HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-3-1921 - COMMISSIONER 153 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELM.ER JOHNSTON. JAMES W.WALKER, W H ECKER. COMMISSIONERS MEMO i 1 r li Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by 11&. Walker, that contracts for erection of bridges over the waters of Chartiere Creek at Arden, Pa, , Bridge No. 50, and at Lagonda Pa., fridge No. 66, and over the eaters of Pigeon Creek at $llsworth, Pa. ; Bridge No, 278 be let to the following - , , R » lowest bidders who submitted figures at the opening of bids for this C work on June let, 1921, to-wit; Arden Bridge; contract for superstructure to PC Pitt Bridge Forks, at its bid of $5775.00; substructure of said f bridge to Hardy & Rankin at their bid of $4068.50; Ellsworth Bridge to 8ardr & Rankin, at their bid of $9422.53 and the Ia&*da Bridge to Jobs 116rd-0 at his bid of $3"4.18; contracts and bonds to be prepared by the { { County 4ngineering Department and presented to successful bidders for execution; the County Controller instructed to return certified checks to all unsuccessful bidders. question called for, toting "Aye" Messrs. Johnston and W&lker. Notion. carried. Notion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Irk. Walker (W, Acker having notice but not present) that the County Controller be requested to advertise for bids for the printing and delivery of 88 assessor*' books, 78 military enrollment books, 78 field books and 30,000 personal return blanks,all to be used for the 1922 assessment, to be printed according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the County i Commissioners, delivery to be made not later than July 29, 1921. question called for. . 'doting "Aye" Messrs. Johnston and Walker. , Motion carried. No further business appearing, the Board (Sim=) ountyVandissionors Office of County C issioner$ i Washington, Pa. , June 3, 1921 Board of County, Commisaianers in regular 'sessiont members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Baker, The following Resolution of the Board of county Commissioners of the County of Washington relative to the issue by the said county n of fte Hundred twenty-five Thousand ($125&000000) Dollars in a temporary lean was presented: At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington in the State of Pennsylvania, duly called and held ` i I !154 MINUTE BOOK K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VAIVIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W.WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS ` I at the office of the sand Hoard of County Commisiioners at the Coup?_ Ilona of the said County\'of Washington, Pennsylvania, an the third ,day of June, 1921, the following members of -the said Board, to-wits' { J. W. Walker, J, 21mer Johnston and W, Beier, being present, the following Resolution war, on motion duly made and seconded, unanimously adopted by said Board, to-wits WHMUM, it his become necessary for the said Board to, borrow the sum of One Hundred twenty9-five Thousand ($125,A00.00) �. Dollars, for the purpose of mestini current expenses, for which t&".41 4 have been levied but are not yet paid into the Cbgnty Treasury, now r~efore f BE IT RRSOLVSD, BY THE BOARD 07 COMITY COWSSIONIRS or the said County of Washington, that for the purpose of providing funids 'r for the payment of current expenses that: the proper,.-,officers of* the said county are hereby authorised and -directed to negotifate a temperary Y loan and to issue notes therefor dated June 3, 1921 and payable on demand with interest from date, said notes to be negotiated and issmid to Bank of Charleroi, Charleroi, Pa. . $ 10,000,00 � Charleroi ravings & Trust Co. Charleroi 10,00b.4►+ , f Real Estate Trust Co. Washington 200000.00 t P € r Citizens National Bank, Washington 40vOOO.00 Washington. Trust Company, Washington 250000t" First optional Bank, Charleroi Pa 10,009`.46 $ j First National Bank, Washington Pa 10900Q.0 , f No further business appearing, the .hoard adj o d. (SIGNED) County 0ommissiouePs., - I 155 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA I J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER, W. H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS i { .Tu>pt ,�, 1921 Commissioners assembled 1e1 Vegular session at f P6 M. : all members of the Board being present. The following. Resolution was presented and daly AAOVW by unanimous vote: WRZAB, It Is provided by Oat. of Assembly approved Nor 31, 1911, P. Ire 468, that the State ,R1ghway Commissioner, with respect to say State• aid Highway Contract,, shall certify to the State Treasurer cad to the officials of the respective' county, township or-borough con"mod therewith, , from time to time during the performance of the work, any sum or sorts due from said county, township or. borough on the cost of such Improvement, and WRZR3AS, The County of Washington has applied for the aid and cooperation of the State in the reconstruction or Improvement of a certain a section of State -Highway Route No. 2$8, lying within the ToMship of Allen � and Borough of Stockdale in the same manner as a State-paid ftihway, is � accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 17# 1917, P.I#e 235, said road being situated as follows; from the Street Car Traoks is- Allompart, Sthtioh 1496/80 to the cress roads In stockdale, Station 1592105• , NOW, TMIRVOSt BZ IT R 0LY.Sns That the said County of paWngton, pay to the State Treasurer its proportionate share of the cost of sush Improvement, to wit: fifty (50) per costva thereof, also the tetai. oeet of grading due to the change of location through the property of the pit�ebufth Steel Products Company, within ,ten (10) days after receipt from time to time during the performance of the work, if certifications from the State Highway Commissioner showing the amount of work performed and the material furnished by the contractor having said contrast in charge, and that the Uoommis4oners of said Vounty, or a maj oilty of them, be authorlsfd to enter Into as a$Peement with the State Highway Commissioner en behalf of the Commonwealth providing for such payment in the softer aforeesid. Jneu� 3* 1921 Motion of Mr. Zoker, sedonded by Mr. Jobastom, that County Detective John Weiner be allowed the sum of $100 per month, bq;isning 4une 1, 1921, for the upkoep and maintinanae of automobile oweed by the said Wsirer{and used by him in connection with his duties as said •Ceuaty Detectives the said sums of 8100 per month to be in fall of all ohazges for upkeep and maintenance of the said machinee Unanimously- carried. No further business appearizW p the Board ad,j o gre a (SIaMED) r i County." ssl,onors i