HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 9-26-1927 - COMMISSIONER (2) Page 2. Septemb� r 26, 1c)27.
WHF;RFPS) F petition hac beer prwsrerted bV t*H;x of Peter-,
reps -r-Ar,7 1-it a secti cr, c-f �!'
L - 77 ir, L,&,id townf,'hip, b&gi-ming vt the inter-
6 -rzti(,n of t1h^ Power H, 11 r_--nd Ver,,tia Rcod1cor the Scutdl r-nd +Axtevidir:: Nc-, th t(. the
intersr..ction c-P S-ut)i Rct-d, -err rei_16ence c-P J?Yygs H,,-rr,
, 1 0 dtftpylee of F280
feet, re-_(C of inprowm�-rll . rd -Fcr Ccun,,,-, &2a n i tS �rr__, ,
pil cvement
_k'r- fc;r Cc17rti i rd it its i-rrcvfr. --it, nioi-i,, icr� nf Pct& c,-f'
eace m-de pne rrcvided, rc.- tlev.fore,
BF IT R*-SOLIIEB., -,het the c' Ter"Jlr to P-r�+r- tc ccrti,j*t-ite �2ron.00 frcm
c,�rre-t f::ndr, ljo-w,rC,� in accord_,nc fic�,,
cf A-, ,-ewt:- in ::-cin c, c, , m--,da �,ry rrcvided.
ro-tition hpb been rrero-rted by tl Hf;iicvv. _, TLo;n_' h_;r"
v eps-ec,er-:Lnp. h,-,t r, _ecti cm of hi it c-e id -,c b egirmi at and of red
dc � rca.Cl at water' tT Gl 1 belcw Flc_,?nce t-nd bcw,, rdr. Five Forkb &nd 'Durdy
schccl OjEtprce c4, w.cme 4400 feet, is in neea' of im.pi--overent PrO Pslliircr
pici J_ t., immrc "t, T_rcv:L_"lc,r,_ c,4 tl�e cf Al.cf.'rb" it
SaCh CaL.. _nn-ae rrn rrovld�d,
BE 17 RESOLI , 'UhF,-. ti-a 'c ccrtri"bute t1ne ,,uln of
-'750.00 to-,v,rrlr-; so4id improv4nort, ir -ccordt-nee, -mitt tl,,- rrcvi!7iors c- tl,- gets
Office Of County Commissioners,
Washington, Pa. , Sept. 26, 1927.
Gommissioners in regular session, members present
being Messrs. Johnston, Walker and Barnes .
Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Barnes,
that County Controller be requested to advertise for
bids for printing and delivering to office of County
Commissioners, approximately 80,000 official ballots
and 15,000 specimen ballots for use at Municipal Elec-
tion- to be held on ITov.8, 1927, specifications for
ballots to be seen at office of County Commissioners.
Motion carried.
From th sites. A T ,e Copy; `
ClePCounty Commissioners.
Sap'uambar 26, IC27-
WFERZ1�S, t pitAtion his be,'n pr s nL, by t,e 1,,,oT)*_r1TiCrrV of ;1-,. Ple"--r+
TcwnElrip, i-epve,,�en-�inc' -�,h- t, a �ectiGn of lri"'A'�- in cc'-i� Tc'.Ir"�j-, ' - t
Cci7"tr brick rotd in We,, tl,rd ci,, ",rc,' -,f C,rz? mild,
ant ond at-kirF fo I rcv 1i r
L in read of imnrcve _ir� ri6 in it,
proviElcm c-F' tl-e Pctf. of P-'-'rbi In I-uc)- erce m-de aru -L-cvicea, rc-l"
h- IT CC-,r,+",, cf' tO ccrti"�Ifte -,- e cf'
tF000 fi-cm c,,;.L,L en*, towsrdE, immrcv:*n-nt wlfici- is tc b,- cf wp'u-r be-16
rircadsnc ' fif;,eer (17-) -feet ida' it f_,cccr,'�,rce tl-,e provi-4-cm- cP tle rots of
z f�e-,n cr e t-,4 c", r rc, ra
----- --------
r,titicn b,--n iref �r-ed b the surcrvisoms cf Hcpewell To-qn-chip,
ep r e n+i n trr z & E,ec t i c r cf hi h-W a,, in syid t o -r sh p, k r u u r V-e B-u f f P 1 c-
Acheicn Rc-d., be-girming cna-belf mile from StF-'Ue 11culue, 242, rc. OX-
te np i Sc,,;-.h one -rile tc rooO intersection at Rush Feirt fprrn is it nee- of ;-P-
-rc.ve,,n,:nt and u
for cuxn-,�j aid in its in-mr(m'smant un('-,Ar t1'e Prevition" of
t),e Pxts of Assembles in t,,u& mt-de --nd providpO, no-,,,, 'Jeref"re,
BE IT R-,'$OLVM, that, the Coun-uy cf Waslndrctor ETi-eer, tc wattAbb-ute try Elam of
f2500.00 from wirrc-rt f7--m(ts to_A,�-,rdc� _,EAr' imprcvein'bnt, ir eccc�rdarca vitr the
Provil-lom, cf the ActL, of PsVembly in Such cpse mfvda rrd provided.
P-, Sartember 2(,, 1027
WHVIREPS, Cc-.,nc-*l c" tv-e borou-1-i of 4,C-en, 1c.
-etition try t I". Count, Commissioners, reprf-sertllirr! tlhpt 1- S"ticn C,*' 1)i7h -Y
it f`-Irl in jer.�Th, Flcn Sculj� Tl.coomll? �;troet
fi-cr lircclr Avemie -c 1 Dd T-j,I CCJ" PV,,,V e from —he Ep Lt-=Y-n Bcrc A-,
line +,c Lll,-, We,-teirr B:-uJ 11-e, i£ 11r. -ne,7c-f irmrove—zrent F,,,nrl .,r'Kirc, -for Ccurtv
eid in its improvem-rt, vnder rrcvisiors of t1n. r4 cf A-c,,;c=nb1% it s-i2&, cf--se -msde
-,.rd Frcvic,:- , nc,;w, ',hvi-A'cre,
BE IT RESOLVED, . -a , j-p
-tv of We-r-ll i r�--'U�,n --c c c m o 11 � ,ue t f
tlO,000.00 from towar-Oc- sfid improvsn,!mt, in �,ccordr,,rce with the
provisions of the Sct& cf AsbeLib---1'-,! in Loch ct,-- e m-d-a Vre'- provided.