HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 4-16-1919 - COMMISSIONER APRIL 16,- 1919 RMO T'PION In RIB ROAD I NPROVEMSNT 'BONDS S3RIZ5 1919. Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington, reltttve to the issue by the said County of One Hundred Twenty five Road Improvement Bands of the denomi- nation of One Thousand Dollars each. At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington in the State of Pennsylvania, regularly held at the office of said Board of County Cosa» missiontrs at the Court House of the said County of ington In the Borough of Washington, Pennsylvania, on the 14th day of April, 1919, all of the members of said ,Dpard, tor wit, :OHN Q. WATSON, A. P. BAFd= AND THOMAA HILL, being present,, Us following Resolution was on motion duly !tads and seconded, amanimously adopted by said ioard, t6 wit: WHEREAS , By proceedings had in the CoUot of quarter Sessions of aW3 gton County, in aocordanae with the Act of May 11th, 1911 , P.L. 244, the improvement under the said Act of divers sections of thi mail publics roads in said county has been authorised and ordered and decreed to be dome; and, Y' WHEREAS , The County Congaissionors, of the sold County propose to proceed, during the year 1919, to construct a part of the improved roads , the improvement and coamtziwti.on =i of V&ich has been authorised and directed as aforosaid,an:d in order to provide for the cost, of constructing the* s , i - 1s, necossary to borrow upon bonds to be issued by the said county the sum of One Hundred Twenty f1we Thotasand, i?allars ($125,,000), and f1mdsh now in the treasury of said county and. those to come into it during the said year ( from souroos I other than such borrowing) not being sufficient to defray x4 such cost. ' RNPORE El IT, _ 2'the Boa4d Of County Commissioners o e Said aun or Tanhington# Owt f!►r the purpose of paying for the colt of the road iatprovomentoo to as aforesaid authorlgbd, and to be constructed by said Bounty as a posaidt the said county dot barrow the sum of On! Rividrod Two dive Thousand Dollars ($125,fl0fl) and increase its too dobtedates by the issue of One Hundred Twenty five Banda :. the denomination of One Thousand Dollars (0100 ) each, to, ti nisiftored from one to one hundred and twenty five { 1 'to ) bolt aolusive, to bear date the first day of April 1919 • and to 'bekr interest at the rate of four and °one-half per dent � �= per annum from their date, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year, both principal and interewt being payable, free of any takes required to be paid or which may be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, said county expressly °a and assuming to pay the same. The principal of said ,bture as, follows: M,�Q'i ON AGGRgGATE' AMOUNT DATE OF RATORIM 1 to 5 50000 October ,1927 6 to 15 10,000 October YR 16 to 2 10,000 October l a 19 "i 26 to 35 10,000 October 1 , 1930, , 36 to 45 100000 October 1, 1931 46 to 55 10,000 October 1, 1932 56 to A5 109000 October 1, 1933 >' °'' I . ', f I s e i tkt. {4f� f It F ' \ 1 r f _ �'" I f f a l f t f I e I f I � { �i�p t [t ! � u� f I i 1 i Vw i 'k 66 to715 100000 October 10 1934 76 to l00 25,000 October 1; 1935 101 to 125 25,00e October 1, 1936 Said bonds and the Coupons annexed thereto to be ~� i In substantially the following term: United States of America, State of Pennsylvania, i County of Washington, Road Improvement Bond. N0. *10000v KNOW ALL NN BY THESE P , That the County of-Ift-Ahington,, in the State of Pennsylvania, for value received, f acknowledges itself to be indebted and promises to pay the bearer, or if registered, to the registered holder hereof, the sum of. tfte Thousand Dollars ($1000) ,. in lawful money of the United ,States of America, on the first of October, 19 , with interest thereon at the rate of tour and one-haif"p'er cent (4*)' per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of, April and October in each year, both principal and interest k being payable, tree of any taxes required to be paid or. which May be hereafter required to be paid under any law of the 000sonvealth of Pennsylvania, said county hereby expressly Being and assuming to pay the same; the princdpal thereof boingRpayable at the office of the County Treasurer Vp the - BoftUgh of Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and the interest- atthe same place , upon presentation and surrender of the coupons annexedas they severally become due. This bond- may be registered as to principal only U#oa the bond registry book to be kept at the office of the County Commissioners of Washington County, and by endorsement upow the back hereof by the. Clerk for thetime being for the County Co sari oners, after which no transfer of this bond §' P F 1 bee made except by the registered holder or holders is j on;, or by their duly authorized attorney, and such transfer 1 be noted upon the bond registry book kept at the office of the Commissioners of Panhington County, and upon the back heresy* providdd-hvwever that this bond may be transferred to ' bearer, and negotiability thereby restored,.-and shall contim* subjeat". to the registrations or transfers to bearer-at the option of the holder or holders for the time being. but no registration of principal shall affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto annexed, ,which shall continue tee _be trans- ferable by- delivery only. - This bond may also be registered _both_"" to Vrinci- pal and interest , in which event the coupon* herovato atta+shed ! shall be detached and immediately cancelled bythe Clark for the time being for the County Commissioners of Washington { " Nfttyp and such registration shall be noted upon the bond registry book kept at the office -of the Gounty C 9mi ssioners as aforesaid, and up.*n the back hereof, and thefeafter the sold-annual interest shall be paid to the holder or holders hereof by check or warrant drawn to then order of registered holder or holders hereof, and mailed to his, her or their address, as the same appears of record upon sb d bond registry book. ' ____ .� k � - - i � � I . � , . I ., f ., G k i , P ' r 1 ' i 1 ' {I � � } II q t a n� � � ' I ` t (C , • ' f ` i 1 r • � f j y • , t f f ` � i I i i k , a _ > I %i r Thhis rVond is one of a series of one hundred and two . _five (1 '} 'bonds, of like date, tenor offsets , a ft- in the aggregate to One Hundred T my" five Thousand Z0134ft .,00} issued for the purpose of provi4ing for bra + tndf irovement of certain public roads; pursuant to Vier authority conferred by the .Act 'approved Nay llth", 1911 P.L. 244, and the Act approved April 20th, 1874, P*.L., 65 , and Rots, ndatory thereof and supplemental thereto, -and by virtu"* 'of a Resolution of the County Commissioners of this cou>ktyj�, adopted at a meeting thereof duly called and held. It is hereby certified and roc#tsd that- all sates oonOti+cn►s and things necessary to the validity of this bond exist, have happened and have been done; that every requirement of U* 'footing the validity thereof has been duly ooa VV*4 With; that this bond is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and lama of this state, and i that prior to the issuance thereof an annual tax has been levie in a sum sufficient to pay the principal and 'interest of this � aeries of bonds. The faith, credit and property of the said County of Washington are hereby irrevocably p1e41jed to the J�PwtUal.payment of the principal and interest of this bond in acoo ire with It-a terms. I g i �T3g ''he County asi re of thg':ONUUty Of as ° ngton 'have duly caused this board to be 4setaed d executed by them in the name of the said ee ty ' anA, thi-corpoiate seal of the said county to be he to affix- ed, attested by the Commissiouerst CleTk and osunt**S:LSA#d by the County Controller; and the coupons hereto &= to bo executed by the facsimile signatures of the said Counter aai-gsionere as of the first day of April 1919.' I County commissioners STNST o es oners er I oun y vontroller NO. $22.50 The County of Washington will to bearer Twenty two, and 50,1100 Dollars, >5 free of any tax, on the first day of 19 at the office F4 o t e County Treasurer, iashington g Pennsylvania, being six months' interest that day due on its Road Improvement Bond No. , dated April 19• 1919. ,.� _ ` -' E4 j � � r � 1� . _ t C ' � � � � ,y 1 l G � I i �� N !t � ~ � �; t ii I i � r �, t_ � i f �I I i {I I 1 f i i r u I County tommissioners 3�t3t pprirM..rrrr REGISTRATION: w�r�lrrAr�rrrr.+rrri Data of : Name of Clerk of Registration Registered Owner : County Covaissionors BR ..T E R RRSOL= , That an annual- tax, be- ginning ' with rrthr'eyea� "r 1920, be and the same is hereby levied And assoxsed upon the proper subjects of taxation within said wwa 4 to be supplied solely to the payment of the_ principal ef_ said-wIbande-, at maturity and the interest and state taxes thereon as the same shall become payable, to be **U*tted as follows: In the Year 1920 04 0 n « n 0 n n n 1922 6,680 to n a 1923 6,680 to to toI to n n 1925 6,680 of to n 1926 6 ,680 n a n 192? 7, 2.50 of of n 192 150990 n to 1929 15 .390 to of 14 1930 140900 " " n 1931 149410 to to 111932 130920 to of to 1933 13 ,430 of of 11 • 1934 12,940 to of if 1936 26,225 4 n n to 5 AND BE IT FURTHER RSS0LVED, That before any of said bonds Shall be iesusd, a statement shall be repared, executed and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessigne of Washington County, as required by the Second Section of the aforesaid Act of Assembly, approved April 20th, 18740 and the brats amendatory thereof andsupplemental thereto. That the said One Hundred Twenty five Thousand Dol- lars of 'bonds , when duly prepared, signed and sealed in the form above set forth, shall be delivered -to Mellen National Bank of Pittsburgh, purchasers thereof on payment of the pur- chase price thereof, and the receipt of the Treasurer of the said County shall be tothe purchasers a full acquittance for the said purchase Vr*ce , and the said purchasers shall net bar bound to sect to tie appliaktion of the proceeds thereof. . R k z s � — --n —— . E �' � ' k �� i c � 1 P 1 � � I ji t �� ' k -� —.a �I i P I I I ` I E r � I r t �i � ! I 1 I f I I 4 £ �, i � .,, ___._.-,y. � ._ _�. _.m-