HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 4-22-1921 - COMMISSIONER 141 I MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS i Office of County Commissioners Washington, Pa. April llth , 1921, Commissioners in regular session,• ®embers present Messrs, Walker, Johnston and Baker, ' Motion by Mr, Johnston, seconded by Mr. Baker that the County Controller be requested to advertise for bids for the 'construction i of three county bridges, as follows:-Bridge over the waters of Pigeon j Creek at Ellsworth, .Bridge over waters of Chartiors Creek 'at Arden and Bridge over Waters of Chartiers Creek at Lagonda. Said bids to be in accordance with plans and specifications to be on view in the office of the County Engineer, Motion unanimously carried.' ' No further business appearing,' the Board adjourned, (SIGNED) 0 wi;z uld,74,;4--A I ' County Commissioners Office of County Commissioners Washin gton, Pa. Apo it 2241 1921, i Board of County Commissioners in regular session, each member having had personal notice of the meeting, nembers present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Baker. The following resolution of the Board of County Commissioners Of the County of Washington, relative to the issue by the said county Of "50,000 in te=Porary loans was presented, duly seconded and unanimously adopted by said Board, to«wit:. Yfi MFJM it may become necessary for the said Board to borrow the sum of 450,000- for the purpose of meeting current expenses for which taxes have bean levied but are not yet paid into the County Treasurer, now therefore, i B& IT RZSOLVZD BY THE BOARD OF CONY CoMaSSIORBM OF THR SAID COUNTY-07 WASHINGTaff that for the purpose of providing funds for I f the payment of current expenses, should such contingency arise, that the proper officers of the said county are hereby authorised and directed to negotiate temporary loans and issue notes therefor bearing the date upon which aforementioned contingency might be deemed to have arisen and Payable on demand with interest from such date said notes to be negotiated and issued as follows:• { '; i 142MINUTE BOOK I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS i Name of Institution Amount Citizens National Bank, Washington, Pa, $250000 ' Citizens Trust 'Company, Canonsburg, Pa. 259000 k Motion of Mt. Johnston , seconded by Mr, Baker that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer, with the approval of the County Controller, the sum of $50,000 from the Road Improvement Fund to the General Fund, said sum to be used for the payment of current expenses of the county, the amount so transferred to be returned to the Road Improvement Fund as, soon as sufficient taxes are collected to meet said amount , or provision may be otherwise made for its return, (Approved by T. J. U. County Controller) Unanimously carried, „ Motion of Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the two, notes for $25,000 each authorized and prepared this day for the borrowing of funds for the use of the County of Washington be deposited with the County Treasurer, to be negotiated by him when he shall deem such action I necessary and &en the amount of money in the General Land shall have been reduced to approximately $5,000. Unanimously carried. • The following resolution was presented, duly seconded and adopted:- WHFJOAS, it is desirous that a portion of Section 4 Route 268 State Hi _ f ghway lying wholly within the limits of theprgperty of the -, - Pittsburg Steel Products Company in Allen Township be improved on its new location as re-located by the State highway Department and at the change of the grade as shown by the said State Highway departsgeat's plans, the work on new location requiring _: wen'Gy, Thousand Six Hundradµ ety (20,690) cubic yards additional grading in excess of the grading required to do the work on the old location, and THEITM, the Pittsburg Steel Products company has presented to this Board a proposition wherein it agrees to bear the cost of Batt-'. additional grading in excess of one-fourth (2/4) amount thereof it being primarily benefited by the said change of location and the additional y grading incident thereto, and has agreed to enter into a specific v� contract with the said County of Washington for the payment of the cost-:, i of such grading in addition to one-fourt (2,/4� thereof, and . WHMUM the county of Washington will have inuring to it x" certain benefits in the way of increased valuation for taxable purposes I ` by reason of the said change of location and the additional grading Incridoot. 3 thereto, now therefore, s � 143 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON. JAMES W WALKER. W H. ECKER, COMMISSIONERS ' I BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Washington by its Board of County Commissioners hereby accepts the proposition of the said Pi.ttsburg ,Steel Products Company and agrees to enter into a definite contract with the said Company, upon presentation of the same, for the i payment of the cost of the additional grading above mentioned on the following definite terms , to-wit: that the County -of Washington will ,pay Qne-fourth (2/4). of the same, said one-fourth (1/4) not to exceed j the *am of Seventy-five Hundred Dollars 47500.00) , the balance of the cost of such additional grading to be paid by the said Pittsburg Steel Products Company, upon receipt from the State Highway Depariment of estimates of the cost of the work as it progresses, No further business appearing, the Board adjourned. (SIGNED) A&C r����rrT rr err .r ror rr�r County Commissioners. Office of County Commissioners Washington, Pa . April 26, 1921, Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Maker. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Walker, that fir. James H. Hazlett be appointed Assessor in and for the township of Aviwell, to fill vacancy caused by removal from said township of Mr. Thomas J. Horn, regularly appoihted Assessor therein, question called for:voting "Aye" Messrs. Johnston and Walker. Motion carried. (Mr. Baker did not act on motion , but voted for Paul Day to fill vacancy, said Day being an applicant. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Maker, that the County of Washington pay to Tony Delval the sum of Give Hundred ($500) Dollars, as per proposal this day submitted by said Delval', in full settlement of all claims for damages against said County by reason of injuries sustained by him on county road and for v&ich said Countyof i Washington might be liable. Motion unanimously carried, i i Motion by Mr.Johnston, seconded by Mr. Baker that this � Board accept and sign the contract this day presented by the Pittsburg Steel Products Company in the matter of the additional grading required to be done on a portion of Secthn 4, Route 268 state highway, Allen Township, by reason of change of grade occasioned by relocation of said . d 4 route; said contract being between the County of Washington by its E