HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 7-27-1920 - COMMISSIONER 99, MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS 21959 Wm Galley Auto hire-Dist Atty 35- 00 21960 J D Gibson Refund 1919 School tax: 2.64 21961 West Penn Power Co Light & power 215.82 21962 H M Snyder Refund on 1919 road tax , 3.30 1946 Melvin Horner Sheep damage claim 27-50 No further business appearing, the Board adjourned, (SIGNED) 7PA&W ' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa. , July 27th, 1920 Board in regular session, members present being Messrs. Johnston , Walker and Ecker. The following resolution was presented, motion made for its adoption, duly seconded and adopted ,usanimously;- WHEREAS , Robert Tyree , et al. , being confined In the county jail of Washington County, charged with various off6noos, did feloniously attempt to break out of and escape from said jail, which attempt resulted in serious damage to the interior of said Jail, making_ necessary extensive re- pairs thereto, and the resultant trial of the said Robert Tyree., et al., , at Nos- 30, 32, 33 , 34 and 35 May May ,Term, 1920, on the charge of attempted fail breaking, entailed heavy oosts upon the County, and WHEREAS , the Sheriff of Washington County, acting in his official capacity , did take from the person of him, the said Robert Tyree, as part of the dffects of him, a certain sum of money, to-wit , the sum of Seventy-five Dollars, which the said Sheriff retains in his possession at the request of the County Commissioners so to do; Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said Sheriff of Washington County be instructed to pay into the Treasury of Washington County the said sum pf Seventy-five Dollars and to take the *Opeipt of the County Treasurer for -the said sum, there to be held to partly meet the expenses incident to the -repairs as above indicated and the trial costs recited; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLV3D,That in,-event of action'.h being taken against the said Sheriff to compel him to return to him, the said Robert Tyro* , the sum of money taken from him as aforesaid, to-wit, the sum of 100 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Seventy-five Dollars , and said action resulting in a decision requiring the return of the said sum to him, the said Robert Tyree , that then the County Co-mmissioners shall reimburse the said Sheriff and cause a warrant in his favor to be drawn, payable from the funds of Washington , for the said sum, to-wit , the sum of Seventy-five Dollars. The following resolution was presented, motion made for its adoption , seconded, and adopted unanimously:- WHEREAS , the State of Pennsylvania had in the State Treasury at the close of the fiscal year ending May 31 , 1920, the money unused by the unorganized counties under the Mothers' Assistance Fund Law, of 19199 which is known as the "surplus fund" and is available for division among the counties that have already availed themselves of the provisions of the said Act, and WHEREAS , the second allotment to the counties which have availed themselves of the provisions of said Act is 10 per centum of the first amount apportioned to the County, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County of Washington make application for the said sum of 10 per centum of the said "surplus fund" and the County of Washington does hereby make an appropriation of the sum of Twelve Hundred -Fifty-oeven and 63/100 ($1257.63) -Lollaro, the said amount to be disbursed by the Board of Trustees of Mothers* Assistance Fund of Washington County during the period commencing June 1. 1920 and ending May 31, 1921* Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. RckeT, that the sum of $1000 be appropriated for the uses of the current expenses of the Washington County Historical Society, to be paid to the proper official of said Soakety, upon application therefor, from the funds of Washington County. Unanimously carried. The following bills were approved and warrants ordered drawn: 21963 Stella Krupensky et al Costs May T 1919, #116 15.60 21961 Hattie Carter, et al Pothers' pensions for July 443.50 21965 Bebout & Yohe , Burial of Thomas Marshall 75- 00 21966 Ger.Rom.Cath Knights St Goo etal Interest on bonds 643-50 21967 G M Rainey, Cutting trees off Mon. Pike 5.00 21960 Mrs Jacob Hickman Boarding Mr Wiley, B-Z Rd 6. 21968 Hardy & Rankin Labor etc on Meadow-Houston 641,53 21970 M G Willard, Material Donora-Webster bridge 19,42 21971 Vernon & Hornbake Spikes- 9.00 21972 W Craig Byers Storage on lbr-Donora-Web. br 15.00 21973 T C OtRorke Repairs to truck 1011 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS 21974 Colonial Trust Co Pgh Bet #2 Ch-Bentleyville Rd 15259. 00 Z1975 - West Penn Power Co Lighting Bellevernon bridge 476.63 No further business appearing, the Board adjourng4, (BIG",D) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Office of the County Commissioners Washington Pa. , July 30, 1920. Board of County Commissioners in regular session, missibers present being Messrs. J. B. Johnston and W. H. Ecker, Mr. Walker having due notice of said meeting, but not present. The followin• g Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners' of Washington County was presented:- Whereas , on July 1st , 1920,' a Resolution was duly adopted, authorizing the proper officials of Washington County to negitl&te a loan of $75,000 from the Citizens National Bank of Washington, Pa. ,, and to issue a.note therefor, bearing interest from that date , the proceeds of said note to be used for the payment of current expenses of the said County of Washington , and which said loan was duly consummated, and Whereas , there now is , or will be as of July 31, 1920, -sufficient fund& in the hands of the County Treasurer, received from the collection of taxes for the year 1920�i to pay in full the face of the said note with interest; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That the County Treasurer be authorized, and he is hereby authorized, to pay in full the face of the said note for $75-*400, with interest , on July 31st , 1920, if he then has sufficient funds of the County in his hands so to do , thereby cancelling the said obligation of the County of Washington. qUestion. Adoption of Resolution put to vote., Voting Aye; Messrs. Johnston and Ncker. Resoltuion duly adopted, J. Johnston W. H. Baker County Comissioners