HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-28-1921 - COMMISSIONER (2) 163 MINUTE BOOK I BOAR® OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER. COMMISSIONERS ' Whereas, it is the desire of -the tiommissioaers of the County of Washington tci accept the provisions of the Aoi of JU&y 1, 1919, P•; • 893 and the amendment thereto approved the 27th day of May, 19219 being Act Not 433, commonly known as the Mothers' Assistance Fumd Act and to ai ,ke `same effective in said county and to appropriate from the funds if the County of Washington for the purpose of carrying said Act into effect a sum equal io the amount apportioned to the county of Washington a from the appropriation made by the Legislature, "Per Act spproved Xay 279 1921, No. 438, and � Whereas, it has been ascertained by the said County Commims- inners that the amount of such apportionment to Washington County, under said Act for the' period commencing June 1, 1921 and wading May 31, 1923 is $159892,50,' therefore$ BB IT R3s®LY3D, by the County Commissioners of the County of Washington thi�t the sum of $?,946.25 be and the same is hereby appro- priated fr6ae the' gemaral funds of the County of-Washington to the Trustees { of the Mothers' Assistance Fund of said county, to be disbursed by the said Trustees id aoc 'ordance with the provisions of the Acts aforesaid, for the period June 1, 1921-May 31, 1922. (The Commissioners ,had appropriated to the above Yund the sum of #17,500 for the years 1921-1922; } - on June 27, there remained in the above fund the sum of 814,610, the sum of $2890 having already been expended by the local Trustees. ) There being no further business, the'Board toed. (SIOMD) ,912 z a- Uounty C01imission,ors Office of the County Comissioners Washington., Pa. , June 28, 1921, Commissioners in regular sessions members present being Messrs. Walker - Johnston and Bakers At 1 o'clock P. M, , joint meeting of Bond of County Commiss- ioners, Board of Poor Directors and County Controller to receive and open bids for the improvement of the County -dome Building at Arden; members present for Board of County Commissioners, Messrs, Walker, Johnston and 39oker; Director of the Poor R. C. Buobanan for Poor Board and. Uounty Controller Underwood; 'bids from following firms and individuals were opened in )presence of County Commissioners: _ i 464 MINUTE FOOD BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS f Bid of Y. U. Bumgarner---------------#43*330,00 Painting omitted 400500,00 r --rr-rrr-r-r--w Bidof F, M. Gardner--w-..r...-ww--r.0 wM_ 41,640.00 I Painting deducted----rr---r-r-- 38,765.40 -bid of Uuthbert Brothersrww....---r..www 41*315*00 Painting deducted-----r----r-r- ,J1 t 02A 0 38.3l5.00 If marbloid flooring is used add $450#00 PLYING Bidof W. M. Foley---.-•--•r..«.....,,,rwr 7:7$3.00 Bidof W, A. Teemerw.►wwrrrr.ww-ra.w.-w 7o760'00 Bid of Washington Plumbing Co,--r-ww 6,239.00 i c F HBATING Bid of W, 20640,00 Bid of The'MoGinness Co,•••rrr-..--ww 19600,00 Bid of Washington Plumbing Co.----w- 1.689.19 3LICTRIC Bid of Alexander-Marshall Co,---r--- 1,1'70,00 Following the opening and announcement of the bids, motion by Mr. Boker, seconded by. Mr, Buchanan, that the joint meeting adjourn to most later in the afternoon at the County home, Arden, and there go over the bids in tabulated form and take such action as might be deemed expedient. Motion unanimously carried. Joint meeting adjourned. , Arden, Pa, June 280 1921 At 6 P,M. Joint mesting' of Commissioners, Poor Board and County Controllerzi_ reconvened for the purpose of discussing bids presented during the afternoon and to take action thereon; members present for county r , Uommisiioners, Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Boker, for Poor Board, Mrs, Lacs and lir. Buchanan and County Controller Underwood; motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried that all bids be rejected and action upon C " proposed improvements be deferred for the present year* There being no further business before the joint meeting, I it was adjourned. wrwwr Office of County Commissioners Washington, Pa. July 6, 1921 Commissioners in regular session, members present Messrs, Walker, Johnston and Faker. Motion of Mr. Rcker, seconded by Mr. -Johnston that contract MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER, W H. ECKER. COMMISSIONERS ' I for the painting of the following bridges over the waters of Ten pile Creek be awarded to Rathbons Bros. at the figures submitted to-wit; Bridge No. 4 •$85 1 00 15 135,00 144 135.00 ,00 58,00 . ? . $ $ 9 59.00 .00 10 65.00 45 35,00 27 100,00 - 1 Action unanimously carried" I There being no further business , the BA adjousmed. (SIGNED) 4 County commissioners 4 1 Office of County Commissioners 1 Washington, Pa. Aug. 21p 1921, I Commissioners in regular session, members present Messrs. i Walker and Johnston, Mr. Baker having notice but absent. f Motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by. Mr. Walker that the County Controller be requested to advertise for bids for printing and furnishing complete approximately 79,400 Otficial Ballets and 15,6$0 Specimen Ballots, according to specifications on fil4c ix the office of the County Commissioners, for the Primary Blection to be held Tuesday, Ssptsmbar .20, 19211, also for the printing and furnishing complete of approximately 105,000 Official ballots and 25 ,000 Specimen ballots for Special Blection to be held September 20th, 19210 for Representative in Congesss at Large; specifications in office of County Commissioners; delivery 1 to be made September 15, 1921. Question called for: voting. ,"Ayes" Messrs. Johnston and Walker. Motion- carried. There being no further business, the Board adds . a (SIGNZD) � y • ss suers ©ffic of County Commissioners Washington, Pa. July 7. 1921 Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Johnston and Baker;- Mr. walker having notice of meeting, but a . 1