HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-1-1925 - COMMISSIONER 367 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PFNNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISVONERS Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, ,ft* , January 1, 1925. The board of County Uommissioners, met for orSimisation in the office of `the Commissioners, Court House, Washington, Va. , on Thuio odoy,- Zanuary 1, 1925, the, following members being present, Messrs. J. R. J'abmtous J. V. Walker and Mr. Johnston acted as temporary chairammo Mot�on by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that Mr., Johnston be elected president of the -Doard -for the onsuing, year. motion carried. ' Motion by Mr. Walkers seconded -by Mr. -Jobistons that Yr. Barnes be *leotot" Secretary of the "card for the ensuing year. 'Action carried. Motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by.1fro' . Valker, that all county employees coming within the scopeof the Commissioner's office be reelected for the ensuing year. Motion carried. )Action by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Xr. � Valkerj that all county qm1pl0y0," goring- within the scope of the Comissioner"s office be re-elected for 146 #;wuing_yqaro with the proviso that mW suqjkf!V1oyo# may be dismissed UP*n;!,3, 0 407,to notice from the zoard aniltutt any employee who contemplates resigning-suet give ,30 day** notice to the board. Xotion '06.rriod.-Notion by Mr. Walkers seconded by Mr. Barnes., that the salary boards with election of employees in .other county►. office and the fixing of salariesfor all county employees be called In session In the office of the aoxot.7, -comiseioners on Monday, January 12s 1925, at 10 00clock A. K- & and that heads of departments be notified to that effe9t. 'action carried; *"- ?Mere being no -further business, the meetin COUNTYNvoinaAmomm- Office of the County Comissioneres Washington, Pa. * Xapuary 13. 1925- "1 'Joint nesting,,of County- Commissioners and County. Controller hold In office of GatMty Commissioners on J'anuary. 13, 1,925, Aw"ors present being Nestors. *Vwstoz 0 Walker �s" Barnes, County Goamlaiiioners and County, Controller Underwoot*,, Yollowing Resolution was duly presented, notion for its adoptLon Bade and osconded and unanimously adopted:- BE IT PJSOLV3CD.#,- That, acting upon advice of County I 'OK101tor And Solicitor for the County controller that uncollootedstato and county taims v. L J