HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 2-13-1920 - COMMISSIONER MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS said Detention Rooms; and that the Court of quarter Sessions of the said County be. and is hereby respectfully requested to approve the same. Said , rate to be paid as of Jan. 5 , 1920. No further business appearing, the Board adjourned, ( SIGNED) County Commissioners Office of the County Commissioners,' February 9th, 1920 Board of County commissioners in regular session, all members being present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and signed, Bids were opened in the presence of the County Controller for the construction of an office for the Coroner in the Public Sales Room to be a duplicate of the office of the Inspector of Weights and Measures. Bids were as follows:. Vester, Stewart & Rossell $625. 00 R. J. MoKahan 558. 00 H. 3. Thompson 487. 00 Yv J. U. Bumgarner 350- 00 D. M. Curran 602. 73 The contract was awarded to J. U. Bumgarner, the lowest bidder , at his bid of $350- 00 plus $50. 00 for cost of painting. On motion " ' of Mr. 3cker, seconded by Mr. Johnston., NO further business appearing, the Board adjourned, (SIGNED) rai 7 COUhty*Commissionere Office of the County Commissioned, .Vebruary 13th, 1920. Board Of County Commissioners in regular session, all members present. 'Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. MINUTE BOOT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA � J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W. H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS i Regularly moved and seconded, that County Treasurer, 4obert G. button , be directed to refund to the Betate of William Phenniecie, E i deceased, late of Donor&, the sum of $7.50, that being the amount of a license fee paid to Washington County for the last quarter of the year, for ich said license was granted to William Phennieeis , in accord- ance with the Act June 19, 1919. The motion was agreed to ,unanimously. On motion regularly made and seconded, tha salaries of Geo. H. Lynch and Harry R. Wolf are fixed for the currant year beginning Janus m ry 5 , 1920 at $125. 00 per calendar month. -On motion regularly made and seconded, the salary of i i John1JL Plants was fixed for the current- year beginning January 5, 1920 at 4110. 0.0 per calendar month. On motion regularly made and seconded, the salary of Joseph j Plants was fixed for the current year beginning January 5, 1920 1 at $100. 00 per calendar month. On motion regular-Xy made and seconded, the salary of Miss Margaret Spriggs was fixed for the current year beginning January 5, 1920 at $70.00 per month. On motion regularly made and seconded, the County Controller E was directed to advertise for proposals to be operrUarch 4th, 19200 for the resurfacing with reinforced concrete of the following roads: 1.-CHARL3ROI-B3NTL3MLLX ROAD, beginning at the borough line of Lentleyville and extending eastwardly 1.,78 miles. 2.-TH3 SHAFT ROAD, beginning at the borough line of Washington and extending northwardiy a distance of 0. 71 miles. 3•- ADOWLAND4fHOUSTON ROAD, beginning at the Pennsylvania r4ilroad tracks in Meadowlands and ex- tending northwardly a distance of 0. 77 miles. ! 4.-HOUSTON-WEST MIDDL3TOW. ROAD, beginning at the borough line of Houston and extending w►Wat• wardly a distance of 1.44 miles. i No further business appearing, the Board adjourned, {SIGN3D I i �Zwi t1h���.a��af� County Commissioners Office of the County Commissioners February 13 th, 1920. Board of County Commissioners met in regular sesoion, all er,# present. t, Minutes of previous meeting read and signed, f • w x r MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYI.,VANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS The following resolution was presented: Resolved , that upon due consideration of the estimated ' ' expenditures presented by the County Controller and in accordance with- tily' provisions of the 5th Section of An Act approved May 6th. 1909, P. L. 436# the rate of taxation upon the valuation of the property of the county, in order to raise sufficient revenue to meet &aid estimated expenditures for the year, is fixed at Seven and one-half ( W mills. The yeas and nays were called as follows: Yea: Johnston Nay:- None " Walker Faker All the Commissioners having voted in the affirmative, the resolution was unanimously adopted. I f No further business appearing,, the Board adjourned. (SIGNBD) County Commissioners, Office of the County Commisslonera., February 24th, 1920 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, all f members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. ! The following resolution was presented and on motion I regularly made and seconded was unanimously adopted: Resolved: that the County Inspector of Weights and r Measures be and he is hereby authorized and directed to inspect all weights, a and measures in Monongahela Cite and to continue to make such inspection from time to time, the same as to now or may be here-after required by law in Borough and Townships , until further directed by, this office. It appearing from the report of the County Treasurer " that the General Fund, in the treasury, was practically exhausted the following resolution was presented and by motion regularly made and seoo4dsd was unanimously adopted: "RRSOLYBD that the County Treasurer be directed to transfer, with the approval of the County controller, the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars from the Road Improvement Fund to the General r Fund and that the amount so transferred be returned to the Road Improv t as soon as sufficient taxes are collected to meet the said amount. " Motion by Mr. Eoker, seconded by Mr. Johnstobg that exonseation lists filed by delinquent collectors for 1919 taxes be accepted and f ilod'i 0 }lotion carried.