HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-21-1921 - COMMISSIONER 1_58 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS � I There being no further business, the Board a mode I (SIaMD) ! County c6miosioners - a Offlos of the Uounty Commissioners i Washington, Fa. , June 20s 1921e Commissioners in regular sessions mg0bers present being Messrs,, Walkers Johnston and Baker. i Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by ]fir. Mcker, that Uounty Solicitor be directed to take steps necessary to prepare for sale of $5009000 of Road Improvement Bondit"of Washington County, being a part of the One Million Dollar Bond Issas for Road Improvement authorised Uy- the vote of the electors of the county on I ! Motion unanimously +carried. There being no further business , the Board ad ode j (SIaMID) Pla I i I Office of the County Commtssioneft j i Washington, Pa. dune 21, 1921 ! Commissioners In regular session, members present Messrs. Wceri- i Johnston and Baker. E At.1 P. M. Joint meeting of County Commissioners and Controller for purpose of receiving � ng and opening bids for reconstruction work on certain roads of the county and for construction of one bridge, said bids k having been duly sought by advertisement by Controller; present for County Commissioners, Mesers. Walkers Johnston and Baker; Deputy Controller M. M. Decker representing that office; bids from the following individuals E and fins were opened is the presence of County Commissioners and duly read: r Bedllsvi lle-Bentleyville Road f Colonial Construction Co. 59,680.®0 i `Canty, Friedman Company 601,712.00 Cavanagh-DoNire Company 61s261.00 Dunn & Ryan Co.` 63si11,00 Co Russell McIntyre 66s880.00 Donora Construction Co. 67475.00 Tb:omas Arrigo 670,?50.00 Pet ri elle Brea. r MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Cee. $. White Ca. 73.585,00 Union Paving Company 75470*00 J. Toner Barr 76,891,00 i Pike Ran Road S Thomas Arrigo 7,420,00 John Herd 70541*00 - Petriello Bros, 8.123*00 Harris Construction Co. 8t653,00 Donors C012struction Co. 8,,"o.®0 X"urrsy Road Cavanagh-Dairo Const. Co* 42.106.00 Canty-Friedman Coo 420511*00 Hardy Rankin 42 9808*00 U McPherson Dross, 45457*p0 � Coo* S. White Co. 47916340 Colonial uonstruotion Co. 470232,00 Thomas Arrigo 47*996*00 A. G. Rothey 48,804.00 Tope Construction Co., 50*010090 W. H. Armstrong- Co. 540950.00 Clement Construction Co. 559050.66 Dann & Ryan 55,213.80 M Nicola wilding Co* 67,?52.60 Midway Road Cavanagh-DoNiro Const. Co. 22,646*04 Cottle Bros. & gladden 22,937*$0 - Canty-Friedman Co, 23,540.00 ' McPherson Bibs, 24002.70 W. H* Amstrong Co: 460*00 Tops Construction Co. 28t617,30 Watei %orks Road Willits Construction Co. 1*60 sq,yd. i ' Claysville-Burnsville Road W. H.' Armstrong Co, 120127.50 Cavan gh-DsNiro Co. 120485*50 j j Canty-Friedman Co. 121870,50 John Hord 13,014.00 a Thomas Arrigo 18 0475.00 160 ' MINUTE BOOK f BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA i J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS c Walkertown .Bridge, W -Pike ,Run Twp Dobson-Yaines Co. 99021*67 t Them" Arrigo - 9*237*92 gardy & Rankin 10,540,49 John Herd 10*561.60 FArri s Construction Co. 11.474.12 Petriello Brose l2t955M p* L. Clubbs 13,009*35 r Donora Construction Co. 13,185,56 X. Toner Barr 14*638*65 Following bids, on brick for use Claysvill"'OUrnsvilie Road were I opened (no advertisement had been inserted for these bids but a vefbal i request to manufacturers brought forth the bids, the opening and I - presentation of whi" was approved by County Commissioners and Controllor4m { globe Brick Co. 36.95 per thousand, 40 to yd. C. P•. Mayer Brick Co, 33*00 " « 40 to "`YRop • « « � 34,00 o@ 4® H S - Metropolitan Pavia* " Brick Co. 39-50 • t The estimates were delkv*red to County Ingineer with instruction Ky to tabulate same- and` report to Commissioners at a later date when cotr+scts ". will be awarded to lowest and best bidder; Uontroller was instructed to return certihod` oheoks to-all unsuccessful bidders following the announcement of award** Joint meeting of Commissioners and Controller continued for the purpose of opening bids for the m4dng and delivering of 88 assessment books, 78 field books and 30,000 personal property return blanks for use in 1922 assessment; present for county Commissioners. Messrs. Johnston and Scker; for Controller's office, Deputy Controller k* Y* Docker; bids from the following fixms and 121dividuals were presented and opened in the presence of the County Commissioners; Aid of Ashby Printing Co, Assessment books------.r----_4 280.00 i - Field books 72*00 � �-.�r.r---rr.�*r-�rwrr-r- Personal property returns----- 120.00 $472.00 r-r• Bid of Va. G* Johnston Co. Assessment books-------------- 380.00 Field books----------_- 126,00 k Personal property returns 122.00 628.00 I Bid of Ward Printing Co. Washington, Ma. was presented as a i "lump •sins" bid of W3,00, which included UAlitary •Boll Boob; these bo0ft i f 16t MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS not Paired to bo made this, year, however; Ward Printing Company deducted estimated figures for said 'books, to-wit, the su+m. sf $18*00, thus reducing iy*- bid for assessment books, field books and personal property returns to $40j,00* Motion by Xr. Poker, seconded by Mr. Johnston that tho�*6ntract � for making and delivering 88 assessment books, 78 field books amyl 30*000 l .personal property return blanks be awarded to the wart Printing- Compapy j of Washington at its Od of #405.00 and that the County Controller be directed to return certified checks aooampanying the estimates of unsuccessful bidders, Question copied for* . Voting ..dye« - Messrs* Baker and Johnston A'oti on oarri ed. i µThere being oto further business before the joint session of a 'Oommissieners ana Uentroller, j*t- ryas adjourned* - i dffic t of the 4ounty Commissioners Washington, Pa. June 22, 1921 Commissioners in regular session, members present being 8osars, 1 i Walker,. Johnston and Soker., The County Ingineor presented the tabulation of bids received and opened on June 21st for reoonstruction of certain county Yrsads and erection of one oounty bridge. Motion by Xr. Johnston, seconded 'by Nr: Baker* -that the contract for reconstruction of portion of C1aravl1li0-Purnsville road be awarded to W, $, Armstrong Company, lowest bidder, at its bid of $12*127.50, exclusive of brick, Notion unanimously carried. - Notion by Nr, Baker, seconded by Mr, Walker, that brick fors, 4 reconstruction of Claysville.Surnsv311e toad be purchased from Glob* Rrick--Companyo at figures presented by- said UompoW on June -21st (not advertised for but submitted with approval of County- Yoimissioners and Controller), to-wit, $36,95 per thousand, f.o.b, Ciayevilli, Pa* to lay 40 to the yard. Notion unanimously carried. Motion by Hr, Baker, seconded by xr, Jobnst9n1 that contnot for reconstruction of 'Water Yorks road be awarded to the 'Willits Mood a*X@trnetion COMMY of Pounsylvania, at $to bid of 41,80 per sgmre yard. Motion unanimously carried. • S Motion by Mr, Johnston, seconded by Mr. Baker, that contract for reconaUmtion of Btall evil lo«Mentleyvi11* road be awarded to Colonial Construction Company, lowest bidder, at its bid of $59,680.00. "ion 10329010"sly oarriod. i