HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 11-10-1925 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS A Office of CoUnty Commissioners, Washington,. Pa., Nov. 9, 1925. * Board *of Commiss ioners in regular session, Itembams present being Messrs. Johnston and Barnes: Mr. Walker having notice of meeting, but absent Motion by Mr. Barnes, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that no contract be awatded for the vonstruction of that certaidupiece of highway known as Taylorfs Run Road- at State Road Intersection, for which bids were opened and read,on October 20, 1925, owing to the fact that the -early prevalence of unsettled weather conditions renders it impossible to complete#hetbuilding of the said road during the present year and that the County Controller be requested to return to -all bidders on this project the certified Checks that accompanied their respective bids. question called for; voting "Aye" Messrs. Barnes and Johnston. Motion carried. There being no further business, the Bo a ' urned*' SIGNED County Commissioners. Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., Nov. 10, 1925. Commissioners in regular session, Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Barnes being present. The following resolution was adopted; WHEREAS,- there appears to be due the �;ounty of Washington from HOBART DONALDSON, delinquent tax collector for Canonsburg Borough, the sun of $331.57 on the duplicate for 1922; $572.18 on the duplicate for 1923; and $1149.55 an the duplicate for 1924; and WHEREAS of said sums sureties on the bond given by said.tax-e-ol- lector have ascertained that not more than $80-19 of the amount shown on the duplicate for 1922, 258.46 of the amount shown on the duplicate for 1#23, and #456.48 of the amount shown on the duplicate for,1924, are still collectable. BE IT RESOLVED: That in order to effect a final settlement with said sureties (the collector having absconded) and in order to avoid the uncertain- ties of an action or actions against said sureties, the sum of $551074 in cash and the agreement on the part of said sureties to become responisible fox the collection of said sums of $80.19; $258.46, be accepted by the County of WashinlJon; and thit-,upon payment of said sum of $551.74 and the execution of an agreement by said sureties to become responsible for the collection of said sums of L h A IVI I 1`N'U T E 13 0 0 K BOAR,D OF COUNTY COIVIMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS $80.19, $258.46 and $456.48, said three accounts be closed and settled in full. There being no further business, the Board a di our4ied SIGNED SPEN: Z!M �- ...... ... ............ Countcy-C-0-mm-issioners. 4 Office of County Commissioners, I vVashington, Pa., Nov. 12, 1925. The Salary Board having to do with matters concerning the salaries of employees in the office of the -Recorder of Deeds met in the office of the County Commissioners, Court House, on Thursday, November 12,.1925, at 3 o'clock P. M., at the call of the County Recorder, Mr. August Valentour; meme,-- bers present, Recorder Valentour, County Commissioners, Johnston, Talker' and I Barnes and County Controller Underwood; Motion by Mr. Valentour that insomuch as Mrs. Langenbacher, an employee in the transcribing department of the office of the Recorder had resigned her position therein, that Irene Crouch be appointed to fill vacancy and that the salary of the said Irene Crouch be fixed at the sum of $75.00 per month, from September 1. 1925, until let Monday of January', 1926, that voucher for said salary for months of September and October be prt�ared-and warrant drawn .'­2 for said salary and that the said Irene Crouch be placed on pay roll for office of Recorder at salary fixed for the balance of the year 1925, or until let Monday of January, 1926; motion seconded by Mr. Underwood and unanimously carried. Nov. 12, 1925. The Salary Board having to do with matters concerning the salaries of employees in the office of the County Engineer met in the office of the County Commissioners, Court House, on Thursday, November, 12, 1925, at 3:15 otal-ock P. M., at the call of County Engineer George S. Chaney; Members present, County Engineer Chaney, County Commissioners Johnston, Walker and Barnes and County Controller Underwood; Motion by Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Walker, that in as much as Howard Smith, stenographer in the office of the County Engineer had resigned his position therein, that Margaret Spriggs be appointed to fill vacancy and that the salary of the said Margaret Spriggs be fixed at $110.00 per month, from October 1, 1925 and that the said Margaret Spriggs be placed on pay roll for office of 1,ounty Engineer at salary do fixed.' ILotion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. I'