HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 2-20-1922 - COMMISSIONER MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS it Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that for purposes of taxation a valuation of $125.00 per acre be placed upon coal properties listed as inactive coal in Jefferson Township, and that for purposes of taxation a valuation of $125-00 per acre be placed upon coal properties listed as inactive coal in Independence Township. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the Bo d adjourned. (SIGNED) County Cdmmissioners . Office- of County Cbmmissioners, Washington, Pa. , February 20, 1922. Commissioners in regular session, all members present . Joint meeting of County Commissioners and County Controller at , 1:30 P.M. for the purpose of opening bids for purchase of an automobile ' truck for the use of Washington County, as per advertisement of County Controller; present for County Commissioners, Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker; for Controller, Mr. Underwood; bids from the following concerns were opened in the presence of the County Commissioners: - S . M-�: tyers company, White truck, conforming ,to all and every specification, $5,148-50 Universal Motor Company, (own specifications) 4, 832.25 The Brockway Motor Company, (own specifications) 4, 207.55 The Packard Motor Company, (own specifications) 4,778-26 The first three bids were accompanied by certified checks for 10% of the bid, as required; the bid of the Packard Motor Company was not accompanied , by check. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that no immediate action be taken upon the matter of letting contract but that the bids and specifications be examined and the award made later in the day. There being no further business before the joint meeting, it adjourned. ------------------ i U - BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER W H ECKER, CONIMISSiONERS Go OR— Joint meeting of County Commissioners, Board of Poor Directors and County Controller at 2 P.M. for the purpose of opening bids for repairs and improvements at the County Home, Arden, Pa. , as per advertisement; present for County Commissioners, Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker; for Directors of the Poor, Messrs. Buchanan and Pollock; for County Controller, Mr. Underwood. Bids from the following concerns for repairs, improvements, plumbing and heating, as required, were opened in the presence of the County Dommissioners and members of the Board of Poor Directors: - Cuthbert Brothers Company, Pittsburgh, ------------------- $38, 294.00 Geo . S. Kendall Co. , Washington, $37, 314.00 Geo. S. Kendall Co . , Washington, Painting, 2,700.00 40, 014.00 J. U. Bumgarner, Washington, 36, 189.00 J. U. Bumgarner, Washington, Painting, 2,700.00 38,889. 00 Harris Construction Co. , California, 40,141.00 Harris Construction Co. , Less Painting, 3, 000.00 Harris Construction Co . , Less Painting, --------------------3?,141.00 Washington Plumbing & Heating Co.', Washington, Pa. , Heating, etc-- - ------------------------- 1, 317.49 The MoGinness Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. , Heating, etc., ---------- 1, 525.00 Washington Plumbing & Heating Co. , ' Washington', Pa. , •Plumbing, -------------- -----0 5,671.12 The Teemer Co. , Pittsburgh, Pa. , Plumbing, ----------------- 5# 600.00 Motion by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Buchanan, that the bids received be turned over to Mr. Crooks, the architect, to be tabulated and examined and report made to the Commissioners and Poor Directors at 6 P.M. , this date, at Arden, to which time -and place said joint meeting be adjourned. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business before the joint session, it adjourned. --------------------- Commissioners in regular session, at 3:30 P-M. , for the purpose of taking action upon bids opened at 1:30 P.M. for an automobile truck to be purchased by the County of Washington. Motion by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the bid of S. M. Byers Company for White truck, 3-31, at $5,148.50 be accepted, as the said bid was the only one made in strict conformity to the specifi- cations, and that the contract for said truck be awarded to said S. M. Byers Company at the price indicated, to wit, $5, 148.50. Potion unanimously carried. There being no further business,the Board adjourned. IMIJINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONEIRS Arden, Pa. , February 20, 1922. Adjourned meeting of the County Commissioners and Directors of the Poor held at the County home at 6 P.M. to receive report of the architect, Mr. Crooks, upon the bids for 'repairs and improvements of the County Building, opened at 2 P.M. ; present for County Commissioners, Messrs.' Walker, Johnston and Ecker; for Directors of the Poor, Messrs. Buchanan and Pollock. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that the contract for repairs and improvements to the County Building at Arden be awarded to J. U. Bumgarner, Washington, at his bid of $36,189.00, without painting of plaster walls, his bid being the lowest and best and in conformity to the specifications and modifications thereof made known to competing contractors by the architect, Mr. Crooks. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the contract for heating system be awarded to the Washington Plumbing & Heating Company at its bid of $1, 317.49, and that the .contract for plumbing be let to the Teemer Company, Pittsburgh, at its bid of. $5r600.00, the said bids being the lowest and best ones received. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that inasmuch as no bids were received for the installing of an electric wiring system, that the County Controller be requested to readvertise for bids for same, in accordance with specifications that have been prepared therefor by the architect, Mr. Crooks . Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business before the joint meeting, it adjourned. (SIGNED) County Commissioners. Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa. , February 21, 1922. The County Commissioners of Washington County, Messrs . .J. W. Walker, J. E. Johnston and W. H. Ecker, having on this date been duly qualified before the Hon. James I . Brownson, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County, as members of the Board of Revision to adjust and equalize assessments of property for taxable purposes in Washington County, met in ,regular sessionas such Board of, Revision.