HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 3-11-1926 - COMMISSIONER 438 MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON -COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA j J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER. W H ECKER, COV,MISSIONERS I l + SIGN =,Iouintyommiss Av ners . f a Office of the County Commissioners , Washington, Pa. , Feb. 25, 1926. f ' Commissioners in regular session, members present being f Messrs . Johnston, Walker and -barnes. Motion by Mr. Barnes , seconded by Mr. Walker, that the County Controller be requested to advertise for bids for loading and , f hauling "reddog" for the -Durgettstown-Florence Road. kotion carried. I ' Feb 25, 1926. regular session members resent being Commissioners in regu P Messrs . Johnston, Walker and -Oarnes. l Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that inasmudh as the voroner's Jury inquiring into the murder of one Harry Reed has reccmrended that the reward of $1 WO already offered by the County Com- missioners for information leading to ' the arrest and conviction of the murderer or murderers should be increased to $5000, in conformity with the said recommendation the said reward be increased from $1000 to $5000, upon the same conditions as governed the original offer of $1000. Motion carried. There being no further ' usiness , the Board a o ned. SIGNED CO TY CE�II^ tos Ih Office of County 4ommissioners , I March 11, 1926, Washington, Pa. � . 1 COPY OF RESOLUTION RESOLUTION of the Board of "ounty Commissioners of the k I I County of Washington, relative to the issue by the said County of three j hundred fifty (350) Road Improvement Bonds of the denomination of One T,hQusand ($1,000.00 ) Dollars each. a At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the _ . r. _ _� y, �'+ .4- - ___�___.—.�_-u ._ .�,�._.__ -__� __ -u _ ._ - •`____�.s,._.. - <.u.-.,six.v.,..,_ __ _�....Cda. .0._• a,.. _ 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, J MES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS County of Washington, in the State of Pennsylvania, duly called and held at the office of said Board of County Commissioners at the Court House of the - said County of Washington, in the '-ity of Washington, Pennsylvania, on the llth day of March, 1926, , all of the members of said Board, to-pit J Z Johnston, J. W. Walker and W. A. Barnes , being present, the following Res- olution,was , on motion duly made and seconded, unanimously adopted by said Board, to-wit: WHEREAS, the County Commissioners of the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, propose, during the year 1926, to join with the State of Pennsylvania in the building and improvement of certain of the highways an said Uounty, in the manner contemplated and provided in the Act of Assembly approved the 31st day of May, 1911, P. L. 468, and its supplements , and in order to provide for' the cost of the building and improvement of the same , it is necessary to borrow upon bonds to be issued by the said County the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand ($350,000.00) Dollars , the funds now in the treasury of the said -ounty, and those to come in during the said year (from -sources other than such borrowing) not being sufficient to defray such cost,- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the -board of County Commissioners of said County of Washington, that for the purpose of providing for thecost of the building and improving the said public roads and highways , the laid County do borrow the sum of Three hundred x1fty Thousand (350,000,00) Dollars and increase its indebtedness by the issue of three hundred filty (350) bonds in the denomination of une Thousand ($1 ,000. 00 ) Dollar s eac%h, to be numbered from one to three hundred fifty (1 to 350) , both includve, to bear date the first day of June , 1926, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half (41,;/o) per cent per annum. from their date, payable 2 semiannually on the first days of December and 4une in each year,both Pdn- cipal and interest being payable , free of any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Common- k wealth of Pennsylvania, said County expressly agreeing and assuming to pay the same. The principal of said bonds to mature as follows : BONDS NUMBERED DATE OF MATURITY AGGREONTS AMT I TO 3 INC . , 3,000-00 4 8 1941 5,000.00 9) t13 1942 5,000. 00 14 18 1943 5,000. 00 19 23 1944 5,000.00 24 26 1945 5,000000 29 33 1946 5,000. 00 34 38 1947 5,000.00 440 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS 39 to 43 1948 5, 000.00 44 48 1949 5, 000.00 r _ 49 78 1950 30,000. 00 79 110 1951 32, 000.00 ill 150 1952 40,000.00 r - 151 200 1953 50,000. 00 I 201 250 1954 50, 000.00 251 300 1955 50,000.00 t 301 350 1956 '50,000.00 r z Said bonds and the coupons annexed thereto to be in the following form:- UNITED STATES OF A2MRICA STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA c COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ROAD I)OROVEMENT BOND. - I No . - 1000.00 � I KNOW ALL BEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the County of Washington, in the State of Pennsylvania, for value received, acknowledges itself to be indebted and promises to pay to bearer, or if registered, I to the registered holder hereof, the sum of One Thousand- ($1000.00) Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, on the first day of June, 19 , with interest thereon at the rate of four and one-half (42) ptr cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of June and Decem- ber in each year, both principal and interest being payable , free of any taa*es required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; said County hereby ex- pressly agreeing and assuming to pay tie same ; the principal thereof i being payable at the office of the County Treasurer in the 0ity of Wash- ington, Washington County , Pennsylvania, and the interest at the same place, r upon presentation and surrender of the coupons annexed, as they severally become due. This bond may be registered as to principal only upon the bond. registry book to be kept at the office of the County Commissioners of Washington County, and by endorsement upon the back hereof by the clerk for the time being for the County Commissioners , after which no transfer of this bond. shall be made except by the registered holder or holders in person, r i or by their duly authorized attorney, and such transfer shall be noted upon i k the bond registry book kept at the office of the Commissioners of Washington County, and upon the back hereof, provided, however, that this bond may be transferred to bearer, and negotiability thereby restored,- and shall qon- tinue subject to registrations or transfers to bearer, but no such r*ats- tration of pri;, ipal shall affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto, _ 44.2 MINU T E B 0 0 K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS FORM OF COTIPON No 22. 50 The County of Washington will pay to bearer Twenty-two and 50/100 dollars , free of any tax imposed under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the first day of 19 at the office of the County Treasurer, Washington, Pennsylvania, being six months ' interest that day due on its Road Improvement Bond No. dated June 1, 1926. J. E. JOHNSTON J. -7. WALKER 117. A. BARNES COUNTY CO=ISSIOLTM. FORM OF REGISTRATION Date of Name of Clerk of Registration Registered Owner Uounty Commi:,sioners - -3R IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an annual tax, beginning with the year 1927 , be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon the proper subjects of taxation within said County, to be applied solely to the payment If the principal of said bonds at maturity and the interest and State taxes thereon as the same shall become payable , (said annual tax is sufficient for the payment of the interest and State taxes thereon and of the principal of said debt within a period not exceeding thirty years , to-wit, within thirty (30) years from the date of increasing debt) , to be collected as follows : For the year 1927 $17,150.00 1928 17,150-00 1929 17,150.00 1930 17, 150.00 1931 17,150-00 1932 17 ,150-00 1933 17,150.00 For the year 1934 17,150-00 1935 17,150.00 1936 17,150- 00 1937 17 ,150-00 1938 17,150-00 1939 17 ,150.00 1940 20 ,150.00 1941 22 ,100-00 1942 21,760. 00 1943 21,520.00 1944 21,280.00 443 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER. W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS i c .tor the year 1945 21, 040.00 1946 2Q,800.00 1947 21, 560.00 1948 20,320.00 1949 20,080.00 i 1950 44,798.00 1951 45,330.00 1952 51,76o.00 1953 59,80o.00 1954 57,350.00 1955 54,900.00 1956 52,450.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLD, that before any of' said bonds shall be i6sued, a Statement sha11 be prepared, executed and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Washington County, as nquired by the second section of the aforesaid Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved on the 20th day of April, 1874, and the Acts amendatory thereof and supplegantal thereto. BI IT FURTHER Fd=LVZDO that the Controller of said Washington County -be ordered and directed to advertise said bonds for sale in accordance with the provisions of the Act of the`Ameral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 6th day of July, 1917, and the Aots amend►- � tort' thereof and supplemental thereto, and that the same be sold to the highest responsible bidder after due public notteo as required by said A+ct, provided that no bid for "said bonds at less than their par value •shalllbe accepted. AND BR IT FURTHER RESOLVID, that said i'hree Hundred Fifty ThousaiA ($3549 000.00) Dollars of bonds, when duly prepared, ` signed and sealed in the form above set forth, shall be delivered to the purchasers thereof, as hereinibove provided, on payment of the purer pvioe Hof, I'E and the receipt of the Treasurer of the said County shall be tooth* 1ftW61UWdX a full acquittance for the said purchase price, and the said purchasers shall not be bound to see to the ! application +af�-#.hs P 6e thereof. J i