HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-30-1925 - COMMISSIONER (2)' 400 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS NOW, Therefore , BE IT RESOLED, That the said County of Washington pay to the State Treasurer its proportionate share of the cost of such improvement, to-wit; 25 per centum thereof, within ten days after receipt from time to time during the performance of the work of certifications frost the Secretary of Highwaysshowing the amount of work performed and the mate-rial furnished, and that the Commissioners of said county, of a majority of them, be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Secretary of Highwaym.,ow behalf of the Commonwealth providing for such payment in the manner afore" d- June 30, 1925. Commissiofters in regular session, members present being MessJM,.__ _-_ Johnston, Walker and Barnes ; The follo*ing Resolution was duly presented, seconded and una,61- mously adopted; WHEREAS, it is provided by Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468, that the Secretary of Highways , with respect to any State-aid Highway contract shall certify to the State Treasurer and to the officialsk,-, , of the respective county, township or borough concerned therewith from time to time during the performance of the work any sum or sums due from said county,townshib or borough on the cost of such improvement, and WHEREAS, the County of Washington has applied for the aid anA cooperation of the State in the reconstruction or improvement of a certain section of State Highway Route No 118 lying within the Borough of Bentley- ville as a State-aid Highway in accordance with the provisions of the Act Of May 31, 1911, P. L. 468 and its supplements and amendments , and Act of kay 17, 1917, P. L. 235, said road being situated is follows; From end of application No. 2843 in Bentleyville Borough at station 1843/79�.6 to the Bentleyville Borough and Ellsworth Borough line at station 1860/56.0, application No. 2844. NOW , Therefore ,, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said County of Washington pay to the State Treasurer its Proportionate share of the cost of such im- provement, to-wit; 25 per centum thereof, within ten days after receipt from time to time during the performance of the work of certifications froik the Secretary of Highways s#owing the amount of work performed and the material furnished, and that the 'ommissioners of said County, or a majority of' thes;- be authorized to enter into an agrevment with the Secretary of Highways- all behalf of the Commonwealth providing for such payment in the manner afot*baid. There being no further business, the -boar &;dj d. SIGNED A County Commissioners* 4A MINUTE BOOK 130ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS 4 i Office Of COUntY CONINI"iAnors , Was hington, Pa. , July 6, 1925. tommissioners in regular session, members present b46ing Messrs. . 1oluiStoft and Barnes; Mr. Walker Kaving Notice of Nettina but absent. Motion by Mr. Barnes , seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the County Controller be requested to advertise for bids for filling in the approaches to thie' structures. being erected over the tracks of the Pittsburgh Railways , -and P. C. C. & St,. L. R. R. Co. , at Oak Grove-arossing. "R any -question called for;. voting "Aye" Messrs . Johnston and Barnes. Motion carried. There being no further business , the j nod. SIGNM County Comm, se onerso Office of County Comaissioners , Washington , Pa. , July 15, 1925. WHEREAS, Under the provisions of the Act of Assembly, approved May 31st, 1911# establishing a State Highway Department, P. L. 408, and a supp3ment thereto.' approved June 5th, 1913, P. L. 417, County Commissioners are author- ; iced to- make application for the reconstruction or i*provesint of any section of a State Highway and agree to pay their shariteof the cost therooS, 'in the same manner as in the case of, a State-aid Highway. THEREFORE RESOLV10, That we , the Commissioners of Washington County, **n1asy2;*azi&, in regular session assembled on this i5th day of July; 1925, desiring on behalf of said County to take advan#age of the proviisionaMf said Act of Assembly and supplement thereto, do­hereby make application to the State 'Righway Department for the reconstruction Or improvement of the ,-ze?ot maitkiiig,,partion or unimproved section ofmroad between Went Middletown and Washiao0p. Pa-being a part or section �of State Highsay Ro%AA-,,No- 242 in the Township of Hopewell, in the County of Washington, and we do hereby agree for said Vmnty that it will pay to- the Commonwealth the one-half part of the total expense of said improvement. ---------- July 15, 1925. d-u-missioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. 1402 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNsrON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMM ISSION FIRS Johnston, Walker and Barnes; Joint meeting with County Controller at 1:30 P. M. to open bids for grading and filling approaches to overhead crossings over tracks of Pittabitrgh Railways Company and Pan Handle R R Co. , at Oak Grove; PrObent for County Commisaianers,,.,Massits . Johnston, Walker and Barnes; County Controller Underwood present; bids from following persons and firms, opened and read in presence of County Commissioners ;- Moore & Riggle, $1-75 per cu. yd. Cropson Construction Co. , a..6.5 Irwin & Nelan, 1-39 slag 1.45 earth 1-70 red dog, DeLoyd Thompson, 0.95 per cu. yd. Hardy & Rankin, 1.15 Tagenhoist & McLaughlin, 1.60 Thomas Arrigo, 1.25 all bids accompanied by certified check, as required. Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that the contract for filling and grading approaches to Oak Grove arossin be awarded to DeLoyd - Thompson, as his best and lowest bid of 95 cents per cubic yard, 14000 cubic yards estimated and that checks accompanying bids of unsuccessful bidders be returned by County Controller. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business before the joint meeting,, Rivas adjourned. SI 0000,_ GNED xavzt,_4� County Commissioners. , Minutes of Joint Meeting of Fayette and Washington County Commissioners West Biownsville, Pa. July 16, 1925. A joint meeting of the County Commissioners of Fayette ;1,1­ County and the County Commissioners of Washington County was held at West Brownsville on July 16, 1925, at which all members were present, t6-- gether with county engineers Clemmer and Chaney. The matter of painting the Brownsville Bridge was discussed and on a motion made by Mr. Walker and seconded by Mr. Langley, controllers of the' - two counties were asked to advertise for bids for the twvnishing of paint and also to advertise for bids for the application of the paint. The motion ' was carried unanimously. 3 Mr. Joseph Mersky et al. requested permission to remove the railing and raise the sidewalk of the approach to the bridge at West Brownsville and of the bridge. Alfer some discussion, it was moved by Mr. Johnston and seconded by Mr. Langley that permission to do this work be granted Mr. Mersky svbjeat to the approval of the detail plans by'tbe en- gineers of both counties , with the understanding that the two counties shall have the right to have an inspector on the work and that the entire cost 6f-- the work, including the--' inspector, shall be paid for by Mr. Mersky ant-hii., associates . Motion carried unanimously.