HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-18-1926 - COMMISSIONER'400 ; MINUTEO K SOAR® OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA I J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W N ECKER, COMMISSIONERS CHAlRM61 --]lido opened as follows:- ►trelle Brost "9.76; ?ftrrte , 00* +757., O upon notion-duly made and sec®nded, the awarding of contract post- poned .until later. ti • Road Roller. Brinker Supply Co. , $5750.00 All bids referred to County Engineer for tabulation, to be presented later to County Commissioners and f contract them to be awarded. There being no further business before joint f meeting, it was adjourned. SIGNED COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. j Off3.aeoof the County Commissioners , i "-Washington, Pa. , June 15., 1926. Johnston, walker and .narnes; The following Resolution was duly presented, seconded and unanimously adopted:- WMRZAS, a second allotment to the Rothers• .Assistance Fund has - been made by- the State of Pennsylvania, amounting to one and nine-tenths per cent ,of the first sum apportioned by the County for the. lieriod of June 1, 1925-May 31, 1%27. nowt therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the county of Washington make an appropriation for the said sum of one and nine-tenths per cent of the said "surplus fund" and the County of Washington make an ap- propriation of the sun of $529.20, this being the amount of its share of said second allotment, the said sum to be disbursed \ tbe Board of Truataes of the -gthers• Assistante Fund of WashiipgtoncCouh�y, during the period commencing ,Juns 1, 1926 and ending May 31, 1927. There bing no further business , the btat SIG f �. IfL[ I Office of the County Conti ssi oners , . Washington, Pa. , Sane 18, 1926. Commissioners in regular session, ambers present being Messrs. Johnston and Walker; Mr. Barnes having notice of meeting, but absent. The County Engineer having tabulated bids for construction. atnbridges, said bids having been opened and read %$ meeting of County Commissioners .:' and County Controller on ;uue 10, 1%140 thw �tabulttio w were presented and � `r 4611, MINUTE BO .OK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS man Rill, upon motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Johnston* and carried, Us following contracts were awarded;-- Patterson-Mills Bridge to 'Fred Saxon at bid of $16,988.00 Center Avenue Bridge, Burgettstown, to C. M. Buckman, at 14#099.07 Ten Ton- Gasoline Roller to Brinker Supply Co. , at bid of $5750.00t and that County Uontroller be directed to return certified checks to unsuccessful bidders. There being no further 'business, the a 9 adjourned. SIGN= a Vz' COUNTY W�Iwsszoluft Offi a* of the county 00owdsolo"" Washington, Pa. , June 280 1926. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Uft0ston and Walker; Mr. Barnes having notice of meeting, but absent. rZ • Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that County Treasurer be requested to transfer, with approval of County Controller, the sun of Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars froa the Road Fund of the Gounty of Washington to the General Fund thereof, the said sun to be used in., meeting of current expenses of the said County. question called for; voting *Aye", Messrs. Walker and Johnston. Motion carried. Approved; T J Underwood County Controller From the Minutes ; A True Copy- Attest : John G. Hall Clerk County Commissioners. There being no further business, the meeting was adjour*"* (SIGMM}A CO&I�v­C--'- XMISSIONM. A