HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 9-13-1927 - COMMISSIONER (2) Office of the Joanly
Pa. , Sept . 13, 1927-
Commissiont-rs in regular session, vaembprs presm+
being Messrs. Johnslon, W,91ker and B,3rnes;
Join' rrjee*ing of GommissJoners 9,1d CoAn+y
Cor4roller ey 12 L, . Dqy-Ligft' Savings Time, to operl
bids for d-livery Of bS1JO*S and. sun-olies for Pri-caary
Blec+ion of Sep+ . 20th; preseri4 for 'Cloun+y Co-Tnis-
sioners, ass rs, Johns*on, ',balker avid Bqrnes; County
Control-Lee Underwood presen+ ; bids opend in presence
r 'y norrri ,::-,?ior-rs, from. Following pergons;-
Iq- rk Knest ricic, $390-00
R- ccoap P-tked by -Ibieck.
Willie." iiajLley' 445.00
a ocof"paiii --d by
chol, 439.00
-10 check.
A"o+ion by ter. Walker, seconded by ter. Johnston,
',hat .on 4ract b� awarded "o 1u ,3rk Knps*rick 9+ his bid
of "390.0(' snd that Oon+ roller be rsquus4ad to return
chp,,k of U-ISUCCeBSfUl bidder.
There no further burin-ss 0-fore the joint
mee+iYJ9, it was adjourned .