HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 12-18-1922 - COMMISSIONER 249 MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSr`ASt iiNGT®N COUNTY; PENNSYL`JANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Office of County Commissioners. Washington, Pa. , November 21, 1922. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs . Welker, Johnston and Eoker. Motion by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the note given to the County of Washington by the North Strabane Water Company, to cover charges due the County, with interest, from said Company, „be collected by the first day of January, 1923- Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. (SIGNED) County C mmiss one s. Office of County Commissioners. Washington, Pa. , December 12, 1922. Commissioners in regular session, members present ,being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Walker, that County _Controller be directed to advertise for bids for the printing and binding of 150 copies of Court Rules, as ordered by the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, etc. , •specifications to be seen at office of County Commissioners. ' . Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. (SIGNED) County Comm ss oners• Office of County Commissioners. Washington,. Pa. , December 18, 1922. -Commissioners in regular session,- members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that James Harold Heffran .be appointed Assessor in and for the Borough of Speers, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James T. Heffran, regularly elected Assessor therein. Motion unanimously carried. g012guoo gvgj 'uogsugor -all Aq pepuooes 'ae3ol •zyi Sq uoTgoX •peaTnbas se '3pego p9T;Tgxeo Xq paTuvdtaooaV PTg •seSsd omg gunoo og zaAoo :eSvd zed 09.5$ 'suoT4vOT;Tasds 14' T�► �Pou8pz0008 UT 'seTnIT 4an00 30 saTdoo 05T BuTpuTq Pu's BuTguTza :smoTTOJ s13 OVA Pub 'szauoTseTMMOD Auno0 ;o -eoueeexd eq,4 UT psuedo seffi pTq PTes uoTLIA "gag 'uogBuTtTsBAt 'AuvdmoO BuTguTza PJVA sgg 'gTA og '=T; euo gmq, viox3 pa4Teoez- evi pTq !guesexd poomiepun asTToaguo0 BgunoO 1Xs3To9 PUT uogsugor 'seXTn/A • szssayq; '9zeuoTssT=00 AunoO xoa gu*eozd 9zegw9m !seTng gxn00 ,To saTdoo 05T SuTpuTq pine BuTguTzd zoa spTq undo og zeTToxguo0 A'49noO pue sxauoTssT=00 A'4Uno0 ,To SaTgaam WTOC "W-V OZ•TI gd I` -------------- •pa T ssna fi ATanomT'tmun uoTgoN •Aguno0 uoa,SuTusoA ;o sgoTzgeTp uoTgosTa en8TIVA ettg ao szeoT ja o zedoxd eqg oq, '£Z6t '9T Aalsnugr 3 o uoT goeTZ T8T olds so3 seT Tddns PUT sgoTTeq ;o AzeATTep 10; sPTq zoa esTgxsApv og pegosaTp eq seTTozguo0 Aguriob gvgg 'uogsugor •x$ Aq popuooss 'zwToZ •xA Aq uoTgoN . •ss:RoJE pub uogsugor 'is ' '•sX89e11 BUM gueeez8 szagmam 'uoTsses avTnSsx UT ssauoTssT=00 'ZZ6T '918- xagmaoaQ ' 'Vcl 'uogBuTusVA •ssauoTseT=00 Aguno0 3 o eaT;;O •sxeuotsgTmmg3 Ajuno0 , �i�wro.. T may. a .,r �.� w ■ - (MMOIS) •peusnoPpe paVog ez{g 'sseuTsnq xaggzn; ou BUM eaagy •paTzz'ao ATsnousTuVun uoTgoA 'sxauoTssTwmoO =00 ;o eoT3ao g`e uses eq og auoT-4180 Toeds '•£Z6T 'gT hzanuBr uo goTzgsTQ TvTsogeueS u49V aqg 3o gzvd s8 A-MOO u04SuT118e1 UT pTeq eq og uoTgoaTI TvToedg xo; sgoTT'ag ueMToodg 000'5T Pug 840TTVII T'BToT3a0 000W ATG,4wgxozdde 81euoTe8T=00 AgunoO ,To soT;ao og BuTasATTap PUT BuTguTsd zo; esTgxeApe og PsgosxTP eq seTToxIuoO A4uno0 gnttg 'aarog -iX Aq pepuooes 'uogaugor -iX Aq uoTgoX •wog pins uagsugor 'zWITVA •ssssapg SUMguesazd sxagmamc 'uoTss®s zVTnSas uT saeuoTesTmm00 •ZZ6T '6T za gmeoaa ' •Ba 'uogBuT'ggvl •szeuoTseTMOD Auno0 ,To 83T330 •saeuo ,ss o uno0 I (a�xsis) 0peuznOPPT pxgog Oqq,- 'sseuTenq xaqgan; ou SUM exetgs Sa3NOISSIWNOO '2J2MO3 H M '83N-[tfM M SANVr NOlSNHOf Nzwi3 f VINV,A-lAJ&e1N3d `hlNnOO NOION1HSV s�J3NOISSIWWOO AINnoo do cnivoe �d o o s _L , nN I