HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 5-25-1926 - COMMISSIONER 57MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WA SHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Office of County Commissioners , Washington, Pa. , Xay 24, 1%26. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Meseta. JohnstoC Walker and Barnes. motion by Mr. Talker, seconded by ]'fir.. Barnes. that Sari B. Denormandie, 1 J in. and far hington;�"�'3rd Ward, lot precinct, " ap- pointed Return .fudge for Washington CouhW l toy meittrt with similar officig from Greens County, on date to be determined, at the Court Horse In ftsUtgton, i to compute the votes car-t for Representative in Uongreess in the 0 , greast6nakiDistrict of Pennsylvania, and make proper return thereof,' ARD I that Jahn C. Ingram, Judge of elections in and for the 2nd precinct of 194wston .borough, be appointed Return Judge for Washington County, to meet with"Aim- ilarofficial from Greene County, on date to be determined, at the CourtHouse in Washington, to compute the votes cast for Senator in the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, for the 46th Senatorial District, and mare proper return thereof. Motion carried. There being no further business, the isoard adj SIGMID ` i - County Commissioners. 4 I Office of the County Commti s s i one g, Washington, Pa. . jbq 25, 1926. County Commissioners in regular session, members present being Years. Johnston, Walker and barnes. . f the County Engineer submitted the tabulation of figures -submitted j by various bidders for the construction of certain roads and bridges, slid bids having been opened and read before the Commissioner* on Kay 20, 1926s motion "a made by .ter. Barnes, seconded by Yr. Walker, that fallowing osis- tracts be awarded;-- Valley Inn Section of ALonongahela rike to W. X. Reed do Co. , at bid of 95,2.337.90; I , Bew1lsville-Zollaravi119 #3 Road, to John X"t iliil wtest&-X1dwwvtl-l-eiRo"dto hardy do tat,, at bid of $586374.40 Canonsburg-Thoteas be. 3 Road to aohm Herd at bid' of 53,366.6Q; Avi011a Retaining Well to Pe6jp*ello Brothers at bid of 102277.26 'Aldan carried mad coat ; 1&warded as indfeated. I+, being shown by tabula'tiem-. from Xaginser-te Office that above were the law mV and beat bid- der*., mote* Contracts an other projeets were not award" at tuis time IL 458 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS as certain details had yet to be completed. There being no further business, the .0oard adjourned. SIGNED County Commissioners. i . Office of the County Commissioners, Washington, Pa. * May 28, 1926. 4. The Salary board, having to do with salaries of employees of the County of Washington in the Department of the county Engineers met in the office of the county Commissioners , at the request of county Engineer, Goo. S Chaney; members presents, Uounty Commissioners Johnston, Walker and Barnes, Countylugineer Chaney and Controller underwood; Motion by Mr. Barnes, see- onddd by Mr. Walker, that following employees of the County Engineer's Depart- ment, to-wit, Ressrs. Courson, Brady, Ryan, Gromos Farrar, Doak and Crtarine, *a given an increase' of ton(10) per cent of thesalaries they are now re- ceiving, said increase to be effective as of may lot, 1926, and vhia said increase brings the payment of these employees in line with, or at about the same fig4re. that is paid employees in similar departments of the kity of- f . Washington and in Counties 'nearby. Potion unanimously carried. The Salary board having to do with salaries in the office of the County Superintendent of Schools; being tits same as above indicated, save that Mr. Chaney had retired, considered a proposal submitted by County Superintendent for an increase in the salary paid to the stenographer in his office to the sum of V125 per month,' but no action taken. There being no further business before th 4SS- it adjourned. SIGNED 1;x�ty Commissioners. Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Fa. ,, May 28, 1926.' Commissioners In regular session, ­ i mmaUrs present being 9"*m* Johnston* Walker and Barnes; Notion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Xr, ftrness that contracts be awarded for the following *1 th6ltemaining roads and bridges to be oonstruaUA-,and for thich bids were opened on May 200 1926, the tabulations and reports frogs the office of the County Ragineer havin&boen received and the ooutraets;, awarded to the lowest and best bidders for the several projects indioatods-