HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 4-26-1921 - COMMISSIONER 143 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER. W H. ECKER, COMMISSIONERS ' I BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Washington by its Board of County Commissioners hereby accepts the proposition of the said Pi.ttsburg ,Steel Products Company and agrees to enter into a definite contract with the said Company, upon presentation of the same, for the i payment of the cost of the additional grading above mentioned on the following definite terms , to-wit: that the County -of Washington will ,pay Qne-fourth (2/4). of the same, said one-fourth (1/4) not to exceed j the *am of Seventy-five Hundred Dollars 47500.00) , the balance of the cost of such additional grading to be paid by the said Pittsburg Steel Products Company, upon receipt from the State Highway Depariment of estimates of the cost of the work as it progresses, No further business appearing, the Board adjourned. (SIGNED) A&C r����rrT rr err .r ror rr�r County Commissioners. Office of County Commissioners Washington, Pa . April 26, 1921, Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Maker. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Walker, that fir. James H. Hazlett be appointed Assessor in and for the township of Aviwell, to fill vacancy caused by removal from said township of Mr. Thomas J. Horn, regularly appoihted Assessor therein, question called for:voting "Aye" Messrs. Johnston and Walker. Motion carried. (Mr. Baker did not act on motion , but voted for Paul Day to fill vacancy, said Day being an applicant. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Maker, that the County of Washington pay to Tony Delval the sum of Give Hundred ($500) Dollars, as per proposal this day submitted by said Delval', in full settlement of all claims for damages against said County by reason of injuries sustained by him on county road and for v&ich said Countyof i Washington might be liable. Motion unanimously carried, i i Motion by Mr.Johnston, seconded by Mr. Baker that this � Board accept and sign the contract this day presented by the Pittsburg Steel Products Company in the matter of the additional grading required to be done on a portion of Secthn 4, Route 268 state highway, Allen Township, by reason of change of grade occasioned by relocation of said . d 4 route; said contract being between the County of Washington by its E 144 MINUTE B00X BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMM,SSIONERS board of County Commissioners and the Pittsburg Steel Products Compa y for the payment of the cost of the additional grading above mentioned f on the following definite terms, to-wit:- That the County of Washington pay one-fourth of the same, said one-fourth not to exceed the sum of #7500. 00 the balance of the cost thereof to be paid by the said Pitts- burg Steel Products Company, upon receipt from the State Highway Depertmesit of estimates of the cost of the work as it progresses. Notion unani*ounly F carried. No further business appearing, the Board add ourned. (SI Gin) County C"o`er,ss over Office of County Commissioners ' Washington, Pa. ,, May 2nd, 1921. I • Combissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Johnston and F,oker; Hr. Walker having had notice of said meeting, but being absent. At 1:15 P. Y. joint meeting of County Commissioners, County Poor Board and County Controller for the purpose of opening bids for general construction work, plunbing7 and electrical work in connection` with the building of a proposed addition to the County Home at Arden; members present from the Board of County Commissioners, Messrs. John4t6a and Ecker; Directors, Buchanan and Hawkins representing the Poor -board, and Controller T. J . Underwood 'from the County Controller' s Office; bids for said general construction work,,plumbing and electrical work were h presented by the firms and individuals below mentioned and opened in the presents of the said County Commissioners and members of the Poor Board, as follows: GERAL WORK � J. U. Bumgarner-------------------$43,800.00 r Henry Busse----------------------- 480498. 00 , Lytle & Campbell------------------ -4V,?53.50 Cuthbert Brothers----------------- 43,530.00 C PLMING George Teemer---------------------- 10,395.00 ELECTRICAL G. L. Craig 10894. 00 -r-w----wrw-r-�.-wrr-r-- Hess & Barton--------------------- 1,950. 00 I Keystone Electric 1*346.86 ---w-r-rwrw-rrww- t L i 6 f " Y