HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-4-1926 - SALARY (2)ME MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H. ECKER, COMMISSIONERS 1 I the,year 1925. 'Motion carried. There being no further busidess beiote the board, it was adjourned, The Salary Board having to do with salaries in the afficet4f the on Monday, January,4, 1926, at 4:45 P. M., the follow- ing members being present; Clerk of Courts E. G. McGregor, County Commissioners Johnston, Walker and Barnes and County Controller Underwood; Motion bylir.. McGregor, seconded by Mr. Underwood, that the employee in the afficeodZ the Clerk of Courts be retained for the ensuing ybar, at same salary as paid during the year 1925 and that the plan for employment and payment of i%dditional hqllp required for attend4nce,in the Court of Quarter Sessions heretofore in force be'effective throughout the current year. Motion carried. There being no further business before the, Board, it wag adjourned. Office of the County -Commissioners, Washington j Pa., January 13, 1926. . .,commissioners in regular session, the following members being present, Messrs.-Ilohnston and Barnes; Mr. stalker .having notice of meeting, but absent; The following resolution was duly presented, seconded and adopted; - WHEREAS, the County Controller has submitted a statement showing that during the.year 1925 there was paid out of the General Fund of the County of Washington.the sum of $17511-088.12, for the payment of certain road work, and that the said sum should have been paid from the -"oad Fund of the County of Washington, and statement being as follows: - January 13,' 1926. County Commissioners Washington County Washington, Pa. Gentlsa,*n: Owing to the fact that the appropriation (State Roads) appears in the classification on the vouchers as a General Fund payment, all such vouchers were paid from the General Fund accounts In order that the amount paid out of this fund, namely, $175,788-12 be transferred from the Road Improvement Fund; I am requesting that you prepase ,a suitable transfer resolution to be handed to the County Tyeasurer. As you are aware the sum of $75,000.00 has already been transferred, it is necessary that you make the present transfer in the sum of $100#788.12 which -will place this amount in the General Fund where it properly belongs.- Respectfullr, MUD: AGM Mark X. 30o'cier, Deputy Controller I q 422 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSION, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS and ',MREAS, the sum of $75,000 has already been transferred from the Road Fund of the County of Washington t"bethe General Fund, and appears as a credit therein, Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be directed to transfer, with the approval of the Uounty "ontroller, the sum of $100v788-12 from the Road Fund of the County of Washington to the General Fund thereof, thus cor- recting the error in former payments as set forth above and placing at the disposal of the Bounty the said BUM Of $100,788-12, for use in meeting current expenses of the County. From the Minutes A True Copy, Approved, John G. Hall Mark M. Decker Clerk County Commissioners. Depty ounty'uontroller. There being no further business, the -board adjo S I GNED S I olum Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa., Jan. 13, 19'2>6. The Salary Board having to do with the, matter of salaries in the office of the County Controller met in the office of the County Commissioners on Wednesday, January 13, 1926, at 3*P- M-, following members being present; County Commissioners Johnston and Barnes and Deputy County controller A. X. Decker:- Motion by Mr. Decker, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that the folloving*persons be named as employees in the office of the County Controller for tne ensuing year, at the salaries indicated;- M. X. Decker, Deputy, Ann C. Miller, Robert L. Taylor, Meyer Goldfarb, Solicitor, $200.00 per month. 125.00 per month; 150'.00 per month; 100.00 per month. Motion carried. There being no further business before the board it was adjourned. The Salary Board having to do with the matter of salaries in the" office of the 6oroner met in theoffice of the County Commissioners on Wednesdayi January 13, 1926, at 3:15 P. M,, the following members being present; coroner Vm. Greenlee, County Commissioners Johnston and Barnes and Deputy ri County Controller M. M. Decker; Motion by Mr. Greenlee, seconded by Mr. Barnes, that the one employee of his offiQe be retained for the ensuing year, at the same salary as for the year 1925. lotion carrlpd. There being no ,further business before the Board, it I I I