HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 9-7-1921 - COMMISSIONER 17 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS i Motion by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that Uontroller be .requested to advertise for bids for the deliverer of ballot boxes and { primary election supplies to the voting precincts (158) of Washington � County for the Pail primary to be held on Sept. 20th, delivery to be made on Sept. 17th and 19th, 4uestion called for. Voting "Aye" Messrs.. Johnston ,and Baker. Motion carried! i No further business appearing, the Board add ed. (SIGH) -Tountr COtIM1961oners Office of County Commissioners, Washington, -Pa. Sept, 7, 1921• Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker, 4 ohnston & Baker, Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Baker, that beginning with Sept. lots 19o1 , the allowance to be made by County for meals for Csuftty Anployees engaged on outside read work where deemed necessary shall not exceed fifty (50) cents per meal, whether furnished by employee and carried by him to his place of employment, or secured by hire at places wheremeals are provided. Unanimously carried. There being, no further business , the Board a reed, (SIGNBD) cam. County Ubmissionerg Office of County Cowstissioners Washington, Pa. Sept. 149 1921. Commissioners in regular session members present being Messrs.' Walker# Johnston and ulcer. At 11:45 A M joint meeting of County Commissioners and County Controller to resolve baled open bids for the delivery of ballot boxes and election supplies to the 158 voting districts of Washington County for the primary to be held on September 20, 1921; present for County Commissioners, Messrs. Talker, Johnston and Baker, "eputy Controller M M -Decker representing Controller's office; but one bid was reobiLved i and opened in the presence of the County Commissioners, that of W. G, Beast, who offered to make delivery as required for, the sum of #1200, Motion by Mr. Maker, seconded"�by Mr. Johnston that the contrwat for delivery of ballot boxes and supplies be awarded to W, G, Neass at i