HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-14-1922 - COMMISSIONER 2 t, MINUTE CE O BOAR® OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Borough' of Finleyville. Motion unanimously carried. ---------------- motion by Mr. Esker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the Board- of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with the Board of Supervisors of East Pike Run Township whereby the said Supervisors are to construct a section of roadway in said Township, known as the Malden Road, at the entire expense of the said Township and that in consideration of their so constructing said roadway the agreement heretofore entered into between the County Commissioners and the said Supervisors, to wit, on the 2nd day of May, 1922, whereby the County of .Washington and the Township of East Pike Run were to jointly construct and pay _for on the basis of fifty per centum each the cost of such- construction, a roadway in East 'Pike Run Township, known as the Knob Road, is to be cancelled and of no effect and the County Commissioners are to proceed with the construction of the said Knob Road and complete the same without any contribution or financial aid from the said Board of Supervisors of East Pike Run Township. Motion unanimously carried. There bd.ng no further business, the Board aajourned. (S ZGMM) A�ck_ County Cho missioners. Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa. , June 14, 1922. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Esker. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Baker, that the County Treasurer be authorized to transfer within the next day or two, with the approval of the County Controller, the sum of Four Hundred Thousand ($400000.00) Dollars from the Road Fund of the County of Washington into the General Fund of said County, of,which _the sum of $270,000.00 is to be at once applied to the payment of certain notes, due and owing by the County of Washington, and the balance of said amount , to wit, $130,000.00, to be applied to payment of current expenses of the County; the sum thus transferred from the Road Fund to be paid back into the said Road Fund from taxes to be received by the County Treasurer. Motion unanimously carried. Approved: T. J. Underwood County Controller. ---rsw------------- MINUTE 0 - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS emotion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that the County Treasurer be authorized to transfer within the next day or two, with the approval of the County Controller,, the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20, 000.00) Dollars from-the General Fund of the County of Washington to the Road Fund of said county, this sum having been transferred from said Road Fund to the General Fund by motion regularly made and carried on June 7, 1922, 'the object of this motion being to restore to said Road Fund the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, transferred as aforesaid. Lotion unanimously carried. Approved: T. J. Underwood, County Controller. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. (SIGNED) County Commissioners. Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa. , June 20, 1922. Commissioners in regular session, members present, Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker. The following resolution was duly presented and adopted: - 'ffHFREAS, it has been called to our attention that one Richard Thomas, a police officer employed by the Borough of Washington, met his death as the result of a.-gun-shot wound inflicted by one Lewis Catlin on the night of May 26, 1922, and WHEREAS, the said Lewis Catlin has thus far eluded the officers and his whereabouts is unknown, and it is believed that an offer of reward might be an incentive and aid in his being turned over to the proper authorities, now, therefore, 'BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Washington shall offer a reward in the sum of $250.00 to be paid for the delivery of the said Lewis Catlin into the custody of the law that he may be dealt with in accordance ,, therewith; the said sum of 250.00 to be paid to the person or persons who shall d e 1 i v e r the body of the said Lewis Catlin to off icers ,of the 1 aw. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. (SIGNED) County Co ssioners.�