HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 12-24-1921 - COMMISSIONER 1811 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER, W. H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS V publication at expense of the County might be passed upon by the Stlioitor far County Commissioners, and his opinion thereon riosived. There being no further business,. the joint slammilon adjourned, and the Board adjourned as well. (SIGH) Coun y oams s oners. I Office of County Comissioners, Washington, Pa. , Dec. 240 1921. Commissioners in regular session; members present being Messrs. Walker and Rcker; Mr. Johnston having notice of meeting, but absent. The following resolution was presented by Mr. BcUr: WHEREAS, a contract was let for the permanent imprwToment and i maintenance of the Pinleyville-Library road in' Washington Counter, it being � the understanding and intention of the County Commissioners that payment of said contract should be made from tbq moneys in the General Fund of the County, the sum thus paid to be later transferred from the Road Fund when a the latter fund should have in it sufficient moneys from the sale of bonds { for the permanent improvement and maintenance of State Higbways in accord- ance with the Acts of Assembly pertaining thereto, and WAS, it now appears that there is in the said Road Fund of the County sufficient funds 'to warrant the transfer of a part of the amount expended on the said Finleyville-Library road from the Road B'`und to the General Fund of the County, now, therefore, 3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be dirsoted, with the I �s approval of the County Controller, to transfer permanently from the Road Fund of the County of Washington to the General Fund of said Cquanty the sum of WoO00.00, being a part of the sum expended upon the said Finleyville- Library road, the balance of the money expended upon said road to be trans- ferred to the General Fund when there shall be sufficient funds in the Road Fund to warrant this action. Resolution seconded by Mr. Walker; question called for; voting in favor of its adoption, Messrs. Walker and Rcker. Resolution adopted. T. W..Walker Approved: W. H. Baker T. J. Underwood aun y commissloners. By Mark M. Decker , Deputy Ceun y Controller. Motion by Mr. Rcker, seconded by Mr. Walker, that the Board of t j !�CJ� MINUTE BOOK F BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS I Ii I County Commissioners adjourns the holding of its regular sessions for the transaction of business from this date until the First Monday of January, f 1922, to wit, January 2nd, 1922. F question called for; voting "Aye" Messrs. Ecker and Walker. r Notion carried. There being no further business, the Board add ed. (SIGNED) i I County Co iss oners. k k Office of County Commissioners. Washington, Pa. , January 2, 1922. Commissioners in regular session at 3:30 P.N. , members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that the Board f t of County Commissioners proceed to organize for the ensui#g year. Motion carried. Mr. Johnston nominated Mr. Walker for Chairman of the Board, nomination being seconded by Mr, Ecker. There were no further nominations. Mr. Maker nominated Mr. Johnston for Secretary, nomination being seconded by Mr. Walker. There were no further nominations. Motion by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the officers nominated be elected by acclamation; motion unanimously carried I and Mr. Walker was elected Chairman, and Mr. Johnston, Secretary of the Board for the ensuing year. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that the present office force in the Commissioners' Office be 'retained for the ensuing year at same salaries as received in 1921, with the provision that all said employees be subject to a 30 days notice of dismissal or retire- ment; motion unanimously carried. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that Howard W. Hughes be elected Solicitor for the County Commissioners to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Alvan E. Donnan, Esq. Motion unanimously r carried. Motion by Mr. Bcker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that Joseph F Liston b� appointed Night Watchman for Court House and grounds for the 'r year 1922 at a salary of $100.00 per month. Notion unanimously carried. Motion by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that all present employees of the County Engineer's Department, as well as the I I E I t