HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 4-5-1920 - COMMISSIONER 610 = BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYi.VANIA I J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS 20783 H B Rest-l'ilsworth March Enrollment 1920 `10.50 � 1897 Hestle &•Glen Ealy Sheep damage claim r I There being no further business the Board adjourned. ° k (SIGNED) County Commissioners. Office of the County Commissioners t � Y Washington, Pa. , April 5, 1920 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, each member havinghad personal notice of the meeting. The members present ° ,_- Messrs. Johnston, Walker and Ecker. Minutes of the previous meeting read 604 signed. The following Resolution of the Board of County Commi**LO 4�rs j of the County of Washington, relative to the issue by the said county o-f' ' Seventy-five Thousand $(75,000) Dollars is temporary loans was presente4;: .- i At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of thee- County of Washington in the State] of Pennsylvania, duly called and held at- the office of said Board of County Commissioners at the Court House of tie- T. f said County of Washington in the Borough of Washington, Pennsylvania, on tho 5th day of April, 1920 , the following members of said Board, to wit: J. - fW a? " Johnston, J. T. Walker and T. H. Acker , being present, the following R"44- { tion was, on motion duly made and seconded, unanimously adopted by said' to wit: n7HFREAS, it has become necessary for the said Board to I � rw rdw the sum of Seventy-five Thousand t$75,000) Dollars, for the purpos N*f,fq, meeting current expenses, for which taxes have been levied but are not- ,'�-, tib paid in to the County Treasurer. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUM COMIISSIONERS of the said County of Washington, that for the purpose of i providing funds for the payment of current expenses that the proper offtowp, of the said county are hereby authorised and directed to negotiate tempcxasy.-e, loans and issue notes therefor dated April 5, 1920 and payable an dema ... 1 . with interest from date, said notes to be negotiated and issued as folly: s Tnstitution Amount Burgettstown National Bank, Burgettstown, Pa. $5,000 Bank of Charleroi , Charleroi, Pa. 15,000 First National Bank, California, Pa. 5,000 r , , 391 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY; PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER W H. ECKER, COMMISStONERS I !, First National Bank, Charleroi , Pa. "10,000 Citizens Trust Company, Canonsburg, Pa 10,000 Alexander & Company, Bankers , 'Monongahela, Pa. 3 Notes of $10,000 each 'i j The following resolution was presented and on motion F I regularly made and seconded was unanimously adopted: "Resolved that the County Treasurer be directed to a transferwith the approval of the County Controller, the sum of Fifteen i Thousand ($15,000) dollars from the Road Improvement Fond to the General I jFund and that the amount so transferred be returned to the Road Improvement I Fund as soon as sufficient taxes are collected to moot the said amount." j The following bills were approved and warrants ordered i drawn: No. Name Item Amount ' 20862 Horseheads Construction Co 2nd Payt Be"ell bridge 1500.00 20854 'Keystone Elect S & C Co Supplies 6.oD ? 20853 Ferrell Bros Hdw " 1.00 20849 -.14c'villiams Taxi Co Cogs to J4. ]met otto 6.00 a I 20850 L H Ullom Supplies 10.95 20847, VcWilliams Taxi Co Trips for Dist Atty 14,00 20846 Murdock Motor Co " 15.00 20879 Fred Baier 6 days Jurors costs 22.13 I 20851 Irvin Wormsley Hauling garbago»Mar. 20.00 w ' 3 20848 William McCleary Expenses for Mar. 1920 14.91 20861 T J Sutherland Salary & Xxp for Sea. 1919 39.26 Glenn Brady Salary for March 16.63 . H R 9treAtor 16.50 " 5 87'6 H H Streatbr " 6.00 243 Wm. Galley Auto hire for Mar. 20.00 2074 H B Crumrine Salary -for March 2.00 , 20872 Joseph Plante Expenses for March 6.08 2087 H B Crumrins Salary for Mar. 30.75 20876 Tm. M. Anderson Sal and Up for March 26.90 20869 Ralph Farrar " 2.90 ' 20$6$ R E Merchant " 6.90 John M Plants Expenses for Larch 46.70 0 Parris Engineering Ca Not #2 Donors-l►ebster tis 6457.50 .;0863 Mrs. Albert Hixenbaugh Board & room—Jos plants 34.00 20865 Vestar Toland Rent of b*ra for March 20.00 2085% Jae A VaLoney Jury Com:rol day A mil 4.48 � 2ofb0 FM Caton " -4.48 20864 John 0 Watson 125.00 I �nape a for-Mai 40 f MINUTE BOOK f BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANI-A 4 J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER, W H ECKER. COMMISSIONERS r 20857 T W Long Supplies 1.25 20858 J Warren vankirk Jury Commr-1 day mil 4.48 No further business appearing the Board adjourned. k � 4 (SI GNBD) County Commissioners. j � u i I ` Office of the County Commissioners. I Washington, Pa. , April 5, 1920. Board of County Commissioners in special session, all members having had personal notice of the meeting, and all of said members, to• wit ,'!essrs Johnston, Walker and Ecker being present. On motion duly seconded, John G. Hall was elected t6 f be• ehief clerk , to become effective lffay lot, 1920 , at an annual salary of $2100, payable monthly, and in addition the said John G. Hall was duly elected j Registrar of Bonds, at an annual salary of 300. = No further business appearing, the Board adjo=nsd. (SIGN3D) County G.ommissioners. Office of County Commissioners . Washington, Pa. , April 7, 192I . Board of County Commissioners in regular session, y i, members having had personal notice of the meeting. Messrs Walker & Johno present. 47 Minutes of the regular meeting April 5th and of tbA Special Meeting of the same date were read and signed. The following bills were approved and warrants ord*red r dr awn:- No. Name Item o t 20904 Alen B Grey Process on Indictments etc �! 20896 Alex B Gray Board commnittments etc march 1061, 7 20888 Ward Printing Co- Supplies etc `-76.15 20784 Thomas Amigo Refund on tax sales 20899 D. A. Harbaugh Photographs for Cont. report