HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 2-12-1925 - COMMISSIONER 3751, MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PFJ4NSYL.VANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER, W H. ECKER, CoaxmissioNsRs COPY Of RESOLMTM. I 1 I 9 "MZUTION of the Board of Uounty Commiseloftects,see - C -offw'ashingto , tw of ► tha i s su* by the said County of me bwotmod -s 180) Road raveA%A** bonds of the denomination of Une'Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars each. At a meeting of the board of County Commissioners, of the County of g yr duly called aim•°held at the office of . Washington in the State of Funs ,lws�aia.,_ said Soard of -ounty Commissioners at tbs court Aou" if the said County of j a Washington► * in the Boro%& of Washington* on the 12th day of February, 1925s all of the maLU" of osid ward, tie ,sit, Jr. ]I.- ' ! ' B, y per , w. A.: BARRICS, B1 Iota . -ftlautseasiolition was, oD *Qtion duly made and ssoonded, unanimously adopted'by said Boards to wit:- W, by proceedings had in the Court of quarter Sessions of Washington County., Pa. 's in accordance with the- provisions of the'Act of the General Assembly of the Uommonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved on the 11-t"h day of May,- 1911 (ftimphlet Taws, page 244) and the amendments thersof and supglements thereto, thi improvement, construction and maintenance under the said Act of i diwerp e*ctions of the main public roads in said county has been authorised and ordwred and decreed to be done; and WHNSIXAS, the County Commissioners of the said County- propose to proceed• duming the Year 1925, to build, repair, maintain and otherwise permanently is0o" a part of the roads, the improvement, , 00nstruotion and maintenance of which has been authorized and direr Va vtoresaid, and in order to provide � for the cost of the building, repairing., maintaining,.. and otherwise permanently iWoiit* _the same, it is necessary_ to borrow upon bonds to be issued by*the sait Go ty the sun of One Hundred Eighty Thousand ($180,000.00) Dollars, the fuu " " in the treasury of the said county, and those to come in during the . sad_ t (from sources other than such borrowing,), got being--sufficient to � da _Wph cost. *W T 'OECS HE IT RZSOLVBD BY TER 10ARD OF 11"1011111 K?JWSSIOMM of 'that "►id-County of Washington, that for-the purpose of providing for the cost of tho building, repairing, maintaining and permpoontly improving the public F roos. sad highways now constructed or to be cons_tructed by said county, so air aforesaid authorized and ordered and decreed to be dons, the said County do borrow the sum of -One Hundred Mighty Thow shd ($180,000.40) Dollars and inarease ,ite indebtedness b t y the issue of One Hundred Eighty bonds in the denonination- of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars eagh, to be numbered from =6 to one bundred eighty. (l to 180) 0 'both inclusive, to bear date the first day of April., 19R5, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half 44*) per cent. per annum from their date, payer semiannually on the first days of April and October in each year, both principal and interest being payable, fr' a of; °any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be w6 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS paid under any law of the vommonwealth of Pennsylvania, said county oxpgoowly agreeing and assuming to pay the same. The principal of said bon" Aa;jw&=*-Aa f,j follows:- Bonds Numbered Date of Maturity Aggregate amount 1 to 15 inc. Jan. 19 1941 $150000.00 16 to 30 inc- Jan. 1, 1942 15,000.00 31- to 45 inc. Jan. 1, 1943 15,000.00 46 to 60 inc. Jan. 1, 1944 15,000-00 61 to 75 inc. Jan. lo 1945 15,000.00 76 to 90 inc. Jan. 1, 1946 15goo0.00 91 tolO5 inc. Jan- lo 1947 150000.00 106 to 120 inc. Jan. 1, 1948 150000.00 121 to 135 inc. Jan. 1, 1949 159000.00 136 to 150 inc. Jan. lo 1950 15,000.00 151 to 165 inc. Jan*_ 1, 1951 159 000.00 166 to 180 inc. Jan. 1, 1952 11,909,00 s 1808000-00 Said bonds and the coupons annexed thereto to be in the following form:- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ROAD IMPROVMGW BORD. To. KNOW ALL URN BY THESZ PF4&SZNTS, That the County of W&shin6t1W'#'-­,m the State of Pennsylvania, for value received, acknowledges itself t*V__ij%d*btm1 an4 and promises to pay to bearer, or if registered, to the registerot axoi `'lateff of, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000*00) in lawful money of OW %4U'd' States of America, on the first day of April, lg____..,,.- with interest thtsoi)% - at the rate of four and one-half (41) per cent. per annum, payable *4144annially on the first days of April and October in each year, both principal and inierest, being payable, free of any taxes roqotted to be paid or which may be'�heifftfisr required to be paid under any law of the Oommonwealth of Penn*ylv&n4A;' iidd' County hereby expressly agreeing and assuming to pay the same; the principal thereof being payable at the office of the Uounty Treasurer in �the Borough of Washington$ Washington Uounty, Pennsylvania, and the interest at the stim ,plaos, upon presentation and surrender of the coupon* annexed, as t-fiey aeve'r&13J become due. This bond may be rogie%*red an to %Wtncipal only upon tho 'bond registry book to be kept at the office of the County Commissioner* of Washington County, and by endorsement upon the back hereof by the Clerk for the time being for us 377 i MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS f County Commissioners, after which no transfer of this board shall be spade except by the registered holder or holders in person, or by their duly authorized attorney, and such transfer shall be noted upon the bond registacy.book kept at the office of the commission are of VkshingtoaA; bounty, and upon the back hereof, provided, however., that this bond nab► be transferred to bearer, and negotiability • _ 1 thereby restored, and hhall continue subject to registrations or transfers to bearer, but no such registration of g principal shall affect the negotiability � of the coupons hereto annexed, which shall continue to be transferable by delivery I only. This bond may also be registered both as to principal and interest, in which event the coupons hereto attached shall be detached and immediately can- celled by the Cleric for the time being for the County,Commissioners of eashirigton County, and such registration shall be noted upon the bond registry book kept at the office of the county Commissioners aforesaid, and upon the back hereof, and thereafter the semi-annual interest shall be paid to the holder,or holders hereof by check or warrant drawn to the. order of the registers , bolder or holders hereof, and mailed to his, her or their address, as the same appears of record upon said bond registry book. This bond is one of a series of one hundred and eighty., 1180) bonds, of like date,- tenor and effect, amounting in the aggregate to One Hundred Eighty Thousand 31809000.00) Dollare, 'issued for the purpose of providing for the cost of the building, repairing, maintaining and otherwise permanently improving the public roads and highways now constructed or to be constructed by said county, Pursuant to the authority conferred by ,the Act of the General Assembly of the Commanvok1th of Pennsylvania approved the 11th day. of May, 1911 (Pamphlet haws page 2" and the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved -the 20th day of April, 1874, (Pamphlet laws, page 54), and Acts amends,. tort' thereof and supplemental thereto, and Vy virtue of a Resolution of the County Commissioners of said County, adopted at a meting thereof duly called and held. it is-hereby certified and recited that ell acts,' oonditions and things necessaky 'ta the- validity of this bond, exist, have hapPeeed and have been done; { that -®vamry requirement of law affecting the validity hereof has been duly , cwMplIed, wi-th; that this bond is within every debt and'other limit prescribed by ther'40nititution and laws of the State, and that prior to the issuance thereof an annual tax has been levied in a sum sufficient to pals the principal and interest, j Of th#a s4mries of bonds. The faith, credit and property of said: County amP i 'Washingtoa are hereby-irrevocably pledged to the punctual Poymat of the principal and interest of this bond in accordance with its terms. IX,MT11XS8 ,THMM7, The Counts Commissioners of the County of Washington have duly caused this bond to be issued and executed by thiaa in the 'name of the said . County, WA-, the corporate seal of the said County to be hereunto affixed, at- tested by'Ahe Commaissioners• Clerk; and the coupons hereto app*aed to be � , 378 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF OUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W. H ECKER. COMMISSIONERS executed by the fac-simile signatures of the said County Comissionere,as of the first day of April, 1925. Awd AZ-A ATTEST: COUNTY �;�IONZRS. CMISS15m," Mm. FORK OF COUPON $22.50 The County of Washington will pay to bearer Twenty-two and 501100 dollars, free of any tax imposed under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the first day 19_, county Treasurer, At the office of the Washington, Pennsylvania, being six months' interest that day due' on its Road Improvement zond No. dated April 1, 1925. Y01M OF RESISTRATION Date of Name of Clerk of Registration Registered Owner County colmissiopom. BN IT FURTHM FMOLMs That an annual tax, beginning wit4 the year, 1925, be and the same is hereby- levied and assessed upon the prqpor jects of taxation within said county, to be applied solely .to the paym"t, qf'�the principal of said bonds at maturity and the interest and State taxes thereon as the same shall become payable, (said annual tax is sufficient for ,t�ppoyment of the interest and State taxes thereon and of the principal of said debt within. a period not exceeding thirty years* to-wit, within twenty-aix years -4"Ift the date of increasing said debt) , to be collected as follows: For the year 1925 $8900.00 1926 8900.00-- ,­,,-,. 1927 8900.00 1928 8900.00 1929 8900.00 379 , MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, VE NSYL.VANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMIO$IONKRffi i for the year 1930 $8900.00 t ; 1931 8900.00 i 1932 8900.00 Sxe f , 1933 't 8900.00 . 1934 8900.00 a 1935 8900.00 H a 1936 8900.00 1937 89m.00 I -,�" it ` 1938 8900.00 F r r W 0 1939 89a0'.-00 r it i, » 1940 8900.00 j , » » 1941 43 ►.40 » » » • 1942 23165.00 » 1945 12450.00 ► u » 19" 21700.00 w " 1"5 21000.00 { I » " 1946 20300.00 j » 1947 19600.00 � M » 1948 18"0.00 I 1949 18200.00 i " " » 1950 17500.00 » . 1951 16600.00 � » 1952 15735-00 R, IT RUOLMW* That before any of said bonds shall be issued, a statement j shall bex p j-opared. executed and filed in the office of the Q103Ic of the Uourt ' l of quart . Oisssions of "abbi ton} ng, Canty, as required by .the **Good section of the afo , t of the general Assembly of the Coxmonvealth of 'Pexznsylvswnia, approved pa the 20th day of April, 1874, and the Aots amendatory thereof and C -supplONental thereto. j IT FURTHER RYSOLUD That the controller of said, Washington County be ordered and directed to advertise said bonds for sale in accordance with the i provisions �of the Act of the general Assembly of the th of Pennsylvania, approved tho 6th day of duly, 1917, and the Acts amendatory thereto and � i eupp em ►�, thereto, and that the same be sold to the highest responsible bidder after•d -'public notice as required by said Act, Provided that no bid for said bap * at a than their{_ par value shall be accepted: A "►SIT JURTHgR R$SOLYY'D That said One Hundred 31ghty Thousand ($180,000.00) 'bonds, when duly prepared, signed and sealed in the form above set forth, j ` sly l *6livered to the purchasers thereof, as h•reinabove provided, on payment --af Abo j?oOmeso price thereof, and the receipt of the Tlreasurer of the said a all;-be to the purchaser a full acquittance for the said purchase price, and shall not be bound to see to the app114*-*ioa of the pro- > BOAR® OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS I coeds thereof. I February 12, 1925. t commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. I Johnston, Walker and barnes: motion by ar. Barnes, seconded by liar. Walker, that Leo M&IAt �sy, olork I - in the office of county I►onsissioners, be granted leave of absence f ,permed .crf i . three months, beginning about March 150 1925, that hbemight, pursue nt" T studies, otc. I Motion unanimously carried. IThere being no further business, the board adjourned. I i sI4l�SD _ i f . i wum 0owssroxw. I - - i Office of county iommissi•onoroi:" Washington, Pa. . Volk. 13, 1921. F • i Commissioners in regular session~, members present being Johnston, Walker and zarnes. • j' z i Motion by ar. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnett i that the r&416 if taxation, upon the valuations of the property of the, county, in ordltr t# lmi 11 G sufficient revenue to meet required expenditures for the year 1925, be fixed'` at seven and one-half (7*) mills, the *an* rate as that adoptbd for the ` :t'1-114. j motion uaanimously carried: kThere being no further business, ths.zoard adj e SIG= I CommS Motion by Mr. Barnes , seconded by Mr. Walker that the -Commi,sivionors ` accept the returns of Tax Collectors for the year 1921, and grant exonor*tans in accordance with lieu of districts and amounts as attached to fhie` pw�i' is action being as of February 1, 1925. Carried. SIGNED A • \w. j I COUNTY