HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 12-28-1926 - COMMISSIONER 4M MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER, W H. ECKER. COMMISSIOWS" Office of CW=ty CommissionaTs , Washington, Pa. Dec 23, 1926. -ommissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Jolihatcm, Walker arid.Barnes. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that the sum of { Two Thousand ($2000-00) Dollars be appropriated to the Borough of West Middle- town, Pa. , to be paid to the proper officers thereof, to be applied to the cost of erecting a proposed Memorial in the community of West Middletown, in honor of soldiers , sailors and marines , the deiatgn of the proposed Mexarial to have the approval of the State Art Commission, as required by Act of Assembly. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meetin a d 'ourned. (SIGNMED 144 C ounty Zaamissioners. Office of the County Commissioners , Washington, Pa. , December, 28, 1926. SCHED= B RESOLUTION of:."the,_Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington, relative to the issue by the said County of three hundred fifty (350) Road Improvement Bonds of the denomination of On* Thousand ($1.000.00) each. At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washingtoa, in the State of Pennsylvania, duly called and hold at the office of said Board, of County Commissioners at the Court House of the said County of Washingtolm, in the City of Washington, Pennsylvania, on the 28th day of Decem- ber 1926, all ,'of the members of said Board, to-wit : J. E. Johnston, J. W. Walker and W. A. Barnes, being present, the following Resolution was , on *Motion duly made and seconded, and adopted by the affirmative vote of all of the said mem- bers of said 3oard, to-wit: WHERSM, the Board of County Commissioners of the County sfXashk ington on the first day of February, 1926, duly adopted a Resolution providing for the issuing of three hundred fifty (350) Road Improvement bondA of the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, for the purpose, AV via- 476 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS viding funds for I)ermanently improving, repairing and maintaining the public roads .and highways in said County as provided by the Acts of Assembly approved May 11, 1911, P. L. 244, and May 31, 1911, P. L. 468, and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto, and a certified copy of the same was duly presented to the Grand Jury of the said County of Washington and the said Grand Jury, on the fourth day of February, 1926, duly approved the same, and on February 8, 1926, the Court of 2,,uarter Sessions of said County duly entered a decree approving the same, as the same appears of record to No. 1, February Term, 1926, of the said Court of quarter Sessions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners of the said County of Washington, that, under and by virtue of the said approved by the Grand jury and the Court of quarter Sessions as aforesaid, for the pur- pose of providing funds for permanently improving, repairing and maintaining the public roads and highways in said County, as aforesaid, the said County do borrow the sum of Three Hundred i,'ifty Thousand ($350,000.00) Dollars and increase its indebtedness by the issue of three hundred fifty(350 ) bonds in the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000. 00 ) Dollars each, to be numbered from one to three hundred fifty (1 to 350) , both inclusive, to bear the 30th day of December, 1926, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one-fourth (4-J) per cent per annum from their date , payable semiannually on the 30th days of June and December in each year, both principal and interest being payable, free of any taxes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, said County expressly agreeing and assuming to pay the same. The principal of said bonds shall mature on December 30th of the years hereinafter set forth, as follows : - BONDS NUMBERED DATE OF MATURITY AGGREGATE AMOUNT 1 -'_to. 5 both inclusive 1942 $5000.00 6 to 10, both inclusive 1943 5000.00 11 to 15, both inclusive 1944 5000.00 16 to 20, both inclusive 1945 5000.00 21 .,to 5 both-inclusive 1946 5000.00 26 to 30, both inclusive 1947 5000.00, 31 to 3.5, both inclusive 1948 5000.00 36 to 40 both inclusive 1949 5000.00 41 to 75, both inclusive 1952 35000.00 76 to 145 both inclusive 1953 7'000.00 146 to 200 both inclusive 1954 55000.00 201 to 275 both inclusive 1955 75000.00 276 to 350 both inclusive 1956 75000-00 479, MINUTE BOO -K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER, W. H ECKER, COMMISSDONIERS FORM OF COUPON No. $21.25 The County of Washington will pay to bearer Twen$ypne and 251100 dollars , free of any tax imposed under any law of the Corvionwealth of Penn- ♦ sylvania, on the thirtieth day of 19 at the office of the County Treasurer, Washington, Pennsylvania, being six months' interest that day due on its Road Improvement Bond series C 1926 No. dated December 30th, 1926. J. E. T-ohnston J. W. Walker W. A. Barnes County Commissioners . FORM OF REGISTRATION Date of Name of Clerk of Registration Registered Owner Counry COMMiSSiGners . X x X X BE IT FURTHER RESOLVIM, that an annual tax, beginning with the year 1927, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon the proper subjects of taxation within said County, to be applied solely to the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity and the interest and State taxes thereon as the same shall become payable, (said annual tax is sufficient for the payment, of the interest and State taxes thereon and of the principal of said debt -within a period not exceeding thirty years , to-wit, within thirty (30) years from the date of increasing said debt) , to be collected, for the years and in the amounts following, to-wit: • 1927 $16,275,00 1928 16,275.00 1929 16,275.00 1930 16,275-00 AL 481 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W.WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS ($350000.00) Dollars of bonds , when duly prepared, signed and sealed in tr- the. form above set forth, shall be delivered to the purchasers thereof, as hereinabove provided, on payment of the purchase ,price thereof, and the re- ceipt of the Treasurer of the sail County shall be to the purchaser a full acquittance for the said purchase price, and the said purchasers shall not be bound to see to the application of the proceeds thereof. There being no further business , , the meeting -was a (S I GIM) _00 County Commissioners . OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COVMISSIONER3. Washington, Pa. , January 3 , 1927- The 'Board of County Commissioners met in the office of the County Commissioners , in the Court House , Washington, Pa* , on Monday, January 3, 1927, for organization, the following members being present; Jo Xj Johnston, J. W. Walker and W. A. Barnes . Mr. Johnston acting as temporary chairman of meeting. emotion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that the Board organize :bur the ensuing year by the re-election of the old officers , to-wit, J. E. Johnston, President and W. A. Barnes , Secretary. Motion carried and officers elected duly notified of their election. President Johnston in the chair. Motion by Mr. Barnes , seconded by Mr. Walker, that all- employees in the office of the County Commissioners , with the exception of the County Solicitor, be retained for the ensuing year, with the proviso that upon thir,ty($30) days notice any employee might be retired. Motion carried. �Otlon by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Barnes , that all other employees of the County of Washington, coming under the jurisdiction of the County Coimissioners , including the County Engineer and employees of that department, Engineer of Court House, Jail and Grounds and assistants , Superintendent of Court House and assistants , including helpers and those employed in clean- ing of building, etc. employees at county Detentiosi Aooms and at County Garage , be retained for the ensuing year, with the proviso that upon thirty (3,10) days notice any such employee might be retired. Motion carried. There biting no other business before the -board at this time, the meeting was adjourned., ---------------