HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-29-1920 - COMMISSIONER MINUTE BOOK � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENN*VANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W.WALKER. W. H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Office of the County Commissioners January 28th, 1920 1 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, all i f members present. Minutes of previous :meeting read and signed. The following resolution was presented: i RESOLVED, that an appropriation of $2200 be and is hereby made to the Washington County Agricultural Farm Bureau, payable quarterly in advance upon requisition to the Treasurer of said Bureau, during the year 1920. The resolution was adopted on motion of Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Ecker. i On motion of Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Foo ker, C. I. MacDonald was unanimously elected clerk in the Commissioners* office j at a salaryof 125. 00 per month beginning February let. On motion of Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Walker, Earl Vankirk! was unanimously elected clerk in the Commissioners* office i at a salary of $125.00 per month beginning February let. No further business appearing, the Board adjourned. C - ( SIGNED) f County Commissioners Office of the County Commissioners January 29th, 1920. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, all members present. ' Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. In accordance with the requirements of an Act of Assembly approved the 6th of May 19099 P. L. 436 , County `'ontroller T. J. Underwood submitted a detailed estimate of and for the legitimate A purpose of the county for the current year, with explanations as to the i necessity of his estimates. The expenditures proposed by him' were as follows:- Purpose Amount f Bonded Debt 220o925. 00 Fees and Salaries 125 ,000. 00 Assessment of Taxes 23,000. 00 .Elections 22,000. 00 i Jurors and Constables 20,000.00 • Justices► Die. Cases 4,000.00 ` Coroner 40000.00 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Court of quarter Sessions 30,000- 00 Orphans Court 50000. 00 County Bridges 1000000. 00 County Roads (New) By Bonds Road Maintenance 250,000. 00 Advertising, printing & eta. 12,000. 00 Penal Institutions 55,000.00 Insane & Feeble Minded 28 ,000.00 Soldiers' Burials 5 ,000. 00 State Taxes 5V000. 00 Registration and Enrollment 15 ,000. 00 County Home 100,000. 00 Chi ldrents Home 15, 000. 00 Court House Fix. & Of. SUP. 10,000. 00 Court House and Jail 10,000. 00 Jail Account 6tOOO. 00 Expense Account 20,000. 00 Loan Account 80,000.00 Juvenile Court 5 ,000. 00 Engineers Refunds 10500. 00 !Lotheral Assistance 10,000.00 Viewers and Awards 4 ,500. 00 State Roads 64,885.25 The Controller included the following estimate of receipts:- The total amount required to carry on the business of t#* County for the year, as shown by separate appropriations above enumerated , is $1 ,,250,810.25. At the close of business January 5. 1920, there was in the hands of the County Treasurer, should all outstanding warrants have been paid, $139 ,763.52. Of this amount $73 ,532. 10• belonged to the Road Fund, leaving only $66,231.42 in the General Fund. We will have receipts from outstanding accounts etc. as follows:- .1discellaneous Accounts 393- 08 Fayette County 692.25 Fines and Costs (estimated) 40,000.00 Tax Liens (Estimated) 30POOO. 00 Delinquent Taxes (Estimated) 50P000. 00 Co. Comrsissioners Miseellancous(Eatimated) 20 woo MINUTE BOO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ` J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER. W. H ECKER, CommissioNams =!m7 f { f Personal Tax 1050,000. 00 Cash in General Fund 66,211.42 ! 2940816.75 I Lose Abatements and exoneration* (e st) 80 000. 00 214,816.?5 i Amount necessary 1 ,250,810.25 Less Credits 2141,816- 75 f To be raised by taxes 1,035 ,993.50 In order to der this it will require on a basis of I � $138,000,000. 00 County Valuation, 7* mills , an increase of 2* mills over the past four years. The Commissioners took the estimates under consideration No further business appearing, the Board adjourned. (S I GNRD) ._.... County Commissioners Office of the County Commissioners ' j February 2nd, 1920. I ' Board of County �,ommiesioners in regular session, all members present.. Minutes of previous meeting read 'and signed. jhe following Resolution was presented and on motion regularly made .and seconded was unanimously adopted: "Resolved by the Commissioners of Washington County, Pa. , that until further action by the Commissioners the allowance to the She-rift of Washington County, Pa. , for boarding prisoners shall be and the some is hereby fixed at the sum of Fifty .bents (5OX) per--4 for each p4soner c onni tted"-to the custody of -said-Sheriff-_and a-onfined in the y Jail; And that the Court of quarter- Sessions of the said County be "is hereby respectfully requested to approve the sand, Said rate to be paid as of Jan. 5, 1920. The following Resolution was presented and on motion r ,1*1y mad* and seconded was unanimously adopted: : *Resolved by the Commissioners of Washington County, Penner. '_#th^ °until further action by the Commi ssioners the allavwoe to , v Matron Of the -Juvenile Court Detention Rooms, for persons placed 1zu h .:charge s a12 be and the same is fixed at the sumo of fifty cents (50) per day for 040b person committed to the custody of said matron and confined in p t '," P s • bn• q MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS said Detention Rooms; and that the Court of quarter Sessions of the said County be. and is hereby respectfully requested to approve the same. Said , rate to be paid as of Jan. 5 , 1920. No further business appearing, the Board adjourned, ( SIGNED) County Commissioners Office of the County Commissioners,' February 9th, 1920 Board of County commissioners in regular session, all members being present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and signed, Bids were opened in the presence of the County Controller for the construction of an office for the Coroner in the Public Sales Room to be a duplicate of the office of the Inspector of Weights and Measures. Bids were as follows:. Vester, Stewart & Rossell $625. 00 R. J. MoKahan 558. 00 H. 3. Thompson 487. 00 Yv J. U. Bumgarner 350- 00 D. M. Curran 602. 73 The contract was awarded to J. U. Bumgarner, the lowest bidder , at his bid of $350- 00 plus $50. 00 for cost of painting. On motion " ' of Mr. 3cker, seconded by Mr. Johnston., NO further business appearing, the Board adjourned, (SIGNED) rai 7 COUhty*Commissionere Office of the County Commissioned, .Vebruary 13th, 1920. Board Of County Commissioners in regular session, all members present. 'Minutes of previous meeting read and signed.