HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-13-1925 - COMMISSIONER (2) 367 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PFNNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISVONERS Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, ,ft* , January 1, 1925. The board of County Uommissioners, met for orSimisation in the office of `the Commissioners, Court House, Washington, Va. , on Thuio odoy,- Zanuary 1, 1925, the, following members being present, Messrs. J. R. J'abmtous J. V. Walker and Mr. Johnston acted as temporary chairammo Mot�on by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that Mr., Johnston be elected president of the -Doard -for the onsuing, year. motion carried. ' Motion by Mr. Walkers seconded -by Mr. -Jobistons that Yr. Barnes be *leotot" Secretary of the "card for the ensuing year. 'Action carried. Motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by.1fro' . Valker, that all county employees coming within the scopeof the Commissioner's office be reelected for the ensuing year. Motion carried. )Action by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Xr. � Valkerj that all county qm1pl0y0," goring- within the scope of the Comissioner"s office be re-elected for 146 #;wuing_yqaro with the proviso that mW suqjkf!V1oyo# may be dismissed UP*n;!,3, 0 407,to notice from the zoard aniltutt any employee who contemplates resigning-suet give ,30 day** notice to the board. Xotion '06.rriod.-Notion by Mr. Walkers seconded by Mr. Barnes., that the salary boards with election of employees in .other county►. office and the fixing of salariesfor all county employees be called In session In the office of the aoxot.7, -comiseioners on Monday, January 12s 1925, at 10 00clock A. K- & and that heads of departments be notified to that effe9t. 'action carried; *"- ?Mere being no -further business, the meetin COUNTYNvoinaAmomm- Office of the County Comissioneres Washington, Pa. * Xapuary 13. 1925- "1 'Joint nesting,,of County- Commissioners and County. Controller hold In office of GatMty Commissioners on J'anuary. 13, 1,925, Aw"ors present being Nestors. *Vwstoz 0 Walker �s" Barnes, County Goamlaiiioners and County, Controller Underwoot*,, Yollowing Resolution was duly presented, notion for its adoptLon Bade and osconded and unanimously adopted:- BE IT PJSOLV3CD.#,- That, acting upon advice of County I 'OK101tor And Solicitor for the County controller that uncollootedstato and county taims v. L J MINUTE BOOK / BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA for the years 1904-1917 inclusive are not collectible that same be stricken from the books of the county &s,*asSot$ or accounts payable"; and that the �jounty Solicitor and the Solicitor for the Uounty uontrollor be directed to proceed forthwith on the bonds of tax collectors vho have ftl"d to make full , and complete returns of state, and qounty- taxeo for the years 1918-1923 1 elusive, to the and that proper action may be taken looking to th& Mmut ta the County of Washington of such amounts as remain unpaid and unaccounted for by zn--1. said tax collectors. SIGM COUNTY CONNISSIO)MRS. The Salary Board baying to do with matterti portainingito tb*,, salaries of e3�ployeos in -the office of thq County Treasurer, met in the of, 00 of the County Uommissioners on Tuesday-* January 13# 1925a at 10:45 A. X. members present being County Commissioners J. X. Johnston and Xi. W. W&Uer'r County Controller T. J. Underwood and County Treasurer Ji 2, Xxeters,�i .lko` Board organized by election of Mr. Johnston an 14hairman and J�ohn 0. Hall— Aotion by Mr. Masters, seconded by Mr. Underwood, that M4 employees in the office of the �-;ounty Treasurer be retained for the onSUINS year and that the salaries of said employees remain the some as during the year just closed. Notion carried. "hero being no further business before 04 Boards 'the meeting Was adjourned. The Salary board having to do with matters pertaining to tbG salaries of employee# in the office of the Prothonotarys met in the offic#- Underwood and Prothonotary, H. X. koll4ck; Mr. J. X. Johnston named Ohairs" and John G Hall, secretary of meeting. ."otion by Mr. Pollock seconded by Xr. ,Valker, tbat1h* employees in the office of the Prothonotary be retained for the onsuifte,year and that the salaries of said employees remain the same as during the year- just closed. Jolotion carried. There beiAg nomfurther bualaso$,bofore the Board-# the, meeting was adjourned. � /