HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 3-8-1920 - COMMISSIONER CIA MINUTE BO K I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PEN,NSY:L.VANIA 4 J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS t k SHOT ROAD Vm. Pickett & Company f All bids submitted hating been opened and read in: the I presence of said bidders and the County Controller, on motion of Mr. Ecker, the County Engineer was direoted to tabulate th6 bids and submit the figures and the bids to the County Commissioners. i President Johnston announced that bids would be f tabulated and awards made public as soon as possible and that the checks would be returned to unsuccessful bidders without delay. j No further business appearing, the Board adjourned. I (SiGN1D) r County Commissioners • Office of the County Commissioners March 8 th, 1920 Board of County Commissioners met in regular session, all members being present. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. County Engineer George S.. Chaney presented tabulation of road bids opened *Raroh 4th , 1920, are follows: ROAD.-BIDS RECEIV3D MARCH 4thy 1920 i CHARLEROI•BSNTUMLLE ROAD E I Bidder Gravel Concrete Slag Concrete Stone- Concrete Thomas Arrigo $82070. 00` $82070.00 $90420.00 Goo. S. White Company 95925. 00 90080.00 106780.00 ; Hors Construction 06. 75880.00 75045.00 82560,.D� dlonial Construction Co. 64505. 00 63670. 00 71181,*,9,0 ' x�. MX&DOW I"DS•HOUSTON ROAD Bidder Gravel Concrete Slag Concrete Stone Cone"te f Hardy & Rankin Company $27645. 00 i olonial Construction Co. 28110. 00 #27750. 0030990.00 amuel Gamble Company 37349• 00 36413. 00 J Pickett & Company 26187. 00 26547. 00 37707• 00 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER. W H. ECKER, COMMISSIONERS HOUSTON-W3ST MIDDLICTOWN ROAD Bidder Gravel Concrete Slag Concrete Stone Concrete homas Arrigo 470278.00 t70278-00 $77028-00 - Jeo. S. White & Company 81306.00 -?5906. 00 92781. 00 Nm. Pickett & Company 54520.80 55870.80 86245.80 amuel Gamble Oompany 726 70876.897*88 ardy & Rankin Company 52406.0* 51101.00 olonial Construction Co. 51"0.00 51225.00 57300-00 4 SHM" ROAD Bidder Gravel Concrete Slag Concrete Stone Concrete Pickett & co Pick pany $23866,00 424118.00 $31170-00 The contract for the Charleroi-Bentleyville road was awarded to the Colonial Construction Company# they being the lowest bidder for the slag-concrete roadway, on motion of Mr. Valkerm seconded by Mr. Baker. The contract for the Meadowlands-Houston "ad was awarded to William Pickett the lowest bidder for sl&g_**nar*ts on notion of Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Walker. A letter was presented and read from the Colonial "construction Company asking that only one road be awarded to then, The Hardy & Rankin Company, the neat. lowest bidder on the Houston-West Middletown road having agreed to construct the road of slag at $3.36 per dquare yard at whidh price their bid, would titen be lower than the lowest bid received. It was agreed by the Comisojoners and the uounty Controller, to ,award contract to aforesaid Hardy & Rankin Company. Moved by Mr. Baker, secondad .by Mr. Talker that in accordance with the explanation and the agreement with the county Controller, that the contract for the Houston-West Middletown road be awarded to The Hardy & Rankin Company. ' The motion was agreed to unsalmouslYs The following resolution in the natter of the purchase and delivery of supplies was presented and on motion of Mr. .V&lker;* seconded by Mr. licker was adopted unanimously: 01MRSAS, the increasing cost of all office 5UPPlis& and ma6orlals used by the officials of Washington County and their employees has made At desirable and necessary In the interest of *oonNV that a system b*4.�adopted that will reduce the expenditures to a minimun and prevent the duplication of orders and the purchase of unnecessary supplies and NOW TH3R3?0R3 B3 IT WMV3D, First That no supplies MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W.WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS 1 l shall be purchased except on a written order issued through the Chief Clerk I upon authority of this Board. Second: The Chief Clerk shall issue no order for supplies except upon' requisition approved' by this Board. Third: The officials and employees desiring supplies or materials necessary for the conduct of. their business shall make requisition in writing upon the cards provided for that purpose and that all such cards shall be filed with the Chief Clerk and presented by him to this Board , when in regular session. Fourth: All supplies ordered in accordance with this � I system shall be delivered to the Chief Clerk and after having been checked by his order shall be delivered under his direction to the person making the requisition. Fifth: All bills must be rendered in duplicate , giving the Order Number for proper reference. The Chief Clerk shall audit all bills and present them to this Board in formal session for its kapproval before any payment shall be made. 'f Sixth: That the Chief Clerk be directed to give written I notice of this system of ordering supplies to all officials and employees. Seventh: That no supplies or materials belonging to ' the county be sold or disposed of without the express authorization of this k i Board in regular session. 3ighth: That the above system shall become effective at once. Moved by Mr. Walker , seconded by Mr. Baker , that above resolution be adopted. Motion agreed to unanimously. A petition was filed reciting that a vacancy existed in the office of Tax Collector for the Borough of Cokeburg, and suggesting the appointment of David 3. Smith. The following resolution was presented: G WHBREAS , it appears that a vacancy exists in the office of Tax Collector in the Borough of Cokeburg by.reason of the resignation x of Robert D. Brown and that a petition has been filed suggesting the appointment of David 3. Smith, now therefore be it R3SOLV.3D, that in accordance with the authority vested In this Board by An Act approved AiLy 17th, 1917, p.L. 221 , that DAVID 3. SkITH be and is hereby appointed Tax Collector for the borough of Cokeburg to,, succeed Robert D. Brown, resigned. Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr, taker that the 61*410 x. resolution be adopted. Motion agreed to unanimously. On motion of Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, Aohn N. Kerr was appointed Assessor for the Borough of Finleyville. ;x On motion of Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. 'balker, H. L. f 23 MINUTE B 0 0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WA SHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER. W. H ECKER• Com Mtsstp{d ERB j i I I � f Bane was appointed Assessor for the Borough of Aarianna. Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Air. Baker, that when bills are vouchered for payment and properly O.K. 1d. they be presented l to the Board in regular session and that a record of all bill* approved f be entered in the minutes. The motion was agreed to unanimously. Application for county-aid on the road leading from alydea towards I.,Pighty-four in West Bethlehem Township, a distance of about 10,€00 feet was presented and ordered filed. No further business appearing, the Board-adjournod, t . (SUMP) A County Commissioners j Office of the County Commissioners March 12th, 1920 a Board of County Commissioners met is regular sessionk all members being present. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. The following resolution was presented: WHEREAS , in the performance of their duties it is necessary , that the County Commissioners and the Inspector of Weights and Aeasures • of Washington County make frequent trips over Washington Cowty on f official business to points not served by railroad or street lines, and WHEREAS in the past these trips have been made by automobiles hired by said County for that purpose and xv ' WH3R3A8 it is in the interest of economy that Washington County own Its own ears foe' such official business THE'RI'IPORR, BE IT RESOLV 1) that the County Coatraller be authorised and directed to advertise fbr bids in accordance to law for oen "Closed seven passenger Hudson automobile...and for one enclosed Yord j runabout for use of the County Commissioners and the Inspector of Weights anti-Atasures respeotiveljr. Said bids to be submitted in wiitiug with ' YiR n J4 f delivery of said autos specified. the County Conwesioners reaming the right to rejeot any and all bids, - The above resolution wat adopted an metiai►>r�` �t Mr. Walker, E - se�Aod by Air. Baker. � ,z On motion of Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Baker, John C. � appointed Assessor for Morris Townshf�f t* till this vacancy cause by the removal from the district, of Qliver-B,, Conosr, the former ,