr.. Underwood, that the salary — of Miss Schneek, as Chief Clerk in the office -of Clerk of Courts, be fixed at $100 ^31 per month. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Walker, that the Clerk of Courts be permitted to employ, as required, Mr, D. Glenn Moore and an additional clerk to act for him in Court. Motion unanimously carried, Motion by Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mr. Underwood, that Mr. D, Glenn Moore, employed in accordance with foregoing motion, be paid at rate of $6.00 per day when thus actually employed, certificate of such employment to be furn3.sh*d .by the Clerk of Courts. Motion unanimously carried, Motion by Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mr. Underwood, that an additional clerk, employed in accordance with foregoing motion, be paid at rate of $5.00 per day, certificate of such employment to be furnished by the Clerk of Courts, notion unanimously carried. I 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINCTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W. WALKER, *4,*W�IONERS There being no further business, the Board adjourned. ---------- 0--------- The SALARY BOARD, having to do with salaries for the office of Coroner, met in the office of the County Commissioners on Iionday, January 7, 1924, at 4:20 p. M., following members being present; --County Commissioners Johastou, Talker and Barnes, County Controller Underwood and William Greenlee, Corenor. Board organized by electing Mr. Johnston Chairman and John G. Hall, Secretary. Motion by Mr. Greenlee, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that Miss Sllon Schneek, be elected Clerk to the Coroner, in his office, at a salary of�$50.00 per month. Question called for; voting "Aye", Messrs.. Greenlee, Johnston and Talker; voting 11No", Mr. Unddrwood; Mr. Barnes not voting. 'Motion carried and Miss Itohneok declared elected. There being no further business, the'13oird adjourned. ..----..-0----__-,. --_ The SALARY BOARD, having to do with *salaries for the offioo of PAginter and ex-officio Clerk of the Orphan's Court, net in the offies of the County Commissioners on Monday, January 7, 1924; at 4:45 P. M., followin;,g membare being present; --County Commissioners Johnston, Talker and Barns, County Controller Underwood and Col. John Aiken, Register of Ti,1190 etc, Beatd organized by electing Mr. Johnston Chairman and John G Hall, Secretary, Motion by Mr. Aiken, seconded by Mr. Talker, that Lucius Cruarine'be elected First Assistant Clerk of the Orphan's Court*at salami► of $2540 per annum.- that Mrs Thelma McBeth be elected Second. Assistant Clerk of,,t)w.Orpbm1s Curt at salary of $1400 per annum; that uiss .Dorothy Duncan be elected First Deputy Register of Tills at salary of $2000 per annum; that M,i.os A_ss7 Tyzarok be. elected Second Deputy Register of Tills at Salary of $1400 per annuI6 the salary of Miss Tyzarek to be subject to the approval of the Fudge of the Orphan#s Court, question called for and motion unanimously carried, There being no further business, the Beard adjourned ------------ The Salary Salary Board, having to do with salaries for the offs** of County Treasurer met in the offuce of the County Commi ssiefts .on Fondly, January 7,' 1924, January 7, 1924, at 5 o'clock P. M., following members boing pressnt;-CeuBty Corn4svionere Johnston, Walker and Barnes, County Controller Underwood and County Treasurer, J. E. Fasters; Board organized by electing Mr. Johnston Chairman and J 0. Hall, Secretary. Motion by Mr. Masters, seconded by Mr. Walker, that a Deputy County Treamror r►hex►a;o looted, shall be appointed at a salary of approxinately $200 per month; , hat Ni4ps Mayme Berry be elected First, or chiet Cleric in office of Cott ,`*sea at Salary of $175.00 per month; that Miss Jane rer bo @looted Lies sly .Rs, ion C1ork, etc., in office of County Treasurar, . at salary, of $155*00 4_ th that Miss Marian Scholl be elected clerk in,offiso of County Treao"+i , at salary of $130,00 .tor mouth, these Uing the salaries, heretofore NA INUTE BOO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ���`J`�`J�pj S NGT®ON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTOM, JAMES W WALKER, WZ4.Se o SI NERS paid to the persons indicated by County Treasurer Robert G. Lutton. Question caller for; noting "Aye", Messrs. Masters, 'balker and Johnston; voting "No", Mr. underwooc Mr. Barnes not voting. Motion carried and persons mentioned declared'elected. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. ------- p-------- - The Salary Board, having to do with salaries for the office of Sheriff, met in the Office of the County Commissionwe on Monday,.January7, 1924, at 5:15 o'clock, following members being present; -County Commissioners Johnston, Walker and Barnes, County Controller Underwood and Sheriff Otto Luellen. The Board or- ize by electing Mr. Johnston Chairman and John G Hall Secretary, Motion by Sheriff Luellen, seconded by Mr. Barns, that all employees of of t1lb Sheriff's Office, to -wit, J. A. Seaman, Chief Deputy, Wm. Baker, Deputy, Miss Lucille Davis, Stenographer, and Harry D. Hamilton, Solicitor, be retained for the ensuing year. Motion unanimously carried, Motion by Sheriff Luellen, seconded by Mr. Walker, that Chief Deputy J. A. Seaman be paid a salary of $185.00 per month; that Deputy W. Baker be paid a salary of $165,00 per month; that Miss Lucile Davis, stenogra'iher, and Harry D Hamilton, Solicitor, be retained for the ensuing year, Motion unanimously carried, Motion by Sheriff Luellen, seconded by Mr. Walker, that Ohief Deputy J. A, Seaman be paid a salary of $185.00 per month; that Deputy Wm. Backer be paid a salary of $165.00 per month; that Miss Lucile Davis, Stenographer, be paid a salary of $90.00 per month. question called for; voting "Aye"., Messrs. Luellen, Walker and Johnston; voting "PTo", Messrs. Barnes and Underwood. Motion carried, ---------0------- The SALARY BOARD, having to do with salaries for the office of County Controller met in the office of the County Commissioners on Monday, January, 7, 1924, at 4:30 P•. M., following members being present; County Commissioners Johnston, Walkes land Barnes and County Controller Underwood, Motion by Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Walker, that all present employees in the office of County Controller be retained for V%* ensuing year at the same salaries received during the year 1923. Motion unanimously carried, --------- -\y----- ----- A.t 5:30 P. M., upon motion duly made,•seconded and carried the Salary Board adjourned until the hour of 10 A. M., Tuesday, January 8, 1924. ---------- 0----- ---- - Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. J4hnstin, Walker and Barnes. The following resolution was duly prrsented, its adoption duly mofi ,, seconded and unanimously carried:- : Whereas, the county offices of Washington County are now and 411' liol`o- after bet on a salary basis and the fees and costs paid 'into said offises4611.Y turned over to the County Treasurer by the xarious county officials, s►,hesRfd�, 1 1 11