HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 11-2-1921 - COMMISSIONER 1751 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER. W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS i I Charleroi , Donora and Monongahela City, at Donora, Pa. , August 29th, 14219 to Sept. 2nd, 1921 , both dates inclusive, it appearing from proper report duly filed in this office that all requirements of the Act of, May 18, 1911 , P. L. 309, Article XXI , Section 2103 , have been met, in matter of attendants of teachers at said institute, etc. Motion unanimously carried. 'Xhere being no.further business, the Board adj a de (SIGNED) L*ouisty"Com s oner'a i Office of County Commissioners Washington, Pa. Oct. 31, 1921 c Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker. Motion by Mr. Ecker , seconded by Mr. Johnston., that the Samuel Gamble Company, of Carnegie , Pa. , be employed and authorized to proceed with construction work on roadway leading from the State Road at Atlasburg to the northern end of the brick road to cross Creek Village, the approximate i length thereof being 700 feet , this work all to be done by force account, Motion unanimously carried. t � There being no further business, the Board add rued. s (SIGNED) J oun y -Gommissionete . _ a Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa. , Nov. 2; 1921 1 Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker. 1, At 11 :35 A.M. Joint meeting of County Commissioners and County Controll-or for purpose of receiving and opening bids for delivery of ballots and supplies to various election districts for Election to be held on a November 8, 1921; present for County Commissioners, Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker; present for County Controller, Deputy County Controller M. M. Decker; bids from following persons , accompanied by required certified cheek, received and opened in presence of County Commissioners: j i C. F. Connors, *600. 00 W. G. Nease 400.00 J. H. Mci.urray, Jr. 775.00 I H. W. Linville 400. 00 'Motion by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, 'that contract for I delivery of ballots and supplies be awarded to W. G. Neale, at his bid of 1 17 MINUTE BOO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W.WALKER, W, H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS #400, he being deemed the lowest and best bidder by reason of fact that)his experience in word of this character, assures a careful and- faithful per- , formance, of the duties required. Motion unanimously carried. Motion, by Mr. Johnston, seconded by. Mr. Ecker, that an order be.placed with the A. B. Caldwell for fifty (50) flags and fixtures , to b• used for decorative purposes about the public buildings , at price of 88 dents each. Motion unanimously carried. ------------ At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington in the State of Pennsylvania, duly called and held at the office of said -board of County Commissioners at the Court House of the said County of Washington, in the Borough of fashington, Pennsylvania, on the 2nd day of November, 1921 , all of the members of said Board, to-wit: J. W. Walker,, J. E. Johnston and W. H. Ecker, being present, the following ` resolution was , on motion duly made and seconded, unanimously adopted by said Board, to wit: WHEREAS, By virtue and in pursuance of a special election held in the County of 'Washington on the 17th day of June, 1919, the assent of the electors was obtained for the purpose of increasing the bonded indebted- 0 _ nose of the said County in and by the amount of One Million (4100,000,000) Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for permanently improving, re- pairing and maintaining the public roads and highways , in said County as provided by the Acts of Assembly of May 11 , 19110 P.L. 244, and M.ay 31 , 19111, P. L. 468, and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto, and k WHEREAS, it is proposed to issue Five Rundred (500) Road Im- provement Bonds of the denomination of One thousand Dollars ($IA00. 00) each for the u j,p rpose o� providing funds for permanently improving, re- pairing and maintaining the public roads and highways in said County as provided by the aforesaid Acts and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto, and WHEREASO the amount of bonds to be so issued exceeds one•tonth (1/10) of one (11 per centum of the total valuation of all property for i taxable purposes in, said County as shown by the last triennial assessment in said Count. y, and the issuance thereof should be approved by the grand I jury and the Court of Quarter Sessions. NOW, THEREFORE',' BE IT RESOLVED That there shall be submitted t o) the Grand Jury of Waskingt on County on Saturday, -November 12, 1921 , at 9:15 o'clock A. M. , the proposal to issue ,Five Hundred • (500) Road Improvement Bonds of ,the denomination of One Thousand Dollars (01 ,000. 00) each, for the 177", i MINUTE BOOK i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER. W. H ECKER, COMMISS1014ERS 7 4 purpose of providing funds for permanently improving,, repairing and main- taining the public roads and highways in said County as provided by the Acts 6f Assembly of kay 119 1911 , P. L. 244,, and iiay 310 1911 , P.L. 4681, and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto, and assented to Jry the electors of Washington County by virtue and in pursuance of a special election held in said Uounty cin the 17th day of June, 1919, for their approval or disapproval. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That said proposed issue of Road Improvement Bonds be submitted to the Court of Quarter Sesatiss of Saturday, November 12, 1921 , at 10 o'clock A.M. , for its approval or disapproval. Presented -and adopted at a regukkr meeting of the Board of, County Commissioners of Washington County hold at their office in the Court House at Washington, Pennsylvania, on the 2nd day of November,, 1921', and duly recorded in the minutes of said board. There being' no.further business , the board A ed. (SIGNED) 7, '-UountY GommIssioners Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa. , Nov. 10, 1921. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Johnston and Zoker; Mr. Walker having notice of meeting, but absent. The following resolution was duly presented by Mr. Zcksr, and seconded by Mr. Johnston:- WHEREAS, additional ground at the county seat for the purpose of the erection and extension- of building or buildings as may be necessary for accommodation of the Courts has become apparent to the County ConsiSs- ioners, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid matter be placed before the November Term Grand Jury, in session on Saturday, November 12, 1921, at 9:15 A.M.,, for its consideration and action. Question called for; voting "Aye" Messrs. Icker and Johnston. Resolution adopted. There being no further business, the Board (SIGNED) County Cbmmlesioners. Below is a copy of the finding and report of Grand Jury in relation to above matter.