HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 7-8-1918 - COMMISSIONER plan, total amount $37.65; Lou Durbin, Lot #222 Donora Imp.
,Co. -pian, total amount $12.47; S. W. Fine, .Lot #136 Donora
Imp, Co, plan, total amount $64.15;Angelo Fraugambelo, Lot
#68 Donora Imp. Co. plan, total amount $25.74• August •0uspar►ia,
Lots #60-68 Donora Imp. Co, plan, total amount $105.62;
Carl Glovak or Glorak, Lots #4$-49 TombaVgh plan, total
amount $13.57; L. A. Goddecour, Lot #38 ashiangton Inv. Co.
plan, total amount $42.11; R. L. Herbert:, Lots #110.111
Donora Imp. Co. plan, total amount $36:22; Alex Johnson,,
Lot #118 Donora Imp. Co. plan, total amount $6.66; John Jarni ,
Lot #23 Horn or Gagman plan, or Fairfield plan, total amount,
$67. 97.
July 8, 1918, the following properties were bought
at the Treasurer's Tax Sales by the County Commissioners:
WEST BETHLEHEM; Wlaydslaw Lojewski, Lot #95 Barnard plan, �
total amount $40.54- Leonard Mayer, Lot #131 Donora Imp Co.
plan, total amount 60.93; Larry Morris, Lot #100 Donora. ,
Imp Co, plan, total amount $56.98; Owls Lodge Bldg do Lot, -
House and lot #122 Donora Imp. Co. plan, total amount 14.90;
Joe Plenchaitis, Lots #61-62 Donora Imp Co. plan, total
amount $72.82• Lewis Ruffner, Lots #210-211 4ayman plan,
total amount 43.14; Dora Rosooe,. Lot #162 Gayman Plan,
total amount 151.73: Michael Ryan, Lot #38 Barnard plan or
Gagman plan, total amount $45.64; Waynesburg Afro-Am;rican
Realty Co. , Lots #20-21 Donora Imp. Co. plan, total. amount
132.74; Stanley Yonkin, Lot #20 Tombaugh plan, total amount
July 8, 1918, the following
properties were bought
at the Treasurer's Tax Sales by the County Commissioner*:-
CANTON: F D. Dolan Est. Lots #149-15- Canton plan, total
amount $I0.83• Herbert A. Smith, - Lots #280-281 Oordon plan,
total amount 6.59; A. O. .Wilson, to lots 69-SM-871-M-07 -
874-875-876-877-878 Gordon plait, total amount $107.61;
July 8, 1918, the following proppeerties were bough
at the Treasurer's Tax Sales by the County Commissioners:
WASHINGTOB: A. M. Wilson, Lot #34 Tyler & Allison Ave-.
7th W. , total amount $65.70; Florence McDonough and. Chas*
Gwynn, Lot #161 Duncan Ave. 7th Ward, total amount $57.86;
W. L. McCleary, Lots #48- 4th St. , 47-48-49-►50-51-81 Court
St. Fats #69-70-71Cor. McK1A&9jV`Ave. lots 28-229 Terrace
Ave. Allison Plan #2, 7th Ward, total amount $611.41;Roy,
Paul Minton and W. K. Mitchell, Lot #261 Shirls Av*. Allison
PlAn, 7th Ward, total amount $38.94; John A. U*Xa$ Lots #318-
319 W lie Ave. 7th W. total amount $32.28; James �aKee, Lot'
3' ncan Ave. or Donnan Ave. 7th 'yard, total sisount *68.42
'B.-D. Noble, Lots 48-247 Terrace Avs.7th W. total.
$77. 70 (duplication); W. Rh Nesbit Lot, Highlsud ltan, 7th
Ward, total amount $10.70; uth J. Aichardson, 2 lots #414 C1
plan, Reasons Choice, 7th Ward, total amount .99; Richard
Richardson, Lot on Henderson Ave, 7th W. total amount $30.23;
Mary E. Phillips, Lot #200 Highland plan, 7th W. total
amount $44.25• Morgan Sprowls, Lot #20 'Wiina St. 7th Wair•d, ,
total amount 111.85; Sarah Sykes, Lots #415-�41+6 Washington
Land Co. plan, Summerlea Ave. total amount 135.1.8; Thomas
Smith, Part of lots #402-403 Clark plan, Arch St. 7th Ward,
total amount 237.83; L. H. Simpson, 4 lots Su rlea- Ave.-,
total amount 828.16; John P. Vankirk Est., Vacant lot on
West Prospect Ave. , total amount $375.76; C. F. Wilcox,
Lots #5-6 Reasons Choice Arch St. , 7th Ward, total amount
$297.53• Wheeling St. Lumber Co. , Lot #312 Arlie Ave. , total
amount 41.48• H. P. Lash, Lot #156 Tyler Plan, 7th Ward,
total amount 17.63; Nilson Lane, Lots #52-63-54 Allison
Land! Co. 7th Ward, Court St. , tool amount $150.55; Xrs, dolt.
Lash, Stable and lot, Highland plan., 7th Ward, total amount
$27.89; Scott Johnston, Lot #62 Allison Land Co. Hallam Ave.
7th Ward, total amount $139.56; John F. Jones, Lot #7 Arch
St. , total amount $28.09; Samuel M. Johnston, Lot #508 Brown
Slater' plan, 7th Ward, total amount $69.004 Amanda Hewitt,
Lot,Slater plan,
Ave. total amount $42.00; R. C. Horton. ' Lot
-Sycamore St. total amount $87.20; J. S. Galley or J. T; Galley
Est. , Lots #212-213 Clark Plade Terrace Ave, 7th Ward,
total amount $39.29; Bertha M. buthrie, Lot #203, Summorlea
Ave, 7th Ward; total amount $20.64; John Freeman' House and
lot Oak Grove, 7th- Ward, total amount $91.45; S. N. Dague,
Lots #3-4-5, Blk 3, Reasons Choice; Lots #14-15-16 Blk 5 Reasons
Choice, Lots $14-15 Blk 2 Reasons choice, total am0un0h� #598.081
J. M. Day, Lot P, Blk 4 Reasons Choice Arch St. fth' Wardo
total amount $53.95; John F. Daniel, Lots #10-11 Bruce St.
Reasons Choice, 7th Ward, total amount $329.75; Herbert Dicks*
2 vacant lots on Bruce St. , total amount $55.74; Dr. D. H.
Edwards, Lots #55-58 Wilna St. , total amount $7.85; Lisle
bolo, Lot -#37 Simington & McAdam plan, 5th Ward, total amount
$168.41; Lewis Dole, Lot #38 Simington & McAdam plan, 5th W.
total amount $136.65; N. H. Evans, House #120 Springfield
Ave. Clark & Campbell Land Co, plan, total amount $43.05; Goa
Class Co. Lot on Mill St. adj.John Preston lot and Hallam
& Berthel, 8th W. total amount $457.57; Edward L. Holmes,
Lot #11, Blk #4 Arch St. , total amount $155.67; Clarence Wolf
Lot #267 Highland plan, total amount $58.16; Martin Young-*
Lot #5 Reasons Choice, total amount $41.95; F. F. McDaniel*
Lbts' $41-42 Henderson Ave. 7th W. total amount $31.94;
L. H', Simpson, Lot #345 Clark Place, 71h W. total amount
$127.A'w- Hahn- A. McKay, Lots #318-319 yll* Ave, 7th W. . total